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Everything posted by Sniperturtle

  1. That looked more legit from summit's side than theirs. Like you just shoot at nothing and score a hit because your opponent coincidently happens to come out of cover that exact millisecond - sure thing bro.
  2. SARD was created by Innova, the same company that used to run the russian APB:R back in the day. So whatever they bring, the russians already know it.
  3. So now that EAC is gone and this new AC is in, will we still get banned for using Ninjaripper in Social District or is that sorted out?
  4. So reading the article, the only thing of relevance to this suggestion i found was: "A criminal can play the game using a hacked or stolen account, earn cryptocurrency, and then exchange it for real-world money." You see how they are struggling to make a valid point here since the only punishable legal offense in this example would be the means of acquiring the access data to the account which is the only thing that would make the person in this example be considered a criminal. While the rest are obviously considered breaches of the ToS they do not suffice as reasons for legal prosecution. Let me point out to you that anything else mentioned in the article can already be done with APB as it is right now. A criminal can theoretically use unlaundered money from cash-cards and fill an entire account with shop items then sell the entire account, thereby effectively turning dirty money into clean money.
  5. Sounds like the solution to the low player base problem, since basically the only way to make APB$ is by interacting with other players, OR by interacting with the world in a manner that will allow other players to react to you.
  6. Hey, just an idea to bring people (back) to the game: Every time an APB$-Reward is given out (so missions or other activities) mint that reward as an actual crypto-currency and add it to the character's wallet. Each character gets a wallet upon creation, the funds can be transferred freely between addresses on the same net, and traded at exchanges. The whole thing could be a L3 based for example on Polygon. But ofc this would require the in-game purchasable item list to be increased.
  7. How can you stop cheats? You provide one comprehensive update to anti-cheat knocking out 90% of the most widely used cheats. Creating this update took 6 months and an in-depth research in the methods used to circumvent the protection. Within one week cheaters will have bypassed your update and are cheating again. Do you see the problem here?
  8. Been like this forever. Bring back segregation, modify threat-rank factors to be purely kill based, absolutely screw players who are not in the appropriate district in matchmaking, absolutely screw players who are facing a lower threat group in matchmaking. Will still be toxic.
  9. It's really hard to "fix" people creating cheats for your game. For every loophole closed 2 more open up. The big commercial cheat creators have abandoned APB, whether that is because its so hard to create cheats now or because it just doesn't pay any more i can't say.
  10. Come on Little Locust. The wheat field has on average 300 straws. You have the mandibles needed, and the hunger and devourment Knowledge to take this harvest, remaster and remake it in a way that benefits you and the people. You can take the failings of natural grain and create something great out of it. Look around you, Show me ONE wheat field with the fertility levels of this field and the water supply of northern europe. You can't. Unless the there will be a drought in europe this year and this field is over-fertilized, There is hopefully nobody who will hold a Candle to it. Start over. Become a Phoenix before someone else does Little Locust. Make the superior Version of this crop field that we all long for. More straws, Less weeds, etc.
  11. Why would anyone buy anything at this point? The old engine is worthless, it would have to get re-created from scratch - which means any potential buyer would be better off investing their dolla into people that can make it work rather than some age-old code which can be easily replicated in functionality.
  12. I beg to differ. There is at this point no game worthwhile (much less on Unreal Engine or comparable) utilizing Crypto Currencies and NFTs to their actual capacity. That said, i agree that LO is probably not going to be the company that will change this. If they wanted they could have taken steps to put APB on such a crypto economy with legendary weapons, clothing, weapon skins, symbols, etc. as NFTs and APB$ as exchange-traded crypto currency. Also great name choice LO, "STFU" is about the best name abbreviation one could imagine.
  13. When you consider APB your "home" you probably live in the PRC or some other really cold place.
  14. Bring it back to 2012. Also bring back the menu from then with the old music. The file is still there it's used in character creation. Or at least bring the old music into the abortus we have now as login menu.
  15. That removal of threat segregation sure helped keep the population up. ...my brother in Stalin.
  16. Is that you saying their anti-cheat was actually working?
  17. Something is better than nothing hmm. Funny how they got back on that crossplay train. Right now i don't know how much profit they make from console players, but pitting PC players against console gamers is cruel... Especially when the AC isn't working reliable 1000%. Just go and see how average mouse-players slaughter pad-players in aim-assisted lobbies in GTA5. I don't share the sentiment that this will spell the end of APB (surprisingly), it seems more realistic to upgrade and migrate the current game - crossplay could bring a bigger population into the game temporarily. If they don't butcher it. Let's see... At least it's realistic.
  18. Listen to me: There was no way at all he would have been able to tell whether my aim was exactly on him or not unless he had something running that told him. But since you can say with certainty that "No such cheat existed" i suppose you must know from first hand experience, yes? Have you tried them all? Merged. You are not making any sense my friend, more likely you went into this argument with a preconceived idea of how such a system is supposed to work without understanding how it would actually work. I am no hacker or big programmer by any means, my knowledge in programming is limited to some scripting for various games, being a script-god in LSL, and some work in MT4 and 5, but if you give me access to a tool that extracts those variables from the game i can write you a dodge script easily and when you bind it to a toggle or hold key it will not make anything unplayable at all.
  19. It absolutely could be, but even the mangiest of cows needs to be fed in order to produce.
  20. Sucks for you guys, but at this point merging Jericho and Citadel on a UK server may have been a better solution than removing threat districts altogether. The removal of threat districts will only slow down the decay of Jericho by a few months, but it accelerates it massively on Citadel.
  21. Good response, there IS no progress. No progress. Get it? - NO PROGRESS .
  22. Just yesterday had one rank 30 grouping up with me and asking me "How can i level up fast?" - to which i just thought: "Man i have no idea if this game is even going to be around still by the time you would hit 195." And was not the only new player i saw that day. There are new players, very few but if LO didn't completely eff up the system they could revive the game - at least on Citadel. But apparently Jericho is so much more important that the actual demographic heavyweight in this game doesn't matter.
  23. While there is no cheat that can literally make you immortal there are indeed cheats that register whether you are being aimed at and move you out of the way, or at least they existed. Had this one time i was aiming with the golden Act44 at a guy who was aprox 50m away behind a wall and only a marginal bit of his hitbox and head stuck out. Aimed at him, my crosshair turned red, he moved to the side. This happened a few times and i started wondering, so i experimented on him for a the few remaining seconds in the mission without actually firing, and he was sitting completely still safe for the moments when my crosshair was over him and turned red which then caused him to move a bit to the side so it wasn't red any more. But that was 3 years ago, been observing it more frequently but that's when i first took note of it. I have one instance where i captured that behavior on stream with an opponent after a match where one of us was bounty and thus as my crosshair went over her she moved to the side even though she was apparently afk. Only realized that later sadly, it would have made a great opportunity to highlight this. And yeah, hitreg is a horror. You crouch in MM and try to land shots while they run around and do backflips and all sorts of nonsense and hit every shot because "statistics" say they should. That needs urgent fix, but will never happen ofc.
  24. Yeah, thats just one of the countless examples of "APB for ya". Others are instances where you have your target dead center within your crosshair, and of 10 shots you fire only 2 manage to hit mysteriously. Don't ask, it's APB.
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