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Everything posted by TzickyT

  1. i just think when LO finished the game they going to sell the game for a bit more money.
  2. 1 don't go of about aknowledgment in a game. if u die. u die. if u can't face a person becous hes better .. doesn't mean he cheats. if u find proof. that is literly not mistakenly obvious. than i would suggest proving it with actual facts and not a video where the person is playing and aiming good + u dieing by the same guy over and over again.
  3. so no more apb mobile ? ... why am i not surprised about seeing this website go offline
  4. i voted no becous i know that they are not going to change anything to fightclub ... so whats the point of this topic ?
  5. TzickyT

    Clothing concepts

    thats going to be a long time. i doubt even that they are going to use midtown project of alex in this game. but these things are things that maybe can added faster than a whole new map.
  6. TzickyT

    Clothing concepts

    i would love to see this added but i doubt we wil ever see this before apb 2.2 comes out and than its stil with questions if they going to pick your stuff but definitly thumbs up
  7. thers always 3 groups of people ... one who is going to enjoy it .. one who is going to be against it and those who don't care but we don't talk about those. people don't like waiting ... for something. thats our biggest issue. people want new stuff. if no new stuff catches there minds and they feel like they got everything out of this game. than they wil automaticly leave. u only have stuborn people who stay. + this game is free to play ... says a lot of the people who stay.
  8. no we are vets and people who have no life ...
  9. server crashed ? everybody don't know what to do ... and my screen stays loading ...
  10. i have read this and i totaly agree except the last point. it would be fun if LVL 16 people in a certain role. could buy a 3 slot permanent gun. but with a high paycheck. like u are goihng to make people not waiste money while they have millions to actualy give. keep in mind. mostly if u go to an internet cafe and u play for an extended amount of hours. it would be smart to play fo rthe max amount of hours couse after that it is free. it would be smart if they do normal price with ingame money x 52 or x 365 and that would be the price you would need to pay for the 3 sloted gun. they wil deliver APB 2.2 or 2.x on pc first and than a week later Console wil recieve it. thats what i got from all the messages that LO has brought us.
  11. a day in the future if APB 2.2 wil get finished. they announced that we wil get 10 more levels so that would mean that around 260 we would need to get a new rank.
  12. TzickyT


    with sad sounds i have to say that this event has been canceled - we don't have enough players to start this event off. wil be posponed if the game gets new blood. or has engine update.
  13. what about putting mmr on 0 and restart from bottom again?
  14. we wil see what happens. time wil tell .. they probebly hard coding a lot right now ...
  15. removing treath makes people play against eachother .... so new players wil have a hard time. Adding treath makes people detreath to play against new players so new players wil have a hard time. i don't see your point at all ...
  16. lol funny that i don't see any car surfer mod here ... so osmaw on vehicle's would be fine ?
  17. TzickyT


    Russian Update
  18. TzickyT


    thats all on debate what wil happen in the near future ... like i already told exoticz. i personaly don't think i can manage Regular Missions as contestable event.
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