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  1. Dear Little Orbit Support Team, I trust this message finds you well. I am writing to you with a sense of urgency and genuine concern regarding the recent trade lock imposed on my account in APB Reloaded. As a dedicated player who has passionately engaged with the game for over a decade, I find myself deeply disheartened by this sudden restriction. One of the most rewarding aspects of my gaming experience in APB Reloaded has been my ability to create symbols, outfits, and share them within the community. The trade lock has not only stifled this creative outlet that brings me immense satisfaction but has also transformed my gameplay into a challenging, solitary experience. I now find myself in a situation where I am forced into a hardcore ironman mode, making the acquisition of weapon modifications an arduous grind instead of the previously accessible option to purchase them from the market. What exacerbates my frustration is the lack of transparency and information regarding the alleged violation that led to the trade lock. I am certain that I have not knowingly breached any rules, and the absence of clarity on the matter leaves me feeling helpless. I have made numerous attempts to seek assistance from the support team, but unfortunately, my pleas for justice and information have gone unanswered. I understand the necessity of maintaining a fair gaming environment, but I implore you to consider the impact this trade lock has on my overall gaming experience. I firmly believe that there might be a misunderstanding or an error within the automated system, and I am reaching out to you with the hope that a thorough review of my case could shed light on this situation. My appeal is not just for the removal of the trade lock but, more importantly, for transparency regarding the alleged violation. I am more than willing to cooperate and rectify any unintentional mistakes on my part. I cherish my role in the APB Reloaded community and am eager to continue contributing positively to its vibrant ecosystem. Your assistance in this matter is of paramount importance to me. I kindly request that you reconsider the trade lock on my account, providing the necessary information that will allow me to understand and address any issues that may have arisen. I am confident that a fair review will reveal my commitment to upholding the standards of the game. Thank you for your time and understanding. I eagerly await a swift resolution that will enable me to once again enjoy APB Reloaded to its fullest. Best regards, lRush Removed non-PG13 content. - Azukii
  2. why was my account permanently suspended, without ever having used any cheating?
  3. Hi i have Sent Ticket Gamefirst, i have problem for join game, i have change smartphone, and dont have access for authenticator. i have access to mail. and old my purchase, pls help me for recovery my account my ticket #153999 me need my QR code pls GM help me
  4. tsrx

    Tutorial stucked

    I have the same issue, I really hope this gets patched soon because new accounts are all missing out on an important reward from that tutorial.
  5. I knew you'd made some stupid fucking remark. Where is the comparison between agreeing to follow the rules and whatever the hell you just said? You're not obligated to be here. This is not as complicated as you're making it. Anything that you own is bound by a contract. That doesn't make what I am saying licking the boot. Like I said, If you don't want to follow the rules you AGREED to when you signed then just leave. What you are describing here and what is actually happening is not a digital extreme. You don't HAVE to put a confederate flag or any symbol for that matter on your in game character or clothing to play this game. Many people do not. That has nothing to do with tricking players or taking things by deception. You're not following your own logic here.
  6. Yes I've always desired a server like that. Add also it's restricted to people who've premium or unlocked a decent amount of account rewards and MUST RANK of 200+, cuz anticheat is total dogsh*t, so server for pro with GM Support must be 24 h for 7 days, EVENTS every 15/30 days . . . and pay these GM, paid them fairly enough to not make they think of doing a shabby job, I want a little of little of earnestness in their actions, money is the best fuel and assurance for it.
  7. Dude after nearly a year off - you just came back to answer. So, you might not have left at all but created a new account (like most people who got banned) and then continued.
  8. he doesn't have a personal account and there is no "development team".
  9. Can someone please explain to me how this works, so if I (an ex average silver player) gets teamed up with 1 bronze, 1 freshly new player(still in their T stage of life) and another silver, thats 4 none golds, 2 inexperienced players and 2 semi experienced players, how is it that we have to face a full team of gold's, sometimes legitimate and sometimes questionable? With no means of winning or even enjoying the experience of playing? Like in what world does that make sense? And then if you choose to not play you're then considered to be "Griefing" and risk being banned... Like what are the choices in that situation? Play and have a very miserable time and not want to play again? or don't play and be labelled a griefer and get reported and banned? Or find a way to get kicked purposefully(I've been told that's also not really allowed so again you risk being banned)... Or do you call backup and get another less experienced player who now has to suffer alongside you? And even when you get a gold they can't carry the entire team and it's not necessarily their job to do that it's a team game, but what do you do when your team is consistently handed stacked opponents and again remember, sometimes it's a skill difference which MM is supposed to manage but doesn't and sometimes it's a suspicious advantage, macros, potential cheats etc... what do you as an average player do? Cause all the options seem to end with you risking your account or just feeding them kills, no middle ground. I personally don't need my account back as the game won't be any different if I were to return but I'm just curious on what they wanted me to do, quite? Cause that's all that's honestly left, a lot may not relate to this which is fine but for us average players who used to enjoy the game when there was actual balance I want to know what's meant to happen? You have players who shoot through glass, know where you are no matter where you go, don't miss shots and when I say they don't miss I mean they'll jump up over a ledge or something and still hit that sniper shot effortlessly, you can't tell me that you're expected to enjoy games like that? I mean that's effectively what the TOS seem to want, they want you to stick around for every game, including the illegitimate ones which to me doesn't make sense. A new player used to face similar skilled players about 4 years back but now regardless who you are, you'll potentially play the most try hard gold to ever have set foot on the game just cause you pressed K at the same time? My first ever game on a new acc was literally me as a T, a silver, a bronze and a gold(who didn't even want to play cause he had me... a T, a silver and a bronze vs 3 max rank gold's, to an extent I don't blame him but that then leaves the rest of us to do what? I just don't understand the logic behind punishing those who don't want to and can't play against people who have about 100 times the experience and or they're cheating... Like what do you do? I guess according to TOS I was rightfully banned... to which I say, it's been a fun 9 years for the most part, I hope the money I spent did some good for someone, it is what it is at the end of the day I guess...
  10. If dev's got a personal account to play the game without us knowing about it, that's the way it should be. Otherwise their gaming experience would be ruined with such as whispers, nerf requests, cheating reports etc. I don't care if he's playing the game as a CEO, as long the development team makes the game better.
  11. Yea. Twice aint worth anything. We both know to understand the game you need at least 500hrs of playtime. Maby he does have a personal account and we dont know it? But going off the decisions hes been making and the shift away from what APB is. I would have to say no he doesnt play nor does he understand what makes APB APB.
  12. Mitne

