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Everything posted by Thaumaturge

  1. itt: OP is bad, noobs are present move on
  2. Yeah i agree! If someone is too good they shouldn't be able to play the game /s. There aren't any rabid deniers here. You're doing the equivalent of saying "Someone is stealing the Skittles every day at my local convenience store!" then the manager asks how you think theyre doing it and you follow with "They backed their car into the building" to which the manager replies "They can't be backing their car into the building, there's no damage like they did years ago." and you're quickly reply with "Well, at the store down the street, they hauled it IN with a forklift just four years ago!" And by that I mean, completely avoiding the question, and showing you aren't aware of the intricacies of the cheat or of battle-eye, and are trying to make judgement calls when you yourself aren't experienced enough to make them, and worst of all, you're going public about it making yourself look stupid and the game look bad. I can't wait for your FF suggestion to start kicking the lowbies when they use an HVR instead of like an NTEC because their accuracy goes up, hahahaha. This is a topic for another thread though, don't you think? Yeah, lets just hope it gets better LOL. One important thing that small brains like yourself don't realize is, not everything changed will have an immediate effect for the consumer. Lets say Walmart redoes its distribution system. Its 30% faster to restock. Is this noticeable for the customer? Likely not, because they only restock when something empties or when the store is most likely to be empty/close to it.
  3. the engine and the bypass are two separate issues, but the engine allows for pretty much any outdated cheat made for the same engine to work. (ignoring detection) there's nothing special that has to be done to keep them maintained, if you didn't know. and it's a pretty big difference, can you show me why you think it doesn't? 3.0 to 4.0 would be a huge difference, especially considering 4.0 is the modern engine and takes advantage of all the new modern technology or did you forget that? 4.0 is also actively maintained, and again, takes advantage of modern technology. https://www.unrealengine.com/en-US/what-is-unreal-engine-4 im going to assume you don't have a clue what you're talking about. look at the date UE3 was released. and when you do, keep in mind its not running on the "Stable release" or it'd be 3.5, so it's running on something about 5-10 years out of date, 20 if things are particularly grim.
  4. You literally claimed people were using nospread against you. They aren't, I pointed out that to you, you then went and started bringing up people speedhacking and aimbotting in general and completely ignored the original comments.
  5. No, my claim is that you don't know a cheater when you see one because you are claiming things that are LEGITIMATELY IMPOSSIBLE TO ACHIEVE VIA EXPLOIT, BUGS, GLITCH, HACK, CHEAT, or otherwise and accusing players of doing them, WITH NO PROOF. Nobody is claiming "no one is cheating", in that video however, it certainly doesn't look like he is cheating. Stop moving the goalposts and stop taking shit out of context. It doesn't matter what they claim, in the past it worked, but it hasn't for years, that much is a fact. Floating and flying in the air has nothing to do with a hack or a cheat, it has to do with an exploit, the same with a bunch of speedhacks that were used previously. Anyone could do it, and nobody needed money, risked anticheat ban, or anything related for doing so because it wasn't a cheat. I'll say it again, you don't have the slightest fucking clue about what you're talking about, you are just pretending you do because your ego is hurt by people who beat you. Big hint for you, it's probably not undetected, they are probably banned in waves. Golly gee, howd you figure that out Thaumaturge? Well, its simple my dear friend Nikki, it's called five minutes of google investigation and It was immediately obviously pretty much every anticheat in existence bans in waves. I'm so tired of posting this, but, if you want to know how BE works, or any other industry standard anticheat works, contact me privately, and I will explain it to you the best I can. If my explanation is not enough, I can probably put you in touch with someone who spent over 6 years in the industry. You are right, every game always has cheaters in it. APB has always had cheaters, but, right now there are less cheaters than there have ever been. I really doubt you have the knowledge to determine if the players you are facing are cheating, just like most of these other encounters, a big part of it has less to do with you and more to do with all the bugs present in the game. I see people complain about a few people i know being "blatant cheaters", same people have also a) never been banned in anything to my or their knowledge and b) play at high competitive levels in several games. Yet, people like you make posts about them. Stop making posts like this, because you don't know what you're talking about, and most of the time you will not know if someone is using a tbot or an aimbot. Speedhacks are obvious, I will give you that. So many ignorant individuals, I actually don't even have to energy to properly reply to all of you, holy shit.
  6. lets rehash this post > still doesn't admit he was wrong, but doesn't deny it > ignores all matter of substance from my post and focuses on getting called a moron, which is both as true as it is fair. > pretends i think cheaters dont exist and cheating isn't bad for the game through extreme exaggeration and sensationalism this discussion is over i guess because you, like most other people who post stuff like you, are incapable of critical thought and reading. by the way, no spread doesn't exist anymore just toss that onto the pile of evidence that screams you have no idea what you're talking about. Time played =/= skill and knowledge, for the record. There are many people who do nothing but play APB with all of their free time, have played longer than you or I, and can't make it out of silver and don't know the basic things many of the higher end players abuse constantly.
