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Everything posted by magik

  1. Depending on the laptop, you actually can upgrade your processor. I have a Dell Inspiron N5110 (2012 model if you're wondering) running an i5 2450m @ 2.6 GHz It can be upgraded to the i7 2(something)7(something)m I just don't want to spend $100 on a laptop that's 6 years old. I'd recommend you give the Advanced Launcher a shot. You can turn down or disable smoke (be careful as you can't see your car on fire, or grenades blowing up in front of you, so make sure your headphones work really well.
  2. Sorry to have done something I regularly talk against, what... 4 years ago?... People change.
  3. I think it's because it's the maximum damage you can cause before someone's one shot? At least point wise. I think.
  4. 14-5? K/d means nothing in this game anyways. I've gotten a 29-3 in one mission. I was playing against trainees, or low level bronze players in a 10 minute mission, long before threat segregation. Complaining like this shows your lack of understanding of the mechanics, meta, and economics of the game. 1. You're posting publicly on the forums, one single screenshot that shows nothing more than the names of players you played against, and their score in one mission. 2. You delve into the "game is dead" "hackers are ruling everything" scapegoats. There is nothing here proving that these players are doing anything more than playing the game. You're also here attempting to represent the playerbase that doesn't agree with you, nor wish to be represented by you, which is in-fact not a majority. Edit: just /report and move on. Get better at the game, and learn to spot who's really cheating. The new system is catching, and preventing more cheaters from playing to hurt sensitive people like you.
  5. Yeah I finally got on but it like kept saying the server disconnected. But it took me like 6 tries before I finally got on. I used to play PC, I never had a plug and play till a few days ago, but Idk if PC uses plug and play, but there's also way too many hackers on PC. I like the Xbox version better. If you play pc again, you'll see because of LO's changes, it's so much better than before. Less hackers, and less toxicity.
  6. /derailed I've been getting d/c on PC, and I've had a few issues with remaining in a district long term. However, I was able to play for 4/5 missions, get kicked, and rejoin the district. However, it was appeared to be on my end or in between, because the districts were still up with a high population like when I would join earlier.
  7. Imagine telling support that you drunk purchased a gun and wanting a refund I mean, at this point, I don't really care... I've spent plenty, I'm fine with not having something... if I even had it to begin with.
  8. I think I've been missing a gun or something on my main character, but I don't know... It's been over a year, and I don't even remember what it was, or if I even accidentally deleted it or something... not gonna get drunk playing games again... Either way, support probably would be the best option to contact.
  9. I don't have everything on Armas... Just a few vehicle kits, a couple clothing items, and like... 6 loyalty weapons +/- I don't remember.
  10. That's the only way to open the doors. Real sign of skill. also, usually, you can add the file format at the end of the photo's url, and it should automatically load. Imgur however, if you right click the image and select: copy image address or copy image location you get the actual URL for it: https://i.imgur.com/0gRaJFW.jpg is the link you'll get is what will be displayed
  11. If you're offering symbols, I'll accept
  12. Hey, I'd like to buy that package that gives me all the themes and symbols ever created.
  13. Amen Or just flag the thread by the system to auto-reply "Forums are not for this x-event please contact support or wait for your ticket to be responded to."
  14. No need to name call here. Since forums aren't support... try PM'ing a GM, like Lixil, Selali, ... , etc.
  15. read the poll, we've already decided not to implement it to regular gameplay Well... with only 8 people who voted... that seems like a majority of people. I merely was wanting to contribute to the conversation...? Although, I do wish stamina damage would have more of an effect. You just had 85% of your health knocked out of you. Should you really be able to run full speed?...
  16. I think that this technically is already implemented. We have the stamina system (used by LTL) and weapons already have a stamina damage. Now, do I think that this should be implemented as you have described? No, as the game's meta, and it's processes shouldn't be changed to emulate another game (Counter Strike) in a manner that the two games are not similar. It's not necessarily a coding nightmare. We already have the ability to slow players down. STAMINA. So, the since the system already exists, we don't need to work too much harder to modify it, it's really down to why, and what. The why, I disagree with.
  17. Precisely why everyone has a stigma about Armas being P2W. Keep necessary and universal elements in the game for progression. Anyone can purchase any vehicle they so desire with in game currency, and progression. (Albeit except for 4 slot high tier 4x4 and whatever trash is on it ) Mods, Stock weapons, essential base clothing shouldn't be moved to a pay to unlock barrier. Keep some new items on Armas for people to pay and use, but the game needs to keep some stuff for hard workers, not Mr. Moneybags.
  18. You sir have been ill informed. Lord and Savior, Matt Scott, has stated, very clearly, that the dev team, and support fully allow Advanced Launcher to be used. However, eventually, they plan to overtake it, and implement all of it's features first party, with the default game. Also, @OP. Try setting your in game stuff to Medium through the launcher first (on the little slide thing that says custom). After that, then edit your settings, because what the launcher lists as (default) is really below minimum settings, and looks like puke. (but it runs like a unicorn on weed, injecting black tar heroin at the same time) Try to base your settings off of the presets first.
  19. Little Orbit has certainly met most of our community's expectations of positive changes to APB. New, better, and more reliable anti-cheat than FairFight that doesn't incite toxicity, and improves anti-cheater outlook, and 'not everyone is a cheater' mentality. Changes to Armas, and a very vocal CEO, GM, and all round forward thinking team. The return of some veteran developers, and original talent has poised APB with newer, and shiny pumps to get the water out of our sinking ship. So far, it's floating, and won't take on water any time soon.
  20. NTEC is practically a semi-auto rifle 90% of the time after all Then I've been using it wrong...
  21. I believe adding two step authentication would be a welcome addition for any necessary change to account information, aside from conversing with support. However, I don't think they should go with the Google Authentication. If preferred, use a cell phone number tied to the account, and text. If texting costs too much for the end user, then go via a second email, or primary email, depending on what the user is requesting.
  22. When will people learn from reading the forum that these don't work? Just shuddap, take yer number, and sit in the queue. (qway-way) Just because you complain, staff isn't going to go any faster to get your ticket responded to. They've already floored the throttle. Just wait, and stop making these threads
  23. Looking forward to seeing it! Too bad I don't have any legendaries to even trade with At least I hope we see a decrease in the number of scammed trades. Not all of course, some people would still be gullible enough to look up if someone said their lungs were on the ceiling.
  24. Or just play the game and unlock them like normal? Not to mention that they're not hard to unlock, or purchase from the in game Marketplace. iirc, mods also have a rank requirement, so in order to even use them, you have to progress.
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