    Steam account link

    Multiple other topics suggest that deletion of account which is linked is only way to link other one without contacting (dead) support. If there is nothing worth of value on it, why not?
  13. Matt has played before. i have seen him on excatly twice in APB and once in fallen earth. now comparing that to a normal player well. um it isn't alot of course i can't say for personal account(s) as i do know devs/gms have personal account(s) to play normally not get bothered and so on so forth
  14. Мой аккаунт был заблокирован, как я понял навсегда, поскольку нет информации об окончании trade блокировки, прошу помочь мне с этим! Translate: My account has been blocked, as I understand it forever, since there is no information about the end of the trade lock, please help me with this I'm telling about Trade-lock (trade-ban) nickname: thoughts
  15. so why do i get a trade lock when i decided to random log in after 3 months of not playing. my pc has not change ip none of that. im just checking on my account.
  16. There is a functioning 2FA system, I'm easily able to use it. You set it up on your G1 account, outside of the game.
  17. I'm logging in from the same PC, from the same physical location. There's enough data being sent to the login server to prove it's the same physical device. All this system does is frustrate the user. If anything, it will make a user ignore the temporary trade lock when someone else accesses the account, because they'll think it's yet another false positive. Besides, rumor is you can trade the first time you login to the account from a different location. The trade lock kicks in after switching characters or logging out and in again. I haven't tested it, because who knows when it might decide to permanently trade lock my account. It's happened to other people.
  18. In that case. if you can try getting a semi cheap laptop and the ADV luanucher and run the game just so that way you can get your items. i would attempt to help farther, but anything past this is untrustable /and/or accounting sharing
  19. i cant it says this gamers first account has not logged into the game before
  20. I would go ahead and do the account transfer. All items should be moved over. Should be able to do it on any internet device, but i know nothing about it
  21. It's because everyone in Little Orbit is incompetent. The trade lock is suppose to temporarily prevent trading on your account when it thinks you are logged in from a different location. Often it gets triggered for stupid reasons. For example, I get trade locked when Windows updates, and when connecting an external hard drive.
  22. Trade locks are caused when you log in from a new IP, after a windows update or when you changed out parts in your PC since the last time you logged in. This usually only lasts for 3 days and aims to protect you from any sort of account theft.
  23. Today I logged into the game, saw that I needed to disconnect a friend and saw the inscription "your account is not allowed to trade" Why could this happen, and what should I do?
  24. BubbaJ

    Steam account link

    Oh my god I think I figured it out! It looks like I have 2 accounts for some reason - one of those is original that I created when I first bought the game (before reloaded) and it got migrated into gamersfirst and doesn't have link to steam, and the other one - is when APB Reloaded went to steam and I played on it too. So now I guess the question is - how to make the original account linked to the Steam? Should I delete the other account and change the email on my original one to the email I use for steam? Would it work?
  25. Mitne

    Steam account link

    I changed my password twice for Gamersfirst account and never had error, only prompt to type new password when I tried to login through Steam. This is bizzare. If you have time to kill, I would recommend clean reinstall of APB first. Doesn't hurt to try.
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