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Hello everyone,

Our standard weekly maintenance will be held this Wednesday (11/20) starting at 9 AM UTC. The game should be back up and running in 6 to 10 hours.




This weeks update ships a couple of balance changes as well as tweaks to certain time of days to decrease the brightness of the Skybox during those times.


Skybox changes


We have decreased the sun-light intensity during the following time of days to avoid cases in which the Sun could make the Skybox extremely bright.


  • 5 AM
  • 6 AM
  • 9 AM
  • 5 PM


Weapon Balance


STAR 556 'LCR'

  • Health Damage per shot increased from 200 to 210.


STAR 556

  • Health Damage per shot increased from 175 to 180.
  • Reload time reduced from 2.8 to 2.4.


Colby SNR

  • Health Damage per shot increased from 334 to 370.
  • Sprint delay decreased from 0.73s to 0.53s.



  • Accuracy at 10m improved from 33 to 32.
  • Slightly reduced vertical and horizontal recoil.



  • Recovery delay decreased from 0.225s to 0.18s.



  • Maximum bloom reduced by 6%.


ISSR-C 'Kingdom'

  • Minimum damage range increased from 15m to 25m.


Raptor 45

  • Reserve Ammo increased from 132 to 176.


Joker SR-15 Carbine

  • Accuracy at 10m improved from 24 to 22.


RHD LS1 'Corsair'

  • Reload time reduced from 0.7s to 0.5s.


N-TEC 5 / Scoped N-TEC 5 / N-TEC 7

  • Jump modifier reduced from 30 to 18.


Dev Note: In one of Little Orbit's earlier balancing efforts, we significantly reduced the accuracy of all N-TEC variants when jumping. This adjustment effectively addressed the overuse and effectiveness of jump shooting with the N-TEC, but it also made jumping with these weapons feel lackluster, even in close-range situations where it should remain a viable option.

With this patch, we're bringing the jump modifier of all N-TEC variants back in line with other Assault Rifles, while still maintaining a noticeable drawback to account for the weapon's long-range capabilities. This adjustment is intended to be a modest improvement rather than a major buff. Combined with the other changes made to the N-TEC 5 over the years, this should ensure the weapon remains balanced and far from the dominant force it once was when jump shooting was overly effective.

We'll closely monitor the N-TEC 5's performance following this change to ensure it doesn't overshadow other Assault Rifles, particularly those designed to excel at close range. Further adjustments will be made if necessary.


Thank you for your patience during this period.

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45 minutes ago, killersan6 said:

main balancing issue

You act as if you did not read the whole post and only the Ntec dev note's. 

These look like good buffs where needed.

We like when they keep us informed.

 Not Everyone gets what they want or considers as The Main Issue. 

Now if they were to be silent and not post such things,

We'd accuse them of hiding or being non-transparent.

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Please increase ammo cap for the COBR-A weapons it's way to low for a assault rifle. It feels more like the carbine rather than a assault rifle. 100 ammo in total is way to low, not to mention the magazine size with 20 bullets. It needs a change. @MageLO


Edited by Roblo

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You're changing too many weapons at the same time. At this rate, we're going to end up in the same balance place as before, but with faster average ttk.

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Still waiting for the obir nerf


and more thumper buffs : - )

Edited by owzzy
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I rarely complain but... N-TEC and FAR... wrong move. You gave previous underperforming weapons to be (somewhat) good at jumpshoots , but now u giving it to N-TEC too to make them rather obsolete... again? I hope i'm overreacting but this weapon shouldn't be touched again.

Other weapon buffs are nice tho, you made SNR op btw.

Edited by Nagletz

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imagine being as innovative with the skybox like adding an option like fog to just make it night. and unticked follows the regular cycle on game restart. lets get creative guys like temp banning cheaters

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On 11/16/2024 at 10:53 PM, MageLO said:

Skybox changes


We have decreased the sun-light intensity during the following time of days to avoid cases in which the Sun could make the Skybox extremely bright.


  • 5 AM
  • 6 AM
  • 9 AM
  • 5 PM


solution to this? bring back RTW skybox





or maybe LO should just stop listening to *certain* people who want an excuse to use file edits, like removed sky etc



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On 11/19/2024 at 11:59 PM, ProJH said:

Still waiting for .45 AP pistol nerf.

I was looking for this as well




On 11/20/2024 at 6:18 AM, ninjarrrr said:


solution to this? bring back RTW skybox





or maybe LO should just stop listening to *certain* people who want an excuse to use file edits, like removed sky etc



Can this get more highlighted please ❤️


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1 hour ago, Temporal said:

No one cares about skybox. Too busy getting roflstomped by legit golds.

Everyone plays this game with potato graphics anyway so why even care about a skybox. just remove it at this point so that everyone can play the game on same FPS

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Another filler Episode of changes that do jack, while again being obsessed with touching N-Tec.

Wait for the next Episode.

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1 hour ago, LilyRain said:

Another filler Episode of changes that do jack, while again being obsessed with touching N-Tec.

Wait for the next Episode.

Next episode is the colour of the mailboxes and trashcans which been an issue since tomorrow...

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 in-game lighting is terrible, sun rays prevent you from seeing the enemy and also has huge contrast issues also please bring 1.5x 2x 3x scopes that can be attached to weapons, 

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Ya there are times when the enemy is up on a roof and you can't see them as well, and 

its harder to aim at them. I already adjust my brightness down for day and up for night. 

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1 hour ago, Zypectrumm said:

 in-game lighting is terrible, sun rays prevent you from seeing the enemy and also has huge contrast issues also please bring 1.5x 2x 3x scopes that can be attached to weapons, 

only terrible if you have a potato pc just like you 🙂

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1 hour ago, BlackJana said:

Last sentence of these patch notes.
The Ntec already overshadows the other assault rifles-

what do you expect with flaws making decisions on weapon balance ayy lmao

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Patch 13. 32.
We realized that the time to kill is too short due to insufficient performance of the game and servers. 
We noticed that many players use a modified client to gain an advantage in the game. We also noticed that many streamers are watering our game with garbage, broadcasting their gameplay with potato graphics.
We noticed that other genres besides the shooter are embedded in the APB. 
Within a few years, fairy Tiggs will fly to us with a bag of money and solve all our problems. 
- in this patch, we added a chair at the intersection of the port district in the gas station area.
- we also managed to fix the testicle bug in the character editor. Now the right testicle is hanging at the same level with the left one.
 - at the request of the players, we shot the knee of the dude who was doing the voiceover of the Joker's vending machines.

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