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  1. Hello APB community, As you can see my name is Rekkielrecckiel, short Rekkiel or recckiel. whatever sounds best for you. I have been active in APB since the beginning of time it feels like. 2012 when i started this adventure, this LONG adventure. Maybe thousands of hours on the Gamersfirst launcher and another almost 2000 on Steam, so much time, energy and of course money. And it wasn't enough for me, i wanted more. I wanted to be the best, together with my friends. So the smart man i am, installed something that might help him. a crosshair plugin. have a nice dot in the middle of the screen at all times. That went GREAT lol. My game crashed one day and i called it a day. Several weeks later i came back and wanted to login again only to find out the following message: Account login failed! This account has been permanently suspended (error code 10008). Welp that was it for rekkiel. After some try's to contact Battleye and APB support, nothing helps ofcourse. now here is the thing i actually trying to ask! WHY perm bans? isn't it hard enough to not being able to login on your escape from life for 2 years? After 9 years of playing, i make one mistake and its over forever. and even though Little Orbit says they would exam every case with care, they won't. This is what they said in 2018: 7) How do we handle cheaters when we detect them? Based on APB's history, I didn't feel we could permanently auto-ban cheaters based on any of the systems mentioned above. We do temp ban for a window long enough that my staff can review the data and then decide whether to extend the ban or remove it. All i'm trying to say with this post is, i learned my lesson. But this punishment, its to harsh. kind regards, recckielrekkiel.
  2. It's been 25 days and my issue isnt resolved yet. Support gets around to readying my ticket about every 8 days. But this most recent time he told me my account information I gave him to prove my ownership of the account, was incorrect. This is just ridiculous. I don't know If I'll ever be able to trade again. They might as well fucking ban me. I cant buy shit from the market, I can't send mail to anyone, even my own fucking characters. It's just awful. Hopefully it works out better for you bro. 8 days is the average response time (not counting weekends)
  3. Even in victory you are a salty winner. We had no doubts you'd get your account restored. Enjoy your little victory jig.
  4. As a big fuck you to everyone who dislikes me, my account now has full functionality again. Reaching my old rank of 251 has somehow, bewilderingly, fixed my account. GG. Thread can be closed now.
  5. If you didn't use your freebie weapon on the alig for always available anti-vehicle weapon you have ruined your account and should make a new one.
  6. Gans9517


    Greetings DEV's, tried to open support ticket but submit button is blocked, I have an issue with a login, deleted app from the phone and don't remember restore key, is there anyway you can manage reset of 2 way authenticator of my account ? Had to create a new one to manage this topic !
  7. Even after the patch, it still says my account isnt allowed to trade.. still waiting for a response from support.
  8. yeah everyone gets that, we just don’t care because he’s the kind of person that should probably be permabanned, and there’s nothing we can do about his account anyway maybe the next person to get a bugged account will at least pretend to be a well-adjusted human being and everyone will be up in arms for them, but until then “don’t do stupid shit and get banned” is a solid fix for this issue
  9. As a few of us Linux users have discovered in the 1.30 Open Beta thread, since APB’s 1.30 update it has been possible to successfully run APB:Reloaded on the Linux operating system, thanks to Little Orbit cleaning up old code that was causing crashes with previous versions. This also applies to the Steam Deck. This is accomplished with a tool like Valve’s Proton that, to put it simply, translates APB’s DirectX9 API calls to Vulkan and Windows system calls to Linux equivalents in real time. The following guide shows how to accomplish this with a few minor tweaks, all within the Steam client. UPDATE 2024/06/16: Removed the part about EAC Runtime as it is no longer necessary. Also added an experimental new non-Steam method of installation. How to play APB 1.30+ on Linux This guide was tested by myself on several distros (Arch, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed, Fedora, Nobara, CachyOS,, etc.) both Wayland and X11, and an AMD RX 6800 GPU. I have also tested it on a Steam Deck running latest stable SteamOS. It is necessary to do the following steps in desktop mode, however once you successfully run the game it will also work in gaming mode. For NVIDIA users: Make sure you are using proprietary drivers from this point on. If you need to install them, use your distribution's install method and do not use drivers downloaded from Nvidia's site. Step 1: Getting Proton-GE To proceed with the