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Everything posted by Cuve

  1. No body said anything about customizing and JT for the screenshot contest. It literally says:
  2. Anything oversized and not preset thanks.
  3. April fools came early didn't it? Arguably the best Modification for the CSG is Improved Rifling 3. You are already selling an Improved Rifling 3 CSG for literally HALF the price of what you're selling the MK2 for. How does that make sense in any way?!
  4. "We apologize for the inconvenience. " Little Orbits motto at this point.
  5. Financial - PMG (Harbinger Secondary) Waterfront - PMG (Harbinger Secondary) Asylum - PMG (.45 Secondary) Baylan - Carbine (.45 Secondary) Beacon - PMG (.45 Secondary)
  6. Glad I spent 100+ euros on some 3D glasses just for LO to add them for a 10er
  7. To be fair.. They once banned me for 30 days, didn't wanna tell me why either but they unbanned me as soon as I asked about it. LO be weird like that.
  8. Finally getting my undeserved ban lifted now! Right? Right?....
  9. And that in your opinion is the only way of griefing?
  10. Cuve


    Right click the file, click on properties then check the box next to "Read Only"
  11. Cuve


    They're not down to begin with.
  12. Cuve


    Ridiculous that players have to do this.. Props to iazer though!
  13. Cuve


    Should've done a better job cleaning off the dust off of the servers on Wednesday bro.
  14. So where does it start? Doesn't it start at LO having a proper Anti Cheat in place? If that were the case, there would be close to no "cheaters" thus whose ruining the game? Little Orbit is by still using a heavily flawed easily bypassed "Anti Cheat". Don't blame dumb people that are bad at the game for using some software to give them an edge when LO are clearly allowing it to happen
  15. Really depends on who you're asking. You should ask LO about that, providing evidence which clearly shows someone opening and actively using a cheat is apparently not enough to get someone banned in APB:Reloaded. It's already been showing that Little Orbit really doesn't give a rats patootie about their own Terms of Service. Everything they do seems to be opinion based. As Battle Eye does f*ckall we'll (currently) have to solely rely on "suspicion" which isn't reliable at all.. Which brings you back to "Really depends on who you're asking". But once again, providing video evidence doesn't matter to Little Orbit support employees apparently. Banning with proof and genuine software detection would be great but will never be executed properly, they'll always find a work around but BE makes it mad easy to do so, especially when it's not even turned on in this god forsaken game Maybe if they actually cared, which they don't. It's not the player that cheats that ruins the game but the devs that are not willing to do anything about it. With the announcement of the re-instatement of Easy Anti Cheat they finally have shown that they are willing to do something about an issue that has been putting the final few nails in to APB:Reloaded's coffin in the previous 2 years.
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