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  1. Login->Char Screen->Select char->Error->Account being used. This is what i have been facing for last 15 mins and every goddamn day i try to login i have to go through this.... Sometimes i would select different char, goto district then go back to login and then select my main... Now whatever i do its the same shit.... Anybody know any FIX?
  2. Unless that threshold was pretty high, I imagine there are some who would not be deterred by it. Just think, if you could, for the low low price of $200 in purchase value, use a loophole to torpedo the account of a guy you really really hated, who spent thousands on their own account? I wouldn't put it past some people. Good point about possible RMT though, never even considered that angle myself.
  3. afaik you have to have a purchase, or have spent x amount of money on the account before you can gift anyways i wonder if they mean abuse as in using it for RMT
  4. I would assume, by using a smurf account to gift someone a purchase, and then making a chargeback on the purchase, you could probably setup a player for an account ban for fraudulent activity. Or at least, that was one theory I remember reading about a long time ago in a galaxy far far away on the old forums somewhere....
  5. I mean... you kinda are new. New account anyways, amirite?
  6. Im kinda bored of playing at this point to be honest... Like I was soooo hyped to get all my stuff back and now Im just at the point that I dont even wanna play anymore till my account gets unbanned but... Thats 2soonTM and its killing me slowly.
  7. I think it's right that this function was banned. If anyone wants to buy any product cheaper - he just activates a premium account, which gives a discount on any product. If there is no premium, you will have to pay more. You do not need to return this function to ARMAS.
  8. We are going to be in Fight Club - Baylan 2. Our account names are Lixil, @Androvald and @Aphadon (I had to @ them because I don't know how to spell it). We have a dev tag on so it's easier to spot us. See you all in the game! P.S. We are all enforces.... looks like.
  9. With population numbers being restored to what they used to be some time ago, it has naturally brought in some of the bottom feeders who like to watch their computer play the game for them. You can either ride out the storm or wait for the battleye patch. And despite what some people claim, fairfight and their in-house anticheat are most likely (99%) running. Fairfight just isn't on full-auto at the moment, because of some issues with false positives that have likely caused some collateral damage in form of legit players being banned for being too good in the game. (Combine someone with very good reaction times and spot-on eye-hand coordination with something like 5000 to 10000+h in APB and he/she is bound to be quite special in terms of stats that get gathered by a tool like fairfight.)
  10. There are alot of issues, example: If u had a Character Lifetime weapon you only need to pay around 900G1C for a Account Lifetime version of it. so that means, you could give someone a Account Lifetime weapon for 900G1C
  11. Think it is more akin to knowing that you are going to poison bomb an area so you care less about killing individual bugs. But with the influx players the pests are definitely crawling out from under their rocks and making it not so awesome in the mean time. Gotta sell or transfer all your stuff to a legit account before BE after all. Wont be as easy to farm with battle eye after all.
  12. ElectroStingz

    Steam Unlinking

    Usually this is what happens. You create a gamers first account When you run the steam version it asks you to link the accounts, you click and its done. The above cannot be unlinked unless you contact support. So if you are the same steam user your only option is to contact support. If you are a different steam user but trying to use the same G1 account it will also fail, needs unlinking by support.
  13. Почему-то мне кажется, что ты очередной местный тролль, которому хорошо когда другим плохо. А остальное не важно. И тот кто говорит, что ему это нравится, эгоистичный лжец. Отправка подарков внутри игры очень распространенное явление во многих онлайн проектах и в этом нет ничего ужасного. И пользы от этого намного больше чем вреда. Причем как для владельца игры, так и для игроков. Лучше когда деньги крутятся внутри системы, а не мимо ее. Достаточно сделать вменяемую проверку средств, можно разрешать пользоваться услугой только аккаунтам с репутацией, с лвл больше чем тешка, да что угодно можно придумать, а не просто так брать и выпиливать функцию из игры. A big request to return the opportunity to send gifts to players. Do more for this feature, increase the check for unreliable accounts, but return this function.
  14. More than one attachment in emails. Took me ages to send an outfit to an alt today. Account wide locker big enough to take all that stuff in my mailbox. Ability to move things up and down in my locker. Alphabetical is a start but with the guns I'd still get lost. At least I can add numbers to my creations. Btw if anyone wants to know how to arrange their clothing locker do feel free to ask. I won't go into it here to keep it on topic and I'll assume you know he trick already.
