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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. Sounds like we identified the problem. Yay us!
  2. I have no idea if there is like a list or what for hate groups. I also have no idea what the punishment is. Are there warnings first? Instant ban? I really have no idea.
  3. By "cheater people who change engine" do you mean we use use configs? If so you should know that isn't cheating, and also that only some of "SCPC" (SPCT?) use them.
  4. When you say things without backing them up, it just makes you look dishonest. So... if not BattlEye and if not Easy Anti Cheat... if not Fairfight and if not Punkbuster... what anticheat do you want? Come play Jericho... if you still think you see cheaters you can rest easy because it means you cannot spot a cheater anyways.
  5. You can make up any hate group you want in-game. You just cant use real world hate groups.
  6. I sure hope they eventually fix this exploiting of empty districts.
  7. spit a little coffee through my nose when I read this I play PMG like a real coward.
  8. Finally playing on more than one account instead of letting them all gather dust. Kinda makes me want to buy some things.
  9. Its probably worth mentioning that shotguns are no more accurate when using a cheat vs aiming well.
  10. I can't even imagine losing this mission while on defense. Its just an AV squad blowing up vehicles until time runs out.
  11. While all of that is true, if you get people interested, you got yourself a tournament.
  12. None of this would be caused by any of the shotgun changes. For an OCA to min ttk at 30m... I'm not sure RNGesus himself could do that.
  13. Feel free to petition LO for their unbanning. I don't see it going well, though.
  14. not as random as some think for shotguns spread is given as cm @ 10m the area inside that spread is divided into a number of squares equal to the number of pellets fired at once where each pellet lands is random but only within its allotted square in this example I use the JG which fires 12 pellets the large square represents the spread at 10m, and the smaller boxes represent the areas in which any one pellet can land the red dots are hypothetical representations of the random way in which pellets can land within their box
  15. I told you to stay out of bronze districts.
  16. you do get that the "shooting people in the head" thing is pretend but hate symbols are real, yes? not even commenting on whether or not this shit should be in the game, comparing one to the other is dishonest
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