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Everything posted by KyoukiDotExe

  1. All you have to do is delete this 'key' called 'apb . e x e':
  2. Thanks for your critical feedback. 0 crashs ever happened to me related when using this. Sure using high -could- do funky stuff if the application already has properly designed that it uses a higher priority. But so far I haven't noticed it giving issues, nor the testers. You can always give it a try and remove it if undesired.
  3. Ever since the introduction of EasyAntiCheats, I have been wondering about why it's disabled to change the affinity and priority now. But I would assume this is a security measure of some kind (since you can allow EAC to run on just 1 core, which seems odd but doesn't affect the game process I guess). However I found a way to still allow High priority to the APB Process (for affinity I use Process Lasso). I first contacted Matt asking if it was allowed to post or not and he gave me the permission to post it after some testing. Basically what we gonna do is add a registry key to the registry of Windows to tell Windows we always want this application High priority from the get-go. My first impressions felt like the mouse input latency (mouse to screen reaction) felt a bit smoother compared to before. But that could been placebo effect, most of my testers also claimed the same thing. Disclaimer: Now I am not gonna say it's gonna give you +30000% boost in FPS or frame time consistency because it's not going to. But it might help with several systems running a lot of processes or just tell the OS to give resources to this application first. I made this into a simple reg file to add it to your registry. (remove the keys to revert the changes) VirusTotal.com: https://www.virustotal.com/gui/file/841ae6c2fef5fd40a32ebca3d472558f9d3f90ad43ee54788ff257087e897527/detection Download reg file: https://mega.nz/#!c5ARTYQZ!KEek0mbEkahcFR29zgHy_z7-IE0mz1kfY-VY3Zlu3ws The source code in case you want to do this manually: (keep in mind the forums make . e x e "program", so it should be \APB . e x e) Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Image File Execution Options\APBprogram\PerfOptions] "CpuPriorityClass"=dword:00000003 Let me know how it works out!
  4. First impressions: Like the changes on paper for both the N-TEC as well as the shotguns. I tried them a little bit on walls and compared stats on database from these values posted here. (highly appreciated on the numbers by the way) But later today I'll do an arranged match up on A district to post a final gameplay verdict. To be continued...
  5. Seems to be on your end as I am still in the game without issues.
  6. I am in the game currently, I see Waterfront-2 empty though. Were you playing on there?
  7. Matt's reply here on this issue:
  8. Short answer: Nobody knows until they post anything. Please be patient.
  9. I still feel a very heavy delay on some of the district instances at the moment. Trying to look into /latencyreport data really doesn't tell me much sadly. I hope the issue gets resolved quickly.
  10. I would buy N TEC Dvah Stock regardless.
  11. Probably modifying shaders /w outlines. ReShade can only adjust the current displayed image - not the game shader design.
  12. Just imagine which kind of silly tickets go in there though. Giving this priority isn't a problem in my opinion. Else it just fills the tickets up anyway.
  13. Thanks but is there also one for the N-TEC as well? I do remember very old thread with numbers on the .old forums which I did visit a little bit but still wasn't entirely to the core values. Only one can dream. @MattScott please your input on the current curve system as it did introduce so much more randomness/issues with the assault rifles class. This is magnified by having a low frame-rate.
  14. Are you serious? They just did a ban wave not to long ago, You can find Matt's reponse in the Discord Q&A from not to long ago. GMs are around to spot out people misbehaving. How can you still be this blind? Stop saying things that aren't true.
  15. Childhood memories. I would love to see it come back!
  16. The catcher is there to "catch" the error message and forward it to the LO/G1 servers? *Don't quote me on that* Empty file method works wonders.
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