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  1. The way he was talking strongly implies he is a gamer. I would be surprised if he wasn't. I imagine if he wanted to play the game though, just for his own enjoyment, he would be stealth on another account.
  2. Pre-server merge, G1 did free up inactive names when we had 2 each servers for NA and EU. They did this on a inactive timer and if the character/account had no purchases. That was actually done right. What I'd like to avoid is the mess that went down at the server merge for NA...where they decided to take a different method for merging NA versus how they did EU. See, lot of the names were free after the server merge although being actually taken (the inactive ones, justly) -- G1 didn't have a consistent transition when they merged so a lot of names were actually up for grabs Day One of the merge. It was only after a few hours in when they realized they messed up something big and had to change the system it on the fly. This caused active players to potentially lose their original names, some players to keep their grabbed names, inactive players to sit on names they'll never comeback to, and "restricted" names being available. That's why you see random people today with "edgy" names like "how the heck did you get that name". In fact, from my salty experience myself, I had a name I lost this way which I actively used since RTW...and because of the mess, I couldn't actually rename through their "forced name change" system until 2-3 years later. Heck, support couldn't even do it, they abandoned the ticket several times). In that time the name was just "given" to another user. So yeah, if they can figure out a way to undo that garbage "reserved" system they implemented post-merge and avoid that issue again-- this is welcomed. Otherwise, a lot of active players names will be lost.
  3. Hi, ive been trying to contact the g1 forums for a MONTH because of their stupid password reset i cant access my account since i dont have the account to which my steam is connected to. support appreantly needs a MONTH to get the accounts to their respective owners, i understand the transition new forums and etc. BUT COME ON THIS IS RIDICULOUS
  4. Im pretty sure its a angry kiddy that got banned for hacking and lost their account and money and are trying to get back at em for their own mistake. Which if they never hacked and cheated to begin with they would still have their acc. Moral of the story is to play fairly and ur hard earned work and money wont be wasted.
  5. Hold up, I am still waiting on my account to get unbanned. If they wipe all the names of accounts banned right now, I could lose my characters! Which sucks cause I was banned just before the merge. EDIT: I get what you're trying to say, and yes I agree with you, but I think banned accounts should be untouched, maybe even all. What if someone comes back to see that all their stuff is gone. Welp, looks like their chances of actually playing again have went to 1%.
  6. RTW's threat system had only 15 levels(no gold/silver/bronze) and was determined by your 15-20 most recent mission outcomes. Essentially, if you were on a large win streak you would be the highest threat level. It was a simple system that didn't take into account individual performance or the skill of your opposition, it literally just looked at if you won missions or not. G1 introduced the 30 level gold/silver/bronze system with a hidden rating behind the scenes. This system was quite a bit more complex and similar to what a lot of other games have in place as far as mmr/elo based skill tracking and matchmaking. I believe this system is still in place they just reduced the number of visible rank-pools a player can be put into to 4 (gold/silver/bronze/green). I think a lot of people liked the old 30 level system as climbing the threat ladder was a kind of end game progression mechanic to do after you had maxed your character's rating. Of-course there were some drawbacks such as all the negatives that come along with the increased stakes missions had as there was actually something on the line to lose.
  7. I get people's concerns because I've noticed people just downvoting a persons posts on one thread just because. But tbh who cares. You got weirdos like zombie who wanna have negative thousand and will use alternate accounts to do it. Lol You have to be some kind of weirdo to think positives and negatives will change how people act on the forums. I'm still a banana and I have plenty of downvotes lmao
  8. You can still post indirectly, by referencing us to your twitter account and announcing new vids posted on youtube, via twitter
  9. I never called you one. Pls re-read my post. I have less than 2000hrs, collectively over my accounts, so I am a newbie. I just said how it was for me, when I started out. You have a nice day {Going back to my SWToR and free Overwatch weekend|
  10. Hello. I constantly connect automatically. I was never manually connected. but I need to change the password because I can not join the game. but I do not know how to do it. because when I try with mail connected to steam, a new game account is opened to me. how I can connect manually. I have 2 characters. and I have cars. as high as level, please help -------------------------------------------- merhabalar lütfen bana biran önce yardım edebilir misiniz ? ben sürekli otomatik olarak bağlanıyordum oyuna hiçbirzaman manuel olarak girmedim. bir süredir oynamıyordum tekrar başlamak istedim fakat şifremin eski ve yeni bir şifre almam gerektiği hatası alıyorum. ben bu şifreyi nasıl değiştireceğim? mail adresim nedir? steam hesabıma bağlı olan mail ile girdim şifre değiştirdim fakar bana yeni bir oyun hesabı açılıyor
  11. Hi LO, i been trying to hold back with requests and suggestions so far seeing that the forum is flooded with them, but at this point i'd like to toss this one out again. In my account spread over several characters i think i have an estimate of near 1k mails with weapons attached that i got from JMB lootboxes. I am not able to delete these mails, nor am i interessted in retrieving said weapons because i usually own them account bound anyways (no need to clutter up my locker any further). I usually end up buying at least 20 JMBs per month (if not an account bound weapon as well) - simply as a contribution to the game, if i get the legendary it's nice but not really important. Anyhow, this is the reason why i stacked up quite the amount of lease-timed weapons which i would at times like to pass to friends, or the occassionally "p2w"-complaining newcomer. I know for a fact that friends of mine are in a similar situation, and so i would like to ask if you could modify the system in a way that will allow me to forward the mail itself + attachment to another player. Why? 1. The weapon has been paid for anyways. 2. It will give (new) players a chance to play with a certain Armas gun for an extended period of time without finacial commitment on their behalf, and could thus be a ruse to get them into buying the weapon permanently lateron. 3. It could be one of those nicer gestures the community clearly needs and is absolutely capable of providing if enabled, thereby decreasing at least in part the toxicity of the game 4. It will serve those that claim p2w as a way of learning better. I doubt doing this will permit off-world transactions, simply because a lot of people will be passing out guns making any off-world transaction rather pointless - after all why pay money if some person in game can give you the same weapon for free?