guide, Steam must be installed and started for the first time. Proton-GE is a community version of Valve's Proton containing up to date code and a collection of game specific fixes. Proton-GE 8-5 supports APB Reloaded (including Steam login) without any additional tweaks. To install Proton-GE, the most user friendly option is to download ProtonUp-Qt from your distribution's Flatpak based app store, such as Discover in the Steam Deck's desktop mode. Then, from this tool, select "Add new version" and choose Proton-GE 8-5 or newer. This is not specific to APB so there are many guides on the Internet that help accomplish this task, such as this one. Personally, my preferred way to install Proton-GE is to download the latest release and untar the folder within to $HOME/.local/share/Steam/compatibilitytools.d/ ($HOME being a placeholder for your home directory). After Proton-GE is installed, Steam should be restarted to recognize it as a compatibility tool. Step 2: Setting up Steam Open Steam, log into your account, and open Steam's settings from the Steam menu. Navigate to "Compatibility" and check "Enable Steam Play for all other titles." Step 3: Setting up APB Install APB Reloaded from Steam's store as usual. Be sure to not run the game yet until everything is set up. Once APB is installed, right click it from your library view and select "Properties" in the menu. Go to the "Compatibility" tab and select GE-Proton 8-5 or a later version of Proton GE, as shown below. If it does not show, verify that it is installed correctly and that you restarted Steam after installing it. You can close the window or press Escape and your settings will be saved. The game is ready to be played at this point. Optional tweaks and improvements Non-Steam installation method (experimental) If for privacy reasons you do not want to create or use a Steam account, or you want a minimal amount of bloat if Steam is only used to install this game, you can use my launcher which will utilize umu in place of the Steam client. This will start the official launcher and install, update or run the game as needed. This is still an early version and may be prone to bugs or incompatibility with some distros, so proceed with care. To use, simply paste and run the following command in the terminal and say yes (y) to install umu if required. Note that you do not need to follow any of the previous steps in the guide, as they involve Steam! bash <(curl -Ls https://raw.githubusercontent.com/telqor/apb-standalone/main/launcher.sh) Note that the below tweaks will need adjustments to be performed with such a setup. However, anti-stutter is included which should be enough for players who are fine with the vanilla config. Using configs If you wish to use configs such as removing the login scene, you can create a directory called "apbconfig" in your home folder and inside it, paste your configs as you would in the game's install directory. For example, if you are using a graphics config, the path "/home/(your user)/apbconfig/APBGame/Config/APBCompat.ini" would be a valid path. You can also insert command line arguments at the end such as -nomovies in the example. Then, paste the following script in the game's "Launch options". Do not use the APB Launcher's start button to start the game when using configs, start by closing the launcher instead. %command%; yes | cp -rf "$HOME/apbconfig"/* "$STEAM_COMPAT_INSTALL_PATH"/; $HOME/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/reaper SteamLaunch AppId=113400 -- $HOME/.local/share/Steam/ubuntu12_32/steam-launch-wrapper -- $HOME/.local/share/Steam/steamapps/common/SteamLinuxRuntime_sniper/_v2-entry-point --verb=waitforexitandrun -- "${STEAM_COMPAT_TOOL_PATHS%%:*}"/proton waitforexitandrun "$STEAM_COMPAT_INSTALL_PATH/Binaries/APB.exe" -nomovies -nosteam Reducing DXVK stutters Enabling the following DXVK option will reduce stutters when vehicles are shot, especially by fast firing weapons. d3d9.cachedDynamicBuffers = True An easy way to do this is to add this to your launch options, putting it before other options you already have. DXVK_CONFIG="d3d9.cachedDynamicBuffers = True" Using AMD FSR As with many recent games, we can use AMD FSR to upscale the game from a lower internal resolution, resulting in much higher visual quality than regular display or GPU scaling. This is especially useful if you need a larger UI and don't want to deal with the visual corruption that's caused by the "User interface size" in the game's options. This requires a recent Proton-GE version (I recommend Proton-GE 8-25, the latest as of this edit) Add the following variable to your launch options (either alone or before whatever options you were already using, don't forget the space after though): WINE_FULLSCREEN_FSR=1 Then start the game, select "Fullscreen" in the graphics options and choose the internal resolution you prefer. FSR will add some oddball resolutions that function especially well with this scaling method. If it is done properly the UI text should be rendering with native-like quality. This works for both AMD and nVidia GPUs.
