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Everything posted by Thaumaturge

  1. no dude xXkenSASHi475Xx is still playing, hes silver and I SWEAR he was spinbotting with an ursus dude......... u hAVE to believe me bro im GOLD... c,mon bro... he killed one dude at render distance CMON bro ADMIT it... this game is FULL of hackers...... some dude was sitting inside of a wall dual wielding osmaws dude.... - your average forum poster
  2. there are configs that allow for this and yes you hit the edit button it really doesn't matter what you bind camera swap to as long as you use it and realize its important. third one also isn't entirely right considering there is a time and a place for it. nor are these in the spirit of my thread and what it was going for.
  3. need to work on your english a little bit, but, why do you need to know all of that anyway? it's also important to note APB doesn't have a server side anticheat, so i tried to answer your questions in relation to the current anticheat. The old one was FairFight, which was developed by GameBlocks and not LO or G1 or RP or RTW.
  4. jesus christ you're fucking dumb guess you're confirmed cheating because of all those times you weren't lagging and the other person was just before it affected you /s this is exactly what i meant when i said you aren't gold, and you don't understand the game enough to weigh in on cheating. a person who actually thinks this is a logical and rational thought, and thinks OSMAWS are overpowered and necessary to "try" and win.
  5. wtf are u trying to get ur cheeks clapped u some kinda geomancer or some shit
  6. 90% of the posts here are by people who hackusate regular high tier golds
  7. >statistics based anticheat >90% of guns in the game are heavily influenced by RNG ok lol
  8. more people who don't have any knowledge about what theyre talking about.... yay im so excited btw the first option in the poll is redundant as i believe they have posted several times now, they are trying to roll out their own anticheat alongside BE.
  9. basically >lies >gets told he has no proof and is delusional >hits back with a "yea no ur delusional" fucking need 20 dumbass of the year awards in this thread
  10. Then why the fuck would you ask for an arranged match, brainiac? Especially when you aren't ready, but already on top of the fact it doesn't prove anything relevant to the thread, just boosting for no purpose. has enough people to play to complain about the nfas on every thread but not enough for an arranged match, big lul.
  11. Constructive comment. How exactly is someone supposed to reply to that? "Yeah bro did you know everyone in the NBA is on steroids?" "Nah dude that can't be because of x y and z" "Lol smh just another one of the old NBA fanboys giving out fake news"
  12. >said i didn't play >gave proof i played yea dont do that dude ok thanks. and if you're talking about the arranged match, which you still haven't gotten back to me about, those are the people you will likely face as its the people we play with... (so you know, you had multiple avenues of people to reach out to), not that you've spoken to any of them, or myself, here or anywhere else. (and if you've ever done anything competitive, or anything involving a bracket, you'd have a rough idea who you were going to play against from the start) maybe if you got off the forums you could learn how to deal with an NFAS. and by the way, today was my day off so clock is ticking
  13. this is why europe is still behind the US 10 years culturally at a minimum, 5 years socially. perfect reference is you already forgetting what you said prompting my response
  14. i was ask strauu/dogfish/shini/karyl/hornster/dunder/harry/BLAZEY/mauri or whoever (basically played with the 8bit and bitfenix guys because well, i was in 8bit and bitfenix). i played both EU servers.
  15. i wouldn't bother trying to explain things like that to these people tbh these people still dont understand the very very basics of client side and server side
  16. you got the order wrong buddy i cheated blatantly on stream, then got banned on my main (not the account on stream) for a TOS violation but yeah, i fail to see your point though. murdered you six years ago, washed up old man and i murder you now. idk what the point of highlighting their names are, just people that are in the group of people we play with that might be interested in an arranged match. nobody has still gotten back to me about that and i've given out multiple ways to contact me. (on top of the already three most accessible, one being this thread, two being my forum pms, and three being discord.)
  17. are you the dumbass who made this video id bet my left nut you are and if so can you link the other ones
  18. as long as they are willing to return the favor on NA, wouldn't be fair otherwise to have one side play with no mods and starter cars and high ping and the other not endure the same i hope you are not associated with the people who asked for an arranged match brainiac,
  19. and what would this prove exactly? you can win but still struggle against NFAS users because you can't use your brain? i'm down for arranged matches regardless, you know my name ingame, message me any time. our group would be myself, jk0h confirmed, the others would be two out of swindle, sup, ghostemane, zelly, selfish, dexate, tuav, interface depending on who is available and interested if you're EU i doubt it would be possible for us to get 4 and have half our group under 200 ping as the majority is wcoast (and an actual korean), but we may still partake in that activity in that case.
  20. stop trolling ive given weapon meta lists before, and there are other weapons just as good as the nfas if not better, its about how you use it and when you use it. its not broken, you're just shit. sorry if facts hurt your feelings. p.s. waiting for complaints about the OBIR.
  21. Jumpshooting is simply rolling the dice and letting it land where it may. Theres no special trick to it, however, within a certain range, theres only so much space it can spread to, so within those ranges you are likely to hit your shots. It is however better to simply not jumpshoot, as it makes your path of movement ultimately predictable, and any players worth their weight will simply track you and punish you for it because they are mobile and you are not. Most of the people in this thread accusing people of cheats, or specifying mod loadouts have no idea what they're talking about (as expected).
  22. Ah, let me explain this for your convienence, again. If BE in some form detects it, heuristics or otherwise, then -everyone- using the cheat will get flagged and banned. If the GM's find and ban people that are prominently using it, more than likely only those players will be banned, and a few brave enough to keep using it/the rerolls of the initial bans. Banning anyone using the cheat will scare others who may be trying to hide it as much as possible, and those people may scrape by without a ban. Patience is key, as annoying as it is. [Removed personal attack. Keep it civil. -Spuzva]
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