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Everything posted by ninjarrrr

  1. just go back to second life youll be fine
  2. nice might update my tb thank u
  3. nah they got no powers dont think u have anything to worry about
  4. any1 else getting this? had about 3 bomb points that I couldn't defuse because it didn't give me the option, spamming f doesn't work either. lost a final bomb stage because of this was well pissed off.
  5. ya make no sense ya froot maybe u should put some back to black on ur hair so it doesn't go grey instead of ranting on the forums
  6. u know ur games dead when u have 2 merge eu and us just get players lmfaoooo
  7. organisation standing so u can unlock all the equipment slots, old bloom + tracers, old death screen, weapon sounds and the ability to sell regular weapons on the market. also permanent weapons because i hate spending 22k for a stun opgl every 10 days
  8. nah u wasted ur money on premium ur better off buying chairs from ikea
  9. no his music shit lol and he was a shit gm too i dont miss him
  10. i created the first ticket after LO took over the game
  11. I updated the ticket 2 months ago and still haven't had a response
  12. why is support fucking lazy? I sent a message 11 months ago asking for an email change and still have had no response, i've been treated better by a call centre for fuck sakes
  13. haha do u guys remember APBEMU? that was a project done by the same people working on this and look at how that turned out, lmao why do people hold hope for this
  14. game looks shit with engine upgrade on consoles RTW looks alot better lmao
  15. lol with all the potential issues the merge brings, wouldn't it be better to leave nekrova as it is?
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