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Q&A stream with Matt Scott and Nysek

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Hello everyone,

As noted in the opening post, this is an information thread regarding the Q&A itself, so please limit your discussion and ask constructive questions. This will enable us to perhaps properly address them if needed, instead of going through rows of unnecessary discussion regarding side things. Further posts that might get in the way of thread's purpose will be removed. Thank you in advance.

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I don't have a question, and Im from the APB side of things, but I'm really happy to see that you Fallen Earth guys are finally getting some long overdue love!

I hope you guys enjoy the plans LO has for FE! 😄

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  On 8/26/2018 at 12:53 PM, PraiseTheSun said:

Let's just be very happy that this Q&A will be held! Most likely no one else volunteer to do the stream. Besides, Nysek will only be asking OUR questions.

Let's hope we can get a better view what will happen to the game and see our questions answered! 

That made me chuckle. Considering he constantly washes over any suggestion that doesn't follow his ideas and we have LO telling others NOT to argue with Nysek, I don't think this Q&A is going to be for ALL the community.

If Matt Scott really wanted to address the questions the FE community put forth he would of already answered the many questions people have asked in the forums on the thread opened to ASK us ALL what questions we would like answered back in May. He had 3 months to reply to those questions yet there has been no official reply.

Yes we have name changes back (even though some of us were treated like complete dolts for bringing to light they did not work initially). Premiums have dropped in price, G1c now costs less and we have heard how the game is in such a terrible state, but still the core questions remain unanswered.

You can all wear your rose coloured glasses but many of us remember the damage Nysek's last tantrum caused. He is NOT nor never should be the voice of the FE community.
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  On 8/27/2018 at 8:15 AM, Dracio said:
That made me chuckle. Considering he constantly washes over any suggestion that doesn't follow his ideas and we have LO telling others NOT to argue with Nysek, I don't think this Q&A is going to be for ALL the community.
Sadly this is true.
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Yes, his idea's aren't on the same line as most what the community wants. However, let's just see what will happen. We get to hear what Matt his idea's are and what will happen and hopefully most of our questions answered. 

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1.) Any plans for upcoming events?

2.) Is there a possibility for other servers besides Alec Masters and PTS? 

3.) Any changes planned for dome round 10 in regards to the bosses/rewards?

Edited by ItsHooli
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How many people are working on FE and their roles?

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My questions ( i will try to conect if i can day event is doing but i think that day comes baad to me dunno)

1. Anticheat, when we get a anticheat  working finally? , it will be intrusive in pc people to get bad players? , can be have a wall post with banned people to prevent comunity for avoid contact with them or to help game and prevent if they return to game or if they return to catch them fast?
2. Unatuned items, we can get something for unatune items (pay item) and posibilty of trade every item we have in game?
3. there is a posibility to return back  " tc buffs" in that big pvp map to make a reason to fight in map and get places flaged?
4. there is a posibility to quit " low resolution"  to prevent players use big aim full screen? ( i think 10 first lower resolutions have that problem)
5. For improve faction, game will have a change?  as example "make big penalty for kill your same faction ( for example 1 hour with  very low stats and flagged  as penalty, i am sure this will make pvper stay not omni faction)"

well really, most i need is know question 1, if only a question is posible for player, i am not playing at all due to this  since i see some people very suspicius  with 85 % impact rate when they relog.... and because i recieve sexual/ insulting messages from some players, this make game for me not atractive at all for get fun.

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Considering Fe's monetary potential has never even been close to APB's why are you going to the huge extent that you are? Do you view this as a potential larger marketable product in the future? What would you be aiming at populationwise in that situation if it is?

I get the APB work and what not as it definitely has potential and an actual playerbase, but FE has always been rough around the edges and it would of made sense to get removed especially considering the average playerbase and likely unique accesses.


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  On 8/25/2018 at 12:09 AM, subject291 said:

As I am writing this there are only 61 players on steam so kind of a dead game.

I still play just not lately so do a few clan mates of mine who started college again.

Sure the numbers are not high but there are more than it  shows.

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going to keep saying this, before you fix res. fix the lagg.. most players dont want to duel a dude torrenting for 2 hours straight. not gonna say names

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  On 8/27/2018 at 10:36 PM, Fortune Runner said:
I still play just not lately so do a few clan mates of mine who started college again.

