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Everything posted by SmilyFace

  1. Still they made a bad move giving it away randomly, when nobody knew that.
  2. SmilyFace

    Rework /who

    I honestly agree with this, make this limited version of it only for who hunt or who stalk someone and bring chaos or just doesn't follow ToS.
  3. Mhm, that happened to me today, and also many other times, today especially where i keep having 1ms but reality i was seeing desync and players abit lagging, but everyone were seeing this. I thin kservers are just getting ddosed or they are garbage, one of these.
  4. Similar to the Han Coywolf. They gonna add a new vehicle that's alredy in the works, hopefully is something fresh that will bring some differences out of vegas/espacio/pioneer.
  5. All bronze waterfronts totally crashed kicking everyone out from their account. Just to let you guys know. @Azukii @Amayii
  6. Haha, very funny xD xD xD xD xD. pathetic.
  7. ^ ... when peoples don't know what they are talking about is funny. ^ PS oh btw teleporting thing was also happening with EAC.
  8. Again with this p2w situation... you don't even know what p2w meaning is. Why am i even caring about this topic? bb.
  9. I hope not closed, there are program that runs RGB lights, overclock and other stuff. Let's just not make another game situation once again when Vanguard anti-cheat closed off liquid/air coolers making the pc to burn itself from inside. They going to. Files will be encrypted after the Engine Upgrade (APB 2.1)
  10. Fu*k yeah Matt, like that. Punch those cheaters in the face, kick them Out. No macros, no triggerbots, no aimbots, learn to play the game, you piece of watermelon. BE come here babe, uh yes.
  11. Im really confused. You said "I had bought weps on Armas on my main (character lifetime). I didn't thought that they were transferable to another server." But at the same time "What I was wondering is that i'm missing some. Is there any reason for this? I really didn't want to start new" I mean, wha? The answer is: While you could have bought few items choosing Account Lifetime (all characters, included future ones), you bought all the others choosing Character Lifetime (ONLY the character you were logged into the Armas when buying those). To have those also on other chars you should Upgrade to Account Lifetime, or buy them again separately. If you are sure you are missing any of your items be sure to contact the support at https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us selecting APB Reloaded, login into and creating a new ticket.
  12. SmilyFace


    No for RIOT.
  13. > https://support.gamersfirst.com/hc/en-us < Open a ticket or just wait 15 minutes, but if that problem is not going away, the only wait to get more infos is to get in touch with the customer support.
  14. Since when APB: Reloaded is a realistic game? I don't think it ever been that category. Every single game, outside "Realistic Shooter" have their differences, also those ones who claim to be ultra realistic have tons of them behind. APB born like that, MMORPG Online, with a consistent world full of thousands of characters playing around and interacting btween each others. "Agrotech DMR-AV should be reskin to a Barret 50CAL, please change it." Please? I mean.. who are you to say that, honestly that sniper rifle is good how it is right now. The game works like that, many guns have reskins, or are reskins of others, different variants. All the guns have different names, recoil and statistics which are NOT based on real life counter parts. If all the guns had reskins variants you know how many guns we had? There are alredy too many variants, maybe even useless ones, so, before going to add others, maybe adjust/rework the actual ones. Of course they releasing guns that were aredy worked on by previous companies, what you want? A game full of things that aren't released but still being inside the directory, making your game more heavy in a useless way, or you want them to release after adjust/rework all of them? If they would need to create guns from scratch they can't do that before engien upgrade, that's why they do what you are seeing. The objective is not to make more $ only.. you really didn't got the point huh? Alright. LO objective is that to make the Whole community to enjoy the game again, without making it to spend tons of money again like G1 did, that's why they are bringing many different ways to get guns, other than Armas. Of course they also will make $, but not because is a first objective, because the game being f2p, there needs to be sort of payment systems, or would be impossible to keep the game alive. There are some peopels who says that never will buy Armas and then you find out they have all the DLC's of The Sims or any other game owned by EA, that's a robbery, paying 30/40 $ each DLC's or even more in games you Alredy paid for. Here they offer the Complete game for free, with the chance to buy some cosmetics, accessories etc. I honestly would spend 1000$+ here and not in one of those games before named. All the guns remodelled after the engine upgrade? You know right.. that thing is not possible actually, im not sure if you are aware of the current situation of the company itself. Just no dude, players prefer Joker Store Distribution guns over Armas, that other system will be getting an Overhaul in sometime.
  15. Cuz yes why not, this is apb community, don't expect many friendly BOIS and GURLS out there.
  16. GG for players, BG for LO, losing more money, BUT, so much force. Should i say it too? Aight, lemme be different. STAY SAFE EVERYONE
  17. SmilyFace

    G1 bad support

    I think they have 2/3 peoples behind support, they are really yet not ready to handle 1k pop of apb, i won't imagine big numbers.
  18. SmilyFace

    G1 bad support

    23 days without response, ehm ehm.
  19. Without the limitation of the space and layers server would need super long time to load a heavy customized vehicle/character, multiply that for 79 times and 149 inside social. Alredy now servers lag, get ddosed, go down + that? Nah. Maybe an increase, yes, totally remove limits no, you would kill apb with that.
  20. Both PC, PS4 and XB1 servers are up and running. I shouldn't be the one saying this, but who cares, you didn't at LO, so i did it. Edit: Thanks for the dislikes bois.
  21. Do you even know what's avaiable through Armas? I don't think so. You can now spend tons of money, if you have them. 1. In the last updates LO made possible to get 100 JT's per each JMB. 2. Do 2+2. 3. Want crown? Buy 300 JMB's and you will get 30k JT's. (300+ dollars) 4. Take these 30k JT's, join Social District Breakwater Marina 1 or 2. 5. Go inside Joker Store Distribution. 6. Unlock the Crown. In addition to that, you can buy those "unique" things that aren't inside Armas. 1. FAR Vanguard JT1/JT3 2. Raptor 45 Hawk PR/JT1 PR1 3. STAR 556 LCR PR1 4. Golden Osmaw JT3 5. AMG-556 Stheno JT1/JT2 6. ACT 44 Last Stand PR1 7. Colby Classic 8. Joker C9S EX-III JT2 PR1 9. Golden N-HVR 762-SD Dvah JT2 PR1 10. Vegas 4x4 Firebomb 11. Some outfits bundles 12. Varzuga Rally XS Newbie and more... So.. im not going to do the results, but there you could spend at least 700/800 dollars just to get these things. In addition to that, remember you have all cosmetics for character only, so every single character you make you need to rebuy them through Armas. If you really want everything and you are saying there isn't enough stuff to spend money in, that means you don't know about these things. LO is going even more crazy and wild about Joker Store in the future, so be sure to save a bit of them before becoming too poor x). They gonna add more stuff, also on Armas. In anyway there are other paid ways to get stuff, but my brain now is alredy too much busy doing other stuff.
  22. The error literally says you everything. "We've discovered an validation error with your email. If you have an issue receiving it please contact us at support@littleorbit.com for more assistance.“ Send a message to this email address explaining the situation and they will help you out. Tho response time is on 3 weeks now, so good luck.
  23. Yeah, i didn't meant that, i meant Armas will not have Character items anymore, except maybe few items. JT Store will instead get Character bound items.
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