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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. An this is where I stopped reading. Credibility... lost.
  2. My only issue with the lewd symbols is that they are always of very low quality.
  3. FTFY Also, your poll as created is useless.
  4. TIL reddit AMAs are a bad thing
  5. This is all anyone is doing, giving their opinion. It's not as if LO has to do anything because of crybabies on the forums, LO is smarter than that. But yeah, stop trying to nerf everything. Please.
  6. With HS3 the raptors can full auto min ttk up to 40m The balance comes from the guns' usefulness plummets past 40m and the gun has a sub meta ttk of 0.75 So super easy to use, but will also leave a player wanting something maybe better but a bit harder to use.
  7. Weird name to give someone for being better than someone else. Or to someone who plays the game as intended.
  8. My apologies. It's a thing a guy on TV said. I meant no disrespect. As for headshots... Would I like to play a game like APB but with headshots? Yes Do I want to add headshots to this version of APB? No
  9. The Ogre's biggest weakness is its windup (0.59 seconds)... that's when you should be attacking. Try to use cover to bait them into a windup then wait for the cancel and pounce. Or play a weapon with more range and just pew pew pew from a distance.
  10. Sounds like all that would do is shift the bad time to a different demographic.
  11. All true. I just thought of it from the new players perspective "hey this is fun" vs "crap how am I supposed to use this thing?".
  12. 2 types of people... people who say "tryhard" and people who know their own skill level
  13. It's very disappointing to me that people blame matchmaking instead of the limited available player pool. You want fair matches vs a pool of 40 players? You can maybe get one every two hours or so. Enjoy your new APB.
  14. A tryhard is anyone better than you that you cannot accept is better. So they aren't better, they are just trying harder. It's like going 1-7 and then being like "lol wasnt trying". Nah fam, you just get outplayed,
  15. Just keep the dongers and vagoobies out of your symbols man. If that's all you have to offer, might be time to move on anyways.
  16. I loved this song when it came out. When I joined APB I was sad to learn it used to actually be in the game but was removed. ... I don't have the best luck
  17. ATAC should be the starter weapon. Its easier to use and more fun initially than the STAR.
  18. Sounds about right. Welcome to APB.
  19. I abandon silvers because they wouldn't enjoy the opp we got. Its a favor, not a diss.
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