  15. Hey @Puffdragon - I am not a hacker at all - never was, never will be. However, I am trying to recover my account simply because it said my password has expired. Unfortunately, I do not have access to the e-mail I used to create the account. Thus, the problem. It's really frustrating, man. Salem
  16. Good afternoon guys, I created a ticket some while back, and then the new ticketing system was created. As soon as I got that e-mail (saw it 1 hour after it was sent), I created a new ticket. Still haven't heard back from that ticket - though it's been about a week and I've replied to it a few times to see if I can offer any information to help the process along. Is there any ETA of when I will be able to recover my account and play again? It's really frustrating to see the game in new hands and not be able to enjoy it again. Please help :( Best regards, Salem
  17. I started to play it since 2013 and back then all that mattered to me was the customisation, which was insane. Gradually I became more invested in the game and I started to enjoy it more and more, this time not for the fancy clothes, but for the combat. I have never seen a more fluid and brilliant combat system as the one in APB. The gunplay is so damn satisfying with all the weapons. Then there is the tactical side of leaning and shoulder angle. I really used to love it, even though I sucked at it. I stopped playing it in 2015, because I thought there was no hope for this game. Occasionally I returned, but not for long. I've played mostly alone, but I met a lot of interesting people with whom I had a great time. I returned now in 2018 on a new account and the fact that LO is taking over makes me very excited. I hope these guys will save the game, because it has a lot of potential and really nothing comes close to it. I hope to love this game again, just like I did in 2013 when I first booted it up.
  18. UNBANNED EVERYONE? Not yet, no. WHO HAS BEEN FF? some 17,000-ish accounts
  19. Thank you very much for the constant updates, we know the LO staff is working diligently to improve our gaming experience and we appreciate it very much. I understand there are a lot of issues to address and maintain, but it would be greatly appreciated if by any chance you have an approximate date for the battleye patch/unbanning so we just have an idea...doesnt have to be an exact date..approximate would be great. Thank you!
  20. That was my reaction to my false ban, I refused to reroll, I would not give them a single cent or second until I was unbanned. Too bad it too so long... All my reroll accounts were for trolling and ramraiding, I never actually played again after I was banned. I did however vote down the game on all my accounts, so I think perm bans in the long run are probably not healthy, unless it's a habitual offender. Edit: I voted the game back up since they announced the unbans.
  21. Refer a friend was terribly implemented unfortunately, and most people just abused it by making new accounts with their friends (who already played the game) to farm the rewards, so it was primarily not used for its intended purpose of bringing in new people. I don't have anything strong opinion for or against this, but it would need to be carefully balanced for the economy of the game. I'd love to see steam market integration but it can cause issues with Legendary weapons and "real money"-trading, aswell as it would some restrictions on what items would be available for trading. Giving incentives for people to come back is a good idea. Would be good with an improvement over the existing challenges you can do to gain joker tickets. "Most Russians play the Citadel. It is necessary to combine two servers with a small online Nekrova and Citadel - into one new one with great online. It will be convenient for the players and beneficial for the administration." I highly agree with this. Any unique items from Nekrova could be converted to G1C for those players to use on other things in the marketplace.
  22. Hi everyone, I've seen a number of players who are frustrated at the extended delays with our support team. First, I want to acknowledge that we did send a cut/paste email to all the players who opened tickets in order to get unbanned. Many of them went to players who had been banned for cheating. Unfortunately some of the unban requests were for different reasons. It can't have felt very good to get a cut/paste email response that didn't even address your ticket. Second, it's clear that my staff was too small. We worked hard to get the new support portal up, but the number of tickets and types of issues far exceeded our capacity. Part of the problem is that my staff are still learning all the tools. They have three different systems they need to switch between in order to look up or correct issues. They are getting faster, but this is taking more time than I thought. Here are the current CS stats right now: - 1,689 total tickets have been created for APB since the new portal went up on 5/25. - 480 of them were players requesting unbans. Since we will be unbanning so many players after the next patch, we are not going to be responding to unban request until after that date. As I said above, if you requested an unban, you should have received an auto respond message. - 252 of them have been closed. - 957 are untouched. The vast majority of the current open tickets are players who can't access their accounts after G1 reset their passwords in January. These are time consuming tickets. My team takes a lot of extra precautions to double check many different data points in the account to make sure they don't accidentally allow someone to take someone else's account. Here is what we're going to do to fix this situation: Selali and his team are putting in extra hours over the weekends and try to bring the ticket count down. We have already hired twice as many CS staff to get ahead of this. We are looking for ways to optimize the CS training and tools to make our staff more efficient. Until I feel comfortable with our service level, either Selali or I will be posting these same stats every week on Friday evening before the weekend. We invite you to keep track, and hold us accountable. There should be no guess work. Hopefully we'll all watch these numbers go down and improve. I'm going to lock this topic, but feel free to discuss this in other threads. I just want a pinned area that we can add posts to it in order to keep the running tally. Thank you, Matt
  23. How is this going to play out threat-wise if using new accounts? Can you manipulate threat or will you stay in the neutral zone of silver districts?
  24. I wish my account was unlocked. Show you guys how a real Silver plays.
  25. Oh, I play whenever I have time, people can add my Pichuu account on NA if they ever want to play with me, it's not a secret and I've done with other people on NA/EU o.o
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