  7. Oh lovely. It's that time of the week where the complete morons come out to play. By morons, i mean people who don't understand how cheats work and what is possible, the difference between client side and server side, the people who have no idea how basic anticheat works and the several systems they follow, and no understanding of advanced heuristics. These same morons also think they are justified in their ability to critique an anticheat, a developer, and are "talented" enough, maybe "special" is a better word here to sniff out cheaters. News flash, most of you aren't, and even if you were, you still aren't going to do it accurately 90% of the time because of the limitations the game has. Sorry If I hurt your feelings, OP, but hard facts. Both you and OP thought making a post like this was a good idea, with your limited knowledge of cheats, anticheats, and the game, and you expect people to take you two seriously? What the hell? A NatGeo documentary could be made over some of the people in this community. If you want actual issues with the game, the cheating population is already minimal. Active GM's and players reporting the rest will work alright, especially with the performance of BE, obviously you will always have some, and they are always a minority so the more people that play the less likely you will encounter a cheater. But lets try fixing seeing names through walls, RNG spread on guns, desync where people aren't where they appear to be which is easily reproducible (maybe related to your shotgun comment, you see them as 25m away, but due to desync theyre actually 5m from you) and a few other balance changes. Slightly unrelated but, the only major thing i'd change with cheat enforcement is if you have proper evidence that people grouped with said cheater were knowingly grouping with a cheater, you permaban the entire group, and not just the cheater.
  8. does OP use his brain find out on animal planet tonight at 8
  9. I don't know if this is relevant to you without watching your play, but, you are probably firing it properly. The biggest difference between a good player and an average player is positioning, and good positioning and movement will make you much harder to hit. Players often attribute losing a fight to missing, when the same fight could have been won if they were better positioned.
  10. it has the tightest spread of any marksman weapon what exactly is rng about it compared to the carbine? also, cheaters cannot control spread, hence why you will find many videos of cheaters aimbotting and missing bullets in APB, you're fucking stupid.
  11. What are you asking? The "dog" noise you are referring to is the "Yo" sound from Leboyce Vox with low pass filter, at least i think that was the question.
  12. nerf sp3 see how it is, go from there. really is no need to make such drastic changes to start with and tweak back, ruins the gameplay for everyone when it stays like that for months if its too much. shredder balance was perfect example of this
  13. we'll take it from here sport! in seriousness, it is real
  14. this is wrong graphics impact performance significantly, its the precise reason why myself and the vast majority use configs. that advantage in a firefight is called framerate. particles seem to be the biggest issue when it comes to stutters
  15. what i would do would be to readd the g10 threat system. it was very iconic for APB and unique. 1. seeing your threat increase/decrease serves as both a reward for winning and a punishment for losing. Right now, for many players, there is no reward for winning because they are already gold. There is no punishment for losing because for many its LITERALLY NEAR IMPOSSIBLE to go down a threat level. old g10 threat system wasn't like that 2. bring back ladders to encourage competition, especially against high threat players both of these gave veterans a reason to play, and one was hidden, and the other was removed for "toxicity", and really, it didn't make anything that toxic, it just made the game a little bit more bland. i really don't understand why people are against it. just to prove a point though, look at the population graphs after those were removed. I know a significant portion of those who were really good at the game stopped playing around those times. the old g10 system also shows what kinda player you are going up against. the difference between a high/peak gold and a mid level gold is the difference between that mid level gold and a bronze. it's not fair, nor is it fun for either party, but it would be helpful to know when you are about to get molliwhopped or just face an alright player. would seriously decrease the amount of noobs that get put against high tier gold back to back and think all golds are cheaters when in reality theyve just been slammed with the best of the best. as for the dethreater issue, it exists (at least on NA) simply because in the bronze district they 100% do not have to worry about high tier golds. in the other district, due to low population, they will get matched against them, its a matter of when not if. i really don't like the limiting of districts I can play because as a high tier gold its already near impossible for me to play the game. I wait on average 20ish minutes between opposed missions, when I get one, many times my whole enemy team leaves, or a good portion of them do before I even see anyone, many times some of them just AFK the whole mission after 1 or 2 deaths, further wasting my time. we've been doing in houses to mitigate this issue, but, it gets ridiculously boring playing the same set of 6 people day in day out.
  16. In this game you want to maximize your versatility for every situation. The NTEC is a top tier gun for mid range, however, depending on mod loadout and playstyle, you can perform in close range, and do alright at long range. Obeya is a ripper firearm, good aim and you will pretty much destroy anyone at medium range. OBIR is probably the S class gun. If you have brains, this is annoying because you won't ever be able to shoot at a good OBIR player. The damage it deals is enough to make other guns have stupid low TTK when used in conjunction with an OBIR teammate, especially for the amount of effort it requires to tag someone with it. Pick one of those.