Sure the numbers are not high but there are more than it  shows.
Check the who list at different times of the day, the numbers are not that much higher than what is listed on steam.
  • And of those on the who list are mainly PVE players. Not everyone that plays FE is a PVP nerd, some detest PVP. So will those that never PVP, will never ever PVP, get a zone to place harvesters with possibly a reduced output considering less risk?
  • Will the questions already asked by the greater FE community that have been asked since May finally be addressed? Will the questions asked on old forum also be answered?
  • Considering FEs low population, the fact it doesn't appeal to many gamers, why would LO spend valuable resources on updating FE? Does FE really have the potential to give LO a good return? For without a decent return the players couldn't be expected to invest their own time or money on FE. It is a catch 22 situation, without players spending on the game, it generates no income but without incentive to spend money, the players will not do so.
  • Will the lag be reduced?
  • When will stack splitting be returned?
  • If you are putting FE onto a new engine, does this mean all maps will be ported over or will some content be removed? Matt had once hinted the game maps were too large so this seems a legitimate question.
  • Some individuals (that most of us laugh at their absurdity) are asking for a game reset. On a new engine will people still have all their characters or will they have to start from level 1? Or will their be a reset of all accounts on FE as it currently stands?
  • What time frame are we looking at before we will see anything change in FE?
  • There has been talk of removing many things from FE, from clan vaults to all items that players have. Can you finally confirm or deny these rumors so they might be put to rest.
  • We were told we would have new rules to govern us. I see them for the forums but not for the game itself. Is there a set of rules players are to follow and if there is, where?
  • When will tickets finally be answered?
  • Quite a few toxic players have been reported by many in FE, yet these toxic individuals continue to enjoy playing the game with no consequences. You even have people in FE claiming they know LO staff personally and will have other peoples accounts banned for disagreeing with them. When will LO finally act upon the tickets sent in about these people? They have made a few new and old players leave FE for good.
  • Where are your player GMs? LO unbanned some of the worst offenders in FE with no oversight.
  • Why does LO even communicate and seem to value the ideas of a player that showed total disregard for the contracts they signed with G1? Many of the community find this insulting.
  • Lastly what is LO vision for FEs future and what direction are they going to take the game, if at all?
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  On 8/27/2018 at 10:14 PM, StubbyClaps said:

LO listening to the same people G1 focused on. Look how that turned out....

Implying the previous staff listened when told their changes were bad or more testing was needed as every project thus far was released prematurely 😛

But we'll see at the Q&A


A productive list, some overlap others but +1

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  On 8/26/2018 at 2:07 AM, Dracio said:

If Nysek is the best person for the Q&A in all you PVP nerds heads, then who is going to support the PVE community? You know, the people that continue to play after all you PVP nerds get bored. Nyseks only thoughts have been PVP related and NOT questions a lot of the PVE players having been asking. His ideas are extremely one sided but hey "he is the best person for the job".

He tried in a childish fit to destroy G1 and FE but hey that is all forgiven now. Water under the bridge. It is okay to be a complete imbecile and be rewarded for it?

There are many other players that would be far more suited to do the Q&A and be the voice of the GREATER FE community. Nysek isn't that person.

You can join their stream as pve side. 
  On 8/26/2018 at 2:08 AM, Nysek said:

G1 is no longer around, besides in name. How about give questions you're looking for.

There weren't any rumors, but I'll be sure to ask anyways...

Idk, is he thicc?


I probably got picked because nobody else requested it Implying any PVE'ers will take a Q&A stream, maybe we can get Laniel since it's a PVE superstar ;D
Laniel as a surprise guest. Nah, Dracio would be better.

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Any possibility to see community created items in Fallen Earth? Reskinned or remodeled items. Years ago I asked a Dev about this and they said it's out of the realm of possibilities due to policies and one would actually have to be employed by G1 in order to access the assets. Some of us who have played for a long time have a better grasp on how items should look with the apocalypse and lore and could make a great addition to the marketplace or lockboxes.

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As an old player of both FE and APB who hasn't been around for a while due to the blunder that was g1, I'd like to point a few things out. Again... I haven't played in a while, please let me know if I'm out dated.

1: Air guns as a starter ranged weapon feeling like a desperate and cobbled together attempt to survive, fit the world well. The metalic tinking sound that air rifles make was central to that feeling. G1 took the suggestion of "These dont sound gun enough." And ruined the low level feel of the wasteland by simply changing that one sound effect. What steps will LO take to insure any of thier changes don't further disrupt the narrative feel of wasteland survival?

2: Graphics and animations are the two biggest haggling points brought up by reviewers. Changing these along with the engine spells big bucks and big opportunity to again ruin the "feel" or make it truely great. Will these three items (graphics, animations, engine) be the "main focus," "only focus" or not considered at all? If they are a focus, how much change can we expect?

3: While graphics are important to attract many players... people like myself who have 1000+ hours in the game tend to agree that the combat system basically only boils down to "Melee or range with a little mutation on the side." Rifles and pistols and clubs and axes tend to feel the same gameplay wise. While mutation only builds are simply not viable. Will we see an overhaul of the combat/leveling system?

