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Everything posted by TheFreelancer

  1. I honestly dont think the rem det or the car spawner are game breaking or need to be fixed. Rem det is mainly a noob kill device imo. Car Spawner is only great when it is placed with some insight into how the battle will shape itself over time.
  2. I’m all for this except for the mini-games. 1v1 missions would be impossible to win as a “Attacker”.
  3. TheFreelancer


    You really want to see criminals arresting enforcers? What will they do send them to jail?
  4. TheFreelancer


    Rubber bullets would be more realistic, make them do more soft dmg and less stun dmg than ltl.
  5. If some players get the difference back from LO then their G1C would skyrocket. e.g. a person spend around $500 on armas, they would get (2400-800= 1600x50= 80000G1C). And $500 is rookie numbers to some.
  6. My bad I though Nekrova was still a thing. Haven’t been around for some time. But on topic, on one hand I believe they should have their own server. On the other we shouldn’t want another Han
  7. They currently have their own server?
  8. Videos like this want me to have the out of bounds system turned off outisde of missions
  9. I’d like to see this as a hotfix
  10. No Battle Royale copycat stuff please. APB is not the game for this. Besides there is already plenty of games getting at it. This will most likely result in negative promotion for the game. And the devs have plenty of work to do, the Battle Royale hype will probably be dead before they have time to start working on it.
  11. TheFreelancer

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  12. @DanRO13If you want a name change this badly that you made a thread for it, just buy one at Armas.
  13. Dont need it already bought too much
  14. Since we already have a M16 model in the game, Joker CR-5, I dont think its a good idea to do so
  15. Since I'm Dutch does this mean I can no longer purchase JMB's per June 20th?
  16. I’d appreciate if this thread is gets pinned so all clothing request can be organised in one thread. @Lixil
  17. please post your clothing suggetions here: you made a double thread please check your topic before posting.
  18. This system is in my eyes too competitive based. Remember not everyone wants to play this game competitively. These people will be forced to do so however if this ranking system is introduced.
  19. Don’t agree with this tbh. If you made a stupid choice let every account have a free name change. After that you’ll have to pay for your changes
  20. I dont want to hate but please read the suggestions before posting to prevent double threads with the same idea... https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/238-game-districts-queue-concept/
  21. Got some more Swibby - Anorak Jackets (May be baggy) - Puffer Jackets/Down Jackets
  22. There’s more of these than just one you know
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