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Everything posted by TzickyT

  1. i don't get why they don't remove treath restrictions from NA ...
  2. just contact support with all the information ... there the only people who can help u
  3. i feel verry sad to hear that ddos attacks are stil happening to this game. stil legal actions against people who do these attacks wil be verry hard to accomplish. i personlay would like to know what the gain is from these attacks.
  4. Yesterday i saw a cheater on Twitch Speedhack or speed Glitch on the server. becous of the name shaming im not going to tell the name of that person. but i going to conferm i have reported that person to twitch. i wonder what the take is going to be for the people view this game as a wonderfull place and see that peopel like that just create an account and cheat on them... get kicked from the server or banned manualy and come back to the server 10 minuts later with a new character. clearly i am doubting the work of Battle eye on this moment. we all can see that cheaters are relevent to the population and that cheaters are running around on the servers. I just would like a confermation on maybe a seasonal topic that LO is actively working on a solution or actively banning people from the game. my doubts in battle eye just demish as well as the activity of cheaters right now.
  5. we had weapon balances in before. shotgun changes oca pmg changes. again new changes to the ntec. and i feel like not a lot has happened. people get frustrated about a balance a lot of times. but its just a way they want to implement there vision to the game. i know certain guns can be relearned but the most annoying part i for us old people that have been learning the game for a long time with the same guns to relearn with more crappy nurfed guns. i can understand the view of LO taking with the gun changes. and im definitly frustrated about certain thoughts of certain guns. but i think we need to wait til everything feels good enough for each of us and for APB.
  6. i m sorry that you are frustrated with the problems that we all face most off us already quited or just play th game til it dies. i can understand peopel who detreath. those who want to be cocky about there silver treath against bronzies is there decision. also i am sorry that you had to go trough the experience of not learning the game with the peopel that are kind to you. we are stil with only a few who can be kind and helpfull. but pretty sure 80% of the playerbase falls in the category that u discribed. hope u enjoy other games in the meantime.
  7. between the pmg and oca i think hazardous stands a definitly big chance to combat these 2 guns.
  8. If u want to go off as people there oppinion about the game than your judgment for the game wil be the same as the other people. best is to install and look for yourself. just keeping in mind that if u run an rtx graphic card its better to wait til the engine upgrade if it even ever comes online.
  9. with reading everything i see that the oca and scout has been touched. i can also see that the scout has been balanced. but again seeing the oca who needed a buff compared to the pmg seeing a huge nerf compared to the pmg. than again i m wondering if these changes are realy balanced with the intend of keeping them popular enough. also seeing some underrated guns getting a boost is always a nice feature. i also hope that the rsa can be true to its name now. but stil from theother balance list. i would stil see if u would do a rework on the snubnose - act44 becous i see that those guns are now underwelming for usage than the other guns. i understand that its verry hard to balance guns. but lets hope we stil going to enjoy the guns after the update.
  10. guess im to late for the stress test as i can't join a district ...
  11. i just started up the pc and started the download ... there aint anything of apb devices active on my pc i don't even have steam started up ... only thing that i have up is firefox and blender
  12. seems like downloading trough the means of using the launcher is not possible ... -
  13. i love listening to kill themes but sometimes i don't like certain kill themes .. like those that hurt at the ears. i keep it on anyway.
  14. tbf ... its all upon how the next few days ... month .. year ... if it is going to last a year still going to be.
  15. we stil only got 5 people who are joining the interview. i m stil looking for some more if there are stil peopel intrested in something like this
  16. 1. pretty sure that we wil get another test phase. 2. i don't think it wil hit end of the year but its possible for january or february i think that feels more reasonable. 3. no idea that are my thoughts on those questions.
  17. Just to give all a headsup Accepted request or are intrested in joining the APB Christmas Special Interview - Queen of APB - Darkwolf3802 - Yuriku Darleenko - obscuredHero - yeedman Stil waiting for Blanks answer if he wil be intrested to join
  18. Quick update i have in total 4 people who are intrested in joinnig this interview. stil looking for a few more.
  19. at the moment i got in contact with 2 people for an interview. i m looking for several people more
  20. we wil see maybe i l take a russian in there anyway. u can always offer yourself pound does not want and i got no problems with people who don't care about the game everyone has its own idea about the game and thats what is intresting about interviews of this type. i know theres less peopel on apb. and a lot of people are crying about the population. atm it doesn't matter tbh who joins or who doesn't. i do this for the game and for a care to the game. there are stil people intrested in this game and let them be intrested until the end of it. even if the game dies. it did not die yet.
  21. Hi all. I m TzickyT and i am looking to do a second interview for the APB Community. This interview wil be similar to the interview I did for the 10th anniversary for APB where I interviewed Kempington/ Bungmonkey/ Mercthemerc/ Jenz/ Saintbro’s/ GoaBea and Omochabox The Interview above i tried to do in a timespam of 3 days. Now for the interview that i would like to organize for christmas / New year ( Date wil be announced later). i would like to do a APB Christmas Special Interview. So I am looking for new faces who would like to join me for an interview. If u have a history with apb or have fun stuff to talk about that u want to share with the apb community let me know in private message. This talk has nothing to do with how the game Runs nor the engine upgrade. This talk will be provided for the Community by the Community. Contact me trough discord / Twitch or APB Forums. u can always find me under the name TzickyT
  22. if u enjoy apb and think u wil get great content out of it. stream it. if not i personaly have no idea. would be best if u ask some big apb streamers there opinion than.
  23. get a group to play with be good at entertainment play the game decently and on competitive niveau be renewing to the game. thats about it. in my opinion tbf streaming apb wil not get u a stable community in other games u wil stream in the future. only a few people managed that that i know off but definitly not a lot.
  24. Teamplay Social communication and intrest
  25. stil am a fan of live but beta has its charm too.
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