4: I used to dress up as a doctor and fire healing grenades into crowds of PVErs doing citadel. Sadly, for the specs and materials cost, the actual health healed wasn't great. Can we expect better support options like buffing the "Asclepius" or better AOE heals for PVErs?

5: Franklin's Riders. One of the coolest things for me in FE was that you can choose to just not join a faction, but still get quests and reputation ladder climbing from neutral parties. Sadly, there wasnt much in the way of actual reward besides lore (and a neat hat!) for doing these sometimes tedious tasks. Are you planning to look at the faction system?And can we expect fleshed out quests and activities for every aspect of the faction system if so?

I've got to say, seeing someone recognise the potential behind Fallen Earth has me excited. Can't wait to see what y'all do with it.

Edited by Rowenfoxx
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  On 8/26/2018 at 2:23 AM, Dracio said:
Did you request it so that no one could argue with your points of view and point out the obvious flaws in your ideas?

Someone should of been elected to be the community voice. And in regards to G1 not being around anymore except in name, this does not in any way subtract from what you did. Stop acting like you didn't do the game harm. Time to be a big boy Nysek and own up to it.
I agree with electing a community voice. Since the game is PVP and PVE have a representative for both. So three, Matt and PVP and PVE community elected guests.
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Is LO not answering tickets over 2 months old because they plan on lifting all bans besides credit card fraud like it was done in APB? 

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  On 8/28/2018 at 10:53 PM, Calais said:

Any possibility to see community created items in Fallen Earth? Reskinned or remodeled items. Years ago I asked a Dev about this and they said it's out of the realm of possibilities due to policies and one would actually have to be employed by G1 in order to access the assets. Some of us who have played for a long time have a better grasp on how items should look with the apocalypse and lore and could make a great addition to the marketplace or lockboxes.

+1 Edited by Kinksta

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  On 8/30/2018 at 2:17 AM, dodgese said:
  On 8/26/2018 at 2:23 AM, Dracio said:
Did you request it so that no one could argue with your points of view and point out the obvious flaws in your ideas?

Someone should of been elected to be the community voice. And in regards to G1 not being around anymore except in name, this does not in any way subtract from what you did. Stop acting like you didn't do the game harm. Time to be a big boy Nysek and own up to it.
I agree with electing a community voice. Since the game is PVP and PVE have a representative for both. So three, Matt and PVP and PVE community elected guests.

I wouldn't be against this, but the idea is simply to cover questions concerning the community as a whole. Not PVP and PVE segregation, the only level headed PVEers I've seen as of late would be Crood, Sang, and Luka from Hazmat.

And a breakdown in communication leads to lose of time for said Q&A. Most questions related to one another, be sure to ask anyways so it can be covered.
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Will we be having any Premium reward? When will the payment issue get fixed? We will get new Game events?
Events Shall Boost Morale

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  On 8/27/2018 at 10:14 PM, StubbyClaps said:

LO listening to the same people G1 focused on. Look how that turned out....

Ahh yes who can't forget the great pvper suggestions patch 1.9, 2.4 and 2.5. Pvpers may have been pretty pissed off at all of them across the board, but definitely who g1 listened to. You cute little pvers and your silly hot takes. Always good for a laugh. Let's just ignore the dev team for fe has a storied history of making kneejerk and poor decisions going all the way back to icarus and go with it was the 'same people'. Why stick to valid points when you can go full pver. Edited by MICFILLER
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  On 8/31/2018 at 8:56 PM, MICFILLER said:
Ahh yes who can't forget the great pvper suggestions patch 1.9, 2.4 and 2.5. Pvpers may have been pretty pissed off at all of them across the board, but definitely who g1 listened to. You cute little pvers and your silly hot takes. Always good for a laugh. Let's just ignore the dev team for fe has a storied history of making kneejerk and poor decisions going all the way back to icarus and go with it was the 'same people'. Why stick to valid points when you can go full pver.
Now you talking about old patchs done, i feel was more interesting game in that time previus  to " gore patch" was released.
i still remember some mutations and game play was totally diferent, more fun at my point of view, and lag was also non existant at all.
Probably were in that times and with that gore patch when lag started to apear in game, just when gore mosters started.
I was said about is not posible to return to a previus patch, but can be a solution if game were capable to return to previus 1.9 or earlier and with a rework of existant patchs ( gore--- to  -- actually), being dt weapons/equip dt/ faction equip and weapons/ and stage 2  similar choices to make pve/pvp in game.
At this point (1.9 or litle earlier) is a good idea to rework in patchs and make them more pve than actually they are ( for example gore weapons stats make similar or lower stats than dt/ faction/stage 2) and fdont start to overpower gores things to make " old sistem weapons/equip " as forgotten things with no value at all.

Thanks for read my opinion.

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