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Everything posted by SmilyFace

  1. PS4 and XB1 versions are totally different from PC, both content side, engine and updates (for now.) Once we will get to 2.1 then all the content will be synced between all the platforms. There are many differences between consoles and pc actually like i wrote above here. New car is coming after the engine upgrade on pc, together 2 new contacts, a new granade and some items, who knows which. But this is actually goign to PC, then synced together other builds and versions of the game.
  2. Yes, it was, especially after i have tried some weapons and i found out i love them, i couldn't know withotu that trial period.
  3. Reshade and shaders are not allowed. Play the game how it is meant to be played. It will look prettier in the engine upgrade, don't waste your time.
  4. Close this topic, thanks. @Amayii @Azukii
  5. Can also happen that 1v1 start, happened to me inside a full district, i was solo playing and the matchmaking found only 1 guy to fight against, that alredy happened like 3/4 times past weeks.
  6. Steam Charts only shows concurrent players which tells us how many Steam Users are in game simultaneously rather than the active player base. I would say 1k, Citadel together Jericho Avg. Players, but i don't think more than that (actually)
  7. Thanks for it Sakebee, very appreciated.
  8. I have Corsair iCue running for sensitivity, rgb lights, headsets and cooling. I don't think is a problem until you enable macros and such things. But better ask to @MattScott
  9. Well, if this individual is an pleasant fellow he could even tell all of this to LO, get both banned, and then that person will still have the money of the other banned guy, so. It is a problem if stalkers or haters do that, and i've seen this happening alredy.
  10. I know about that, but is useless, is like not having it in that way. Honestly i would prefer to keep it active, all channels. I do the need for more rules and punishments. There isn't a palce in this game for trash bags childs who just want to see other players frustated. It is an adult game, yes, but there are limits. Is funny, but for soem type of peoples it isn't and they could get really offended, which is bad, shouldn't happen but you don't decide how a person take a sort of thing. It is indeed a problem that needs to be addressed by the company. I wouldn't say hate, but is annoying. My mother lang isn't english, but still i learned it to communicate with most of the peoples. Why russians don't do the same? Why other players are obligated to translate and try to learn while they don't give a sh*t? I mean this isn't right, im talking also IRL. PS off-topic, in my country all the external peoples tlak my lang shitty or not at all, they keep talking their languages, while everytime i go into other states/countries i feel obligated to learn to understand. They don't care, isn't difficult. If they would care they would at least learn a bit of english. You don't need much IQ to honestly. Indeed. Seems right* Good to heaer, so maybe LO still has the project of this? And i do agree with the 2nd thign you said about APB free speech, but like i said above, there are limits that shouldn't be reached/crossed, at all. 6 down votes*, there you go, fixed it for you. Btw, yes.. funny thing is peoples cry and talk about stuff, but when someone actually tries to explain, to talk about that specific thing, to suggest, to ask the public opinions, everyone seems scared like a 2 yo baby. Same goes for JMB's, Cheat detection and more. Usually those individuals don't even know what they want or not. Mhm.. interesting.. good thing, really. Remember that there are automatic system to filter those words, which yes i know, they aren't perfect and sometimes (often) they kick/ban strange/innocent words, but heey, nothing is perfect, what you expect. /ignore is limited and the option to hide the chat is useless, because while you don't see it doesn't mean it isn't there, and if You hide it, it doesn't stay hidden for everyone, maybe many other peoples, even easy ones have it enable and get offended by those words. PS Oh btw, i wouldn't call adult such bad words honestly. Every single bad word for me is so childish.
  11. Found another contact probably coming soon or alredy somewhere hidden. Could be the sister of Anne tho, so i think she to be another JT Store contact?
  12. Indeed, i can confirm all rewards are not showing. @Amayii
  13. Well it should be unistalled automatically, if it isn't then unistall it (or leave it if you have other EAC games installed).
  14. Changed anti-cheat from EAC to BE what means? The answer is no btw.
  15. I know, still is a problem for the company to solve these things.
  16. You can turn off every single channel and even notifications and avoid other players to send you whispers. I also don't care but many others do, and while you don't if you need to sell a gun or to search something on the market, Or just talk with your friends/team. It would be useless if is only a toggle option, i mean, somethign need to be done under that side. You can't just leave it like is right now, is atrocious and disgusting.
