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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I care about the shame that comes from having gotten the Euryale on multiple accounts.
  2. To be fair, half of this is crying because they can't be nazis.
  3. fr0g can be frustrating since it is 5stk at 10m and then 6stk at 11m Im often unsure how many shots I need to land.
  4. When will my garbage connection grant me these mythical powers? You are right though, TTK isn't the only thing that matters. Sure the ATAC has a fast ttk, but its accuracy is poop so hitting min ttk isn't as common as some players think.
  5. Sorry I should have added "so long as limited in number, grenades haven't been a problem for me". Regardless of damage radius, no one enjoyed their opp sitting on resupply spamming nades for an entire stage.
  6. This this a thousand time this. Feedback about etting destroyed by better players should not guide weapon balance, but rather what happens when 2 players of equal skill interact in a variety of scenarios.
  7. Im not sure what you mean by "data". Is there some metric that can be used to see if a mid ranged weapon is too effective inside of 10m? I don't think LO employees, for the most part, play much APB.* So all that leaves is listening to player feedback and hoping you've chosen the correct path. *This is an assumption, and only that
  8. Lol... that's fair and true.
  9. Cool story but you elected to do this and I'm not sure how its LOs fault you didnt realize what you were agreeing to. It's not that I'm unsympathetic, I'd be stressed too. But it's still your fault and not LOs.
  10. I mean, that's literally their business model... "Play all you want for free, but if you wanna look cool, pay real $". IMO thats way better than "skip the grind through the purchase of better weapons and vehicles with real $". So Imma say no, premium should not be extended. If you wanna hook players on customization, that's what free premium codes are for. First taste is free, next taste is gonna cost you. As far as money coming in to LO, I'd honestly be shocked if APB has generated any profit at all since like 2016-2017.* *This is only a guess, Ive no actual idea what the reality is.
  11. I've always wondered what the breakdown is. Though I think you are right.
  12. CA3 takes like 1.6 seconds to start regen so unless you are using a scout or heavy HVR, CA3 is a non issue.
  13. From my perspective grenade exp radius are fine. Not sure how you want that proven, but most of the time if I die to a nade, I done goofed. I can't remember a single time I felt a grenade exp radius was too large. But that's just me.
  14. I don't think LO is done with balance, or even close to being done with balance. Best thing you can do is write up some well thought suggestions. I do think LO want's your help in making the game better than it is.
  15. Ive sold an unreal amount. Just get 50 unique symbols and spam the MP every day. Oh, and never charge more than $50k. Before you know it, you'll start giving stuff away since you can just print money whenever you want.
  16. I don't think we are playing the same game, my friend.
  17. I too like having a cisco blown up, then racing to another cisco thats pre damaged to the point of smoking, have the cisco blown up, race to the next pre damaged one etc etc etc
  18. Damn 2fa doing what its supposed to, and damn support for making you verify your information before giving you access to that account. What a bunch of jerks. Also, like swft said, use "authy" instead.
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