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Everything posted by Cuve

  1. Literally f*ckall. There have been people literally showing themselves cheating on stream and nothing happens (that's not me hackusating but it's an actual thing). Heck even when you send support all the evidence needed, nothing gets done. Battle Eye is just pathetic and useless, hence why they want to go back to Easy Anti Cheat (which they should have never gotten rid of to begin with), still not perfect but a LOT better than Battle Eye.
  2. Wrong. BE has never detected anything.
  3. 1. Asylum is just an overall faster paced map with easier to earn Joker Tickets + It's boring and annoying to play against HVR andies on Baylan specifically some guy starting with x and ending with k. 2. Don't even bother with either of those rifles, they're both useless.
  4. Just grab a dictionary and list all the words in there.
  5. Odds on Datpaper420 being silver and blaming "cheaters" for ruining his Gold?
  6. Matt doesn't owe us anything. All of you are just overreacting whilst the "smart" people just move on to different better games. I've spent a load of money on APB myself but with "investing" in to a game you should realize that you're always going to lose that money. 1. You'll never get it back anyways. 2. Not a single game will survive your entire lifetime. 3. You're spending money on an account that isn't even yours. I genuinely do not understand why people care so much for APB or anything Matt does, they clearly do not have the resources to accomplish the goals that they had set when they took over nor the goals that they have set in the previous months. It's mind boggling that there are still people that genuinely think sh*t is going to get done and APB:R is going to be a big hit. Just wait and see, they don't owe you guys anything no matter how much time and money you have invested in their game.
  7. Nice, getting screwed years back by BE just for you to re-instate an actual functioning Anti Cheat. 10/10
  8. Not to be negative nancy but.. Everytime you try to create an event, no more than 4 people are interested in it and yet you still keep trying.. My way of thinking would be hmm no one really cares so why would I waste my time on this.. What makes you think people will be interested in this even this time?
  9. Cuve

    Remove /abandonmission

    Aren't you the guy that has a very low amount of kills on a reasonably high ranked Bronze character?
  10. It's one big hole, nothing else around it.
  11. Cuve

    Remove /abandonmission

    Why do you always hit the nail on the head man How is it being abused? I literally don't want to play with silver bots on my team or sometimes I just don't feel like playing Crème de la crime or a VIP mission... Abandon Mission is the greatest thing APB Reloaded has to offer, don't try to take it away from me
  12. If you kept your eye on the population numbers in the past year, you don't need a source ^^ The population really has not decreased by that much since they've disabled the segregation. Sure it has had a hand in it but to fully blame the games death on that is a bit too much.
  13. *sigh* People that have had faith in LO to actually release the engine upgrade (let alone a properly functioning one) gotta get their selves checked out... It's never been in the picture and it'll never happen... Not under the current developer team.
  14. 1. You're looking at nothing saying Steam charts. 2. Population didn't drop by a lot because of the removal of segregation but because most Covid restrictions have been lifted. 3. The game would be even more dead if threat segregation was still a thing. If shit isn't to your liking just don't play the stupid game, how hard is it.
  15. Thanks for this review, I now do not have to read it.
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