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Everything posted by ninjarrrr

  1. look we can see how well "experimenting" with apb has gone so far, its time for you to just admit that apb is curtains ie the show is over and the game is done for. the fact your new game is called "stfu" (hilarious) tells me all i need to know never mind the nft's lol. i trust my judgement that STFU will flop harder than apb. EDIT please look at this matt
  2. yeah because nobody thinks NFTS/crypto are a scam to begin with, look what happened with ubisoft and with gsc game world's stalker 2. nobody wants NFTS there is a huge backlash
  3. reviews i found on glassdoor lol little orbit is so done at this point
  4. honestly i am so fucking bored at this point, little orbit must know this game has no future yet continue to waste everyones time with broken promises time after time (reminds of gamersfirst lmfao) the fact that matt cant even be bothered to post an update on the forum shows you how little of a shit he actually gives about apb. if he wants to fuck around and get sued over stupid ip's that no cares about thats fine, but he should never of bought apb.
  5. literally just been released on YT, they dont even care about APB rofl, too busy with this crypto shite. ALSO NFT
  6. not a real song, just a guitar riff made for social district. i found the exact audio in the game files and its only a 30 second loop
  7. nah, goat doesnt care about apb anymore. pretty sure he was cheating on red orchestra 2 last time he was active
  8. no offense but i think ur project will go the same way as project phoenix lol people trying to recreate apb never really go anywhere
  9. what a waste of time, just shut the game down
  10. mad cuz dead game haha
  11. heres an amazing suggestion, it's clear to everyone LO doesn't have the resources to develop this game (even got sued and couldn't pay the court costs LOL!), so why not shut the game down before it sinks the studio like it did to realtime worlds?
  12. lol, frost (the innova anticheat) never worked, this was proved when a certain cheat provider released a cheat and it ended up shutting the game down lmao
  13. i don't think "top tier" and "NA" fit into the same sentence sorry
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