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Everything posted by CookiePuss

  1. With the ability to ramraid in unpopulated districts, rampant inflation was added to the in game economy. It's currently a nearly unchecked method of printing money.
  2. You can manually add hold to crouch and auto Sprint if you want. And I know it's not what you want to hear, but I wouldn't touch that launcher. Also, what is camera shake?
  3. This is one of the most bizarre posts of the new forums.
  4. Just make ram raiding only available in districts with a minimum population of 10vs10. That way crims aren't getting free money, and enfs have ample opportunity to witness and make some cash themselves. There, EZ.
  5. If you have to change your names, I think LO is giving you free name changes.
  6. If you have the same names on Jericho and Citadel, you will have to rename one pair.
  7. I have 3 accounts and 11 characters. Don't @ me.
  8. I mean... Yeah. That's literally how the game is played. And I'm not saying matchmaking always gives fair matches, I'm just saying your example isn't a good one.
  9. If those were actual new players and you still held your own, even while a man down... then how is it unfair exactly?
  10. CookiePuss

    Consumable Mods

    Now you have to be more careful what you choose with character mods. The orange character mod "Field Supplier" still allows for inventory access and use btw.
  11. scores look pretty even though, especially considering you were apparently a man down and remember, gold 1 and silver 10 aren't very different
  12. CookiePuss

    Consumable Mods

    that was an intentional change Im not crazy about it either, but it seems most players like it.
  13. The OCA is more forgiving than the PMG because of the higher rate of fire. The PMG has greater range (35m vs 30m), as well as a .80 crouch modifier. The Whisper and the Kris have the same rate of fire as the standard OCA, have the same .80 crouch modifier as the PMG, and have the greatest range before damage dropoff of the 3 at 50m. As well as the reduced recoil provided by the suppressor. The downside to the Whisper and Kris is they cannot equip red mods, so you cannot put cooling jacket on them. Personally, the Whisper was the first SMG I purchased simply because of its viablitity and ease of use. If your tracking is on point, then perhaps go with the PMG.
  14. Nice. I use it with every weapon class. Love that gun.
  15. Anything. The 45 is a god damn beast if you can handle it.
  16. Sure, easy job like that, I'll paypal you $20.
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