  17. Hi, Alisha here. Last topic for now as i don't feel i need to cover something else at the moment. We need to address this now, because im quite confused about the moves Little Orbit is making. So.. they started to say they were going to change/rework the Joker Mystery Box system in order to have a more linear and let's say not *loot boxy* game. But, here is the main problem. After telling this, they kept releasing more JMB weapons adding Also the chance to find 100 JT inside each box. Which.. could be.. you know.. useful in the case you don't find the gun.. but now the thing is.. peoples will keep purchasing even more JMB just to get the right amount of JT and finally going inside the JT Store to buy whatever item they always wished to have. In this way they are encouraging peopels to buy more, instead of trying to make them (well, us), to save up and play the game, having fun while also being happy. My question to Little Orbit will be: 1) What happened to the changes you talked about? 2) Why are you going in this way? We all know that Loot Boxes will be gone in some years, and while i do accept to pay extra money to get a DLC, i absolutely hate to pay and then find out that i just got the same exact gun for 3 days i got alredy 5 times (or how many you bought), because yes, most of the times you get the same items, alredy experienced by myself. Countries that banned/investigating them: Netherlands Belgium United Kingdom (Ongoing Investigations) USA (Ongoing Investigations) France (Ongoing Investigations) Germany (Ongoing Investigations) Obviously my sources are a bit weak, that's why im asking by myself to Matt, to update us on this situation and change the way they are going/taking, because it isn't what players/community want. You could say "JMB are not same as Loot Boxes are ", true in some strange way, but still, i can't name you the things i will talk about now, but there are few websites where you can buy with real money those guns, even accounts, money, Armas stuff Or just friends with each others (example: hey bud, i've got 50$, do you have a Ursus/Ogre/Volcano? Nice, let's make the deal). That's a big issue and even if all of this is happening off the game, the company Still needs to run behind this pile of shit and close every single hole down, changing the systems, make them more friendly and less like all the other trash games running by companies who just want to milk out money from their players, community, childrens. because yes, even childrens play these type of videogames, and yes, that type of thing (Loot Boxes) is ruining many families. Still, even if the person him/herself should be stopped by the parents, if that doesn't happen (which in most cases is this), then the company should make their moves. What you guys think about this whole situation? But more importantly, what you think about JMB? Should they be changed, reworked, or removed? PS One of the thousands videos out there, but the most recent about this ongoing problem > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0hybENTEh8
  18. Hi, Alisha here. It's 2020, well.. Mid of it alredy.. and you still see situations where peoples insult, hackusate, make jokes of and laugh about other players inside the chat. While it is clear that this is only a Virtual Game where you have fun, some other peoples could take words written as real hackusations and offenses. This isn't that good, and im surprised the company didn't made a move yet about this. Let's be honest, this isn't the only problem still present inside APB. We could talk about Griefing, Ramming, Blocking, Exploiting, Cheating, Spamming, Team Killing, Stalking and many more. But, im here today because i wanted to know, to hear what you all think about this specific thing. My questions for you are 2: 1) What you think the in-game chat is missing? 2) What you think it needs? (To get to a point where newbies can ask questions and get answers without the need to read and get confused under many other childish comments and /cointoss spams together WTS/WTB/WTT etc.) From my POV it needs some better chat categories, with a juicy new and better spam filter, that also silence automatically banned words (no, im not talking about 'noob' or 'idiot' or even 'fuck you'), im talking about 'i hope your family dies in a car crash' and all of those really bad sentences. Is just disperspectful and disgusting to still see all of this happening in 2020 as i said at the beginning. This, needs to be solved, maybe it isn't a proprity like other major issues, but surely it still is very much important, because many peoples also left due to this. Solving the chat would mean removing 25 up to 30% of the toxicity, while the other % would be removed changing/adjusting or reworking the other systems i have named above. Talking about the in-game chat btw i mean every since channel of it (District, Group, Team, Clan, Whisper, Yell, Say and more if there are). There needs to be some stright and aggressive ToS and filter rules on that, like they works on the forums they should work Also in-game. Well, let me know what you think and if you may have other suggestions or different ones, even if you disagree with me comment with anything you feel could/would be useful for that.
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