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Everything posted by Eisena

  1. Some mod, please change the title from ; 'Changing UI size to make it smaller.' to 'Reduce UI size' This is painful
  2. You beat me to it. I was going to make that joke. xd
  3. Just don't play APB, problem solved. You're welcome.
  4. I swear I am only borrowing your stuff.
  5. Makes you experience that sinking feeling doesn't it _chain?
  6. Did you know that the word for duck comes from an ancient Germanic word meaning 'diving bird'? Just how foreign entities these days are prone to do in the Mediterranean.
  7. Eisena

    Add these shoes

    Yes boots like that would be hugely appreciated. I am all in favor of more boots in this game. Also, more leather in general.
  8. I'm happy to see that there is at least one Nazi shown on this page. And o m g, you're looking absolutely beautiful today Yes, that was directed at you.
  9. I am still stuck at 30 or so fps.. LO changed something, and where I used to get as much as 60fps at times, I am now steady at 30fps... I am not sure if I should be happy.. I think I am.
  10. I have the feeling that news about migration isn't a proper subject of discussion on these forums. Might be just me, but I would tread carefully if I was you o:
  11. I think we don't have to worry about Riot Addictions any time soon. It's a shame really, cause getting addicted is sometimes a really good time waster.
  12. Some people say that before God, there wasn't such a thing as time. Praise be.
  13. I would play on Jericho. I've always like the people there,. but now with the low population, I really don't see the point. And yes, I know that makes me part of the problem,. and I am really sorry for it :c
  14. A content filter for the game? Yes please. No more anime, or mlp!~
  15. jk, I totally read everything. And I think you have made some valid points. ^-^
  16. This pic is appropriate on so many levels
  17. I stand in line all day. I get up early, I go to work, I stand at attention, salute when I have to. I don't want to que up, or stand in line at the last free place I have left.
  18. And you both agreed the idea is utter shit? I wouldn't want to play a BR APB either. The game is fine as it is, and it shouldn't ever get updated anymore. I want it to stay the way it is like now forever. I want everything to stay the same,. I don't want things to change, . I want to go back to happier days. I want to hug Gary,.
  19. I feel it is kinda weird to see a dragon asking for skinned dragons.. Whatever floats your boat I guess. But to me it sounds a bit too kinky. I mean, I wouldn't wear my father either.
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