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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. I guess the good news is Matt said that the current threat system needs to be reworked and possibly scapped altogether. Should be fun!
  2. I was just making a point. Have you tried messaging Lixil maybe?
  3. Would give a nice boost to bronze district pop if this happened.
  4. Uh oh... I dont think sharing support tickets is allowed.
  5. lol... so Im not the only one Sometimes, after they are like 0-0-11-1 I'll be like "any chance you can switch from LTL ffs?" ... they never do
  6. Yeah I didnt get the time frame either. But in any case, glad its all getting sorted for you.
  7. Oh yeah the ALIG absolutely DESTROYS vehicles. Just a beast of a gun. As a regular car-play OCA user, I respect and fear the ALIG.
  8. Though I suppose you could just wait til they announce the unbans if you prefer.
  9. I think maybe it just takes time to unban players, and with 17,000+ accounts to go through, they probably figured they better get started. And afaik, these players arent being notified they are unbanned.
  10. I never run car surfer, and I hate when I have teammates who do. (personal preference) For runners and car surfing ALIG / OSMAW / Volcano users. I recommend the ISSR-B, which has iirc 90m (maybe 83m cuz of silencer?) range, can be fired out of car windows, does a lot of health damage, as well as a good amount of hard damage. Can get from either ARMAS or the Joker store.
  11. Muahahahahahahahahahahahahaha! Wait, we still had likes on the old forums though.
  12. I mean, feel even less bad for the volunteers, they literally volunteered to deal with it.
  13. It seems the unbanning is going to be a gradual process rather than a mass unabnning as many formerly banned players are already back in game. Would have been nice if LO told us this would happen, but in the end, what difference does it make if they are unbanned now or when BE drops?
  14. Dont feel too bad for them, its literally their job.
  15. I hate to keep doing this to you, but its not the part where the player was able to cheat that he views as a failure, ibut rather the loss of the player. The actualy quote from the Q&A is : "I view banning as a failure; it’s not something to be proud of or to enjoy. We lost a player and it’s our fault when it happens."
  16. No I get that. It just feels wrong to me to have an "APB Tournament" of sorts only to ban a ton of stuff actually found in APB. If you dont like a weapon or vehicle or whatever you dont have to use it. But to say others cant, just feels like sour grapes.
  17. I cannot remember the last time I saw a cheater in PUBG.
  18. You may or may not be right about that. I have not seen any studies on cheater recidivism rates. That being said, if BE catches someone cheating and bans them, its not like rerolling will do them a lot of good anyways if they continue to cheat. He isnt against banning, he views banning as a failure. Meaning he feels that when a player is banned, he has also failed. That has nothing to do with context. Frankly I think its great to have a CEO thinking "Other than an anti-cheat, what can I do to persuade players not to cheat"
  19. He stated that he sees banning as a failure. There is also the fact that his solution to handle dethreating is not to necessarily punish dethreaters, but to make gaining and losing threat a much more gradual (slow) process. So Im thinking his attitude is more on the side of it also being partly his job to create an environment where people are less likely to engage in behaviour that gets them banned. Which is good I think. Though yes, he has not commented specifically on whether or not cheaters will be allowed to reroll.
  20. Given Matts stance on banning, I would be shocked if IP / HWID blocks became a thing.
  21. I get where you are coming from, I really do. But if the price of APB's success is getting cheaters to stop cheating, rather than banning them and having them quit the game, I for one am willing to pay.
  22. Matt has stated that he views banning as a failure. I think it comes down to what you would rather have, revenge or success. Because sometimes you cant have both.
  23. Yeah, I stopped even using Adv Launcher til he said it was ok. Im with you, Im not doing anything that isnt expressly stated as being ok. Really hoping all these things we are discussing are going to be actual in game options.
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