  12. Sadly G1 fixed that, by adding out of bounds
  13. A banned account usually means the names attached to it, is also banned and will remain unobtainable, incase said account(s) get unbanned.
  14. Hi, been a long time player of the game, and over the years I have somehow gathered a large sum of stuff. Most of which came from a time where G1 redid the Character Lifetime and Account Lifetime prices and grandfathered in a few players. On some characters, I have duplicates of these lifetime guns collecting dust and cluttering up my Mailboxes since these mails never expire, some coming from the Account Lifetime changes, and some from Joker Boxes. Could we have a way to trade out these duplicate items in the inbox for a direct in-game cash value? Could we have a way to send these duplicate items once directly to another player, turning the weapon non-tradable upon receiving? I've held on to this excess of arms for so long, I'd like to see if there could be a solution to these kinds of things without just redeeming and deleting the duplicates of weapons I already have claimed on characters.
  15. I would love to be proven wrong, but the devs have had ample time and money to do something, but so far all I can recall is the out of bounds zones, which were a very good addition to the game, and prevented 70% of the exploits. But they stopped doing seasonal events, like easter I heard, which is a huge mistake because the holiday events draw everyone back to the game to get the new / rare content. I'm sorry if I seem rude and obnoxious but I love this game and it's been neglected.
  16. ...all those idi... people who think you can legally cheat now... What's your exact problem? The cheaters are there anyways, whether they re-roll or play on their original account. Those that were banned unfairly will be able to get back though.
  17. My question is in regards to the in-game marketplace and storage. Is there any way to stop the spam of super high unobtainable prices or maybe give additional storage? The ones I mean are the 2156742312 numbers that people are just using as extra space for storage. People are obviously using the marketplace to store a weapon/symbol/etc for 7 days then have the item go to their mailbox. I find it crazy that we have to use different means to store items. Mailboxes, marketplace, alternate characters and accounts all just seem to be too much.
  18. Wipe the banned account names too , if already so many accounts are perma banned , then they have no further use and name shouldn't be in use.
  19. Hello, is there any way how to restore deleted characters from account? Thanks for answer!
  20. Thats never been productive. Why? You spend way much more time recording or gathering matterial to expose cheaters than them to create a new account and keep cheating. Plus you are spending your precious time doing developers, gm (just staff in gral.) work. Your work here is to enjoy the game, not report cheaters. Sadly, this still g1, and i dont think that adding battle eye to fairfight will do anything honestly. Without experienced gms (they are just volunteers lmao) patroling the streets to efficiently take down the rage/obvious ones this will be hard. People will spend days and days playing with these people and until an anticheat takes action the damage is already done. I don't think anything will change...
  21. So I don't have any proper questions directly on FE as they irrelevant until your general view and intent is known. Although I'm curious about LO's understanding of FE and experience with FE. On their personal accounts what is the furthest reached by the staff of LO?(individuals, but if it isn't a 'face' of LO their info isn't needed just say level or so) Were there any particularly noteworthy memories for any of said individuals? What are 3 positive aspects and 3 negative aspects/aspects needing improvement that they noticed while playing? If they had experienced pvp what was their opinion of it?(pvping in general, pvpers they faced etc)
  22. Those are called Game Bans: https://support.steampowered.com/kb_article.php?ref=6899-IOSK-9514 Quote from there: (In all VAC protected games there are also none VAC servers that you can always play on.) The issue here is that APB doesn't have any kind of offline stuff - I guess they could do it like "limit to social"? Not sure. I don't think Steam would agree to this. That's something LO would have to figure out - and even then, Steam is rather indecisive at times, maybe they'd revert their decision. (And then again they could just annoy people in social etc. I guess they could make a cheat-district, that should be fine.) If it's not gonna be displayed on the profile etc. I think LO could do whatever they want though and just ban based on the Steam ID (not URL/Name, you have an unique identifier that you can't change) Wouldn't stop people from rerolling though. Creating a new Steam account is just as easy as doing a new G1 one... It might only scare people away from cheating on their mains. I guess that would be good? HWID bans were already in place with PB and will probably see a return with BE - issue is that they probably won't help much. Many cheats - no matter which game - include a HWID changer and even spoofing it "manually" should be no problem. I guess it would help against macro users who just use their mouse software or smth similar - and have no idea what they are doing but want to get an advantage - somehow. (I think FF had a similar system? Not sure if they actually were like normal HWID bans but there you go. Issueing temporary IP bans (since most people have a dynamic one these days anyway) could help too - but yeah, 24h and they'd have a new one (or less if they just reset their connection...))
  23. Not entirely the same but they can still get a Game Ban on their steam account. This system also requires approvement from Valve though
  24. Yes, VAC bans only come when the game is VAC protected and having VAC is like having nothing at all. And Valve won't ban your entire account just because of a VAC ban, what i like to see are HWID bans, oh those would be wonderful.
  25. My primary concern is whether all items have an account wide option.
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