  10. 100%. Reprimand just wants to hop on the bandwagon to freely throw insults around cause it probably makes him feel bigger. If this had happened to anyone on this thread completely focused on the symbol, I guarantee you they'd be far worse attitude than Im being. There's a reason temp bans are a thing, and a reason perm bans are a thing. LO saw fit in their judgement that a temp ban would suffice, and it did, I havent made another offensive symbol. That's why they dont do Mob Rule in court either, because if any of these idiots had experienced what I did, they'd be clamoring for the same thing. All I want is my account restored back to full functionality, I can regain the ranks and even the legendaries. But no, everyone would rather focus on the symbol thats already been seen and dealt with sufficiently by LO themselves.
  11. I like how everyone just missed the point completely. Doing something bannable should result in a ban, not messing with an account. This situation shows either incompetency whether it is an accident or immaturity whether it was on purpose. The outfit ban is pretty much a null point in this entire topic.
  12. You know, maybe both things can be true at once. Maybe we can acknowledge that your account being broken after a ban is bad, and that what you did means we won't give you the sympathy you're looking for. You came here to complain, and because all your options were exhausted decided a public forum would be the place. Everyone then told you that because of what you did, it's just karma in effect. And uh, no. You haven't taken responsibility and you are justifying it. Because you: A. Haven't explained what the joke is (a big indicator that you know what you did is fucking rude and contemptible.) B. You have criticised and name called everyone who told you about yourself and your childish behaviour. If you had given a meaningful apology and showed some semblance of remorse, I could understand the upset. But because you choose to fling mud and hide behind this defence of "I've already been punished so now anything afterwards is irrelevant" we don't want to hear it. A big hint: Maybe you are the fragile one if you're more concerned with shutting people down instead of just waiting out the problem. Big whoop.
  13. I'm not justifying shit lmao. That's something everyone else is trying to assign an arbitrary value to. If I was "justifying" it, I'd keep doing it. It was wrong, I shouldn't have made the symbol, it was childish and dumb. But that was never the point of the post to begin with, people are just getting overly mad at that small fact so THEY can justify completely disregarding how absolutely broken my account is for what should've been a simple 1 minute procedure of removing the symbol. Because apparently it their eyes LO can't do anything wrong, or something like that since they don't want to acknowledge it.
  14. i like making outfits with 10-15 clothes at a time and with 6 slots for an outfit each that adds up quick and im not able to buy any more or add onto them at a later date. Same with symbols i have to move symbols around on my accounts in order to have space. What if we increased the clothes and symbol limit to 100 same with the themes and songs in the game.
  15. Yes, I am aware. I'm saying that I think he should've stayed banned, judging by his replies in this post. I was one of the (presumably many) people false FF banned pre-LO. While I didn't experience any notable loss of progress (outside of losing all of my premium days, but that's just a first world problem), I do personally think LO should make an effort to fix these things for players they decide to unban. But technically, they're under no obligation to do so. Which if they can't even fix his account, that's all the more reason they should've kept him banned. Mainly because he was banned for a good reason anyways (and in hindsight, clearly learned nothing from it)… I don't think that OP making justifications for their banned action is a great way to get their stuff fixed. They're clearly wanting empathy from the community, but for whatever reason they choose to reply with stuff like this: … and expects people to be empathetic towards his position. If you ask me, if it "was always worth the potential temp-ban", it should always be worth the potential loss of progress too. An eye for an eye. EDIT: I realized I put "asking for an unban" in my original reply. I'd started typing the post as I was reading through the reply chains, and forgot to correct that before posting. Will edit now to fix that.
  16. Small claims court would do nothing lol. You can't sue LO for the ban, or anything really. LO pretty much (for lack of better term), "owns our accounts". It's essentially what you agreed to when you signed up for APB. They have the right to ban, or do anything to anyone's account without any stated or valid reason. As for the main topic of the post, you acknowledged you were wrong for what you did and did not continue the behavior. I see other members arent as smart to realize that the symbol you made was not the main point of the post. My best suggestion, like what Sergis said, contact support again. If they cant do anything, you're just SOL.
  17. You made a badge with very clear knowledge of the hateful historic rhetoric of said badge, and proudly displayed it on your clothing... You don't need to be using overtly hateful images and words like slurs or swastikas to communicate effective propaganda. Jokes make people laugh, hate makes people act, fear, and target others. The fact you weren't "spewing" propaganda is false - clearly you know this since you received a ban over the symbol. As for the conflict over you account being reinstated, no member of the forum can help you. The only group is the one that you've already tried. Surely they can help, maybe the member of the team that you've had help this far is unable to, but the whole of the support staff should have someone. You may need to escalate it. If support is truly unable or does not desire to, then there isn't anything else you can do. If you wish to try small claims court to get compensated for your things, then you could fight to get money back, but doubtful you would get anything with your agreement to the ToS and CoC broken.
  18. I made a badge. A historically correct badge that isn't censored in 99% of countries around the world. I didn't make a swastika, I wasnt spraypainted it around the districts, I wasnt out spewing nazi propaganda or calling anyone jews or slurs for it. I didn't put the N-word, or a slur, or anything else on my uniform you absolute douchenozzle. They should ban you for having such a shit opinion. Thats how you sound right now. But considering how you've apparently been on the forums since 2015 and only made 2 comments, sounds like you're just an alt account for someone else here.
  19. Hello Tiliam, Sadly due to a change at the backend systems a temporary trade lock is active for most accounts. The change in question is referenced in the Patch Notes: Our apologies for the inconvenience. Please also keep in mind that major system or driver updates, changes of hardware or logging in from a new network can also cause a temporary (72 hr) trade lock. ~@mayii
  20. Sadly due to a change at the backend systems another temporary trade lock is active for all accounts. The change in question is referenced in the Patch Notes: Our apologies for the inconvenience. ~@mayii
  21. Hello. Dear admin, please write to me how can I change my mail on APB? When I first created an account, I created a temporary mail, but now I do not have access to the mail. Please change your email to my real one. Thank you. Здравствуйте. Уважаемый админ, напишите мне пожалуйста как мне изменить почту на АПБ? При первом создании аккаунта я создал временную почту, но теперь у меня нет доступ к почте. Прошу изменить почту на мою реальную. Спасибо.
  22. The ban should be permanent. Claiming that you are trolling or just having fun is nonsense. You can't play the ignorance card here either. Meyer Leonard from the nba destroyed his career by calling someone an obscure jewish racial slur. I would be thanking support for not deleting your account instead of trying to call them out for incompetence if I were you.
  23. Me just play a few mission and get any weapon I want and stomp noob. Or low rating give me such good matchmaking that me just stomp noob anyway. When me rating up too high just make new character and stomp noob again. Or me buy account wide 3 slot weapon and stomp noob right from start each time. Rating is by far the lowest indicator for skill out of every metric APB has. Including it in the matchmaker brings negatives that far outweigh any positive.
  24. Me rating 255. Me make new account. Me rating 10. Me still same skill.
  25. Ive had my account for over a decade as well, muppet. Only time Ive ever been banned was for this, and only once. Oh, and cant tell me you've never broke the ToS before, everyone in APB has. Whether by insults, symbols, ear-spam themes, etc etc etc. Nothing in their ToS states that your account will be royally destroyed in the process of receiving a temp ban. But yeah, go ahead and excuse their shitty practices and incompetence, that doesnt make you look any worse at all /s
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