  17. thats your opinion, and whats toxic about a good 5 seconds of music?
  18. add an option to keep this 1:1 with the actual hipfire sensitivity. It's nigh impossible to get it like that ourselves, even with the utilization of calculators.
  19. just noticed a lot of what has been posted here are half truths or outright incorrect, so instead of just quoting all of them in particular ill write my own thing (especially using fragile, that mod should be deleted the second you get it in the mail.) non-ADS weapons have the advantage in CQC. (Carbine, OCA, PMG, Shotguns, that sortve thing.) They have the advantage because your increased FOV helps with tracking "faster" moving targets. By faster, your opponent looks quicker because of their distance from the camera, theyre much closer when you are in ADS mode. If it is your aim that is an issue, ignore all the things about sensitivity. It is literally personal preference all the way down to the core. (I use 8.87 with Povohats Mouse Accel drivers which basically recreates the only good mouse accel ever made, the one from Quake Live as an example.) Find a "true sensitivity" you like and stick to it, and that true sensitivity is how many inches it takes to do a 360. Use a resource like https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/ or KovaaK's sensitivity calculator and ensure you use the same inches/360 always. The proper DPI is sensor related and here is a helpful spreadsheet which will show a lot of the mice that have problems with their polling rate, and things like jitters above/below certain DPI levels. It's still important you find a true sensitivity you feel comfortable with and keep that consistent, regardless of your DPI. It is however of UTMOST importance from here on out you use that same sensitivity in EVERY GAME. Use the calculators i provided to convert it. This will help you build muscle memory, which is all aim is. Daily regimen of stuff like KovaaK's Aim Trainer literally builds nothing but muscle memory which is a consistent improvement of your baseline when you are using it correctly. (Think of a line graph that has minimum and maximum points. Your maximums are you days where you perform, your minimums are your days that you aim like shit, but, the more muscle memory you build, the higher on the graph your minimum will be.) It's important to note if you do start trying to develop your aim, keep in mind there are two sets of issues. A problem with execution, which is where you get your crosshair to the target frequently but you fire too soon. (This would be an issue with a lot of Marksman weapon users, like the carbine, the obeya, the FBW.) Or a problem with performance where you cannot properly get your crosshair to the target frequently. Both of these issues are very different, and both can be trained with proper practice. It's also important to keep mouse interactions to a minimum. Like, don't use a scroll wheel to fire a carbine for instance. Ignoring all the other reasons why it's bad, a big one is youre constantly fidgeting with something and it throws off your ability to properly track when you need it most. tl;dr - use the same sens (inches/360) whenever possible, ensure its comfortable, don't use a DPI so high or so low on a sensor where it causes smoothing or jitters, practice practice practice to build muscle memory and your aim will translate to every shooter you ever play. Movement is something that only comes with experience in every game. You just need to attempt to be aware of when you start moving in a pattern and correct it. There is no other way, and it's different in every game for an added bonus, but the experience you develop from actively correcting patterns as they occur remain. Oh, and experience in game is helpful. The longer you play, the more you will be able to seek out engagements that are beneficial to your style of play because they will be more obvious to you. It is however important to maximize those situations, which is why it is important to do things like carry an RFP if your main weapon is an OCA, or carry an FBW if your main weapon is an Obeya, that way you can perform at more than a singular range. I hope this helped! Feel free to ask me anything if you have any questions @Freewind. Oh, and a personal recommendation on inches/360 would be to simply use one of those tools to properly tweak it so that one swipe across your mousepad from end to end is a perfect or close to it 360. I even uploaded some Kovaak for you if you want to see a portion of my daily warmup and maybe see if its a good choice for you.
  20. lets go down a checklist shall we >hentai weeaboo avatar >makes generalized statements >makes innaccurate statements >is completely ignorant of the topic they are talking about >shitpost yeah, seems to hit every box here, hateful and doesn't really have a reason behind it. pipe down and beat it dweeb. the systems tracking is working, and that's whats important, it will ensure everyone gets their reward once it is patched. secondly, working on this game is akin to working on a car made of solid rust, maybe you conveniently forgot that it's been worked on by several different companies, hundreds of different developers, and is in a complete patchwork state on unstable and now probably unreliable software built over 10 years ago that has almost no way to properly utilize modern hardware.
  21. its bugged but still being tracked once bug is rectified, progress will show accurately and rewards will be dispensed buddy
  22. Thaumaturge

    Must be a Hacker

    We are recruiting, extremely limited recruitment, same as we have historically been. Be very good at the game, be easy to work with, have a thick skin or don't bother applying. Yes, we are the original clan (previously known as Ex Wun). If you are interested, drop a line here, or message myself, jk0h/idiedmustbeOP, MegAMaN/Hordeau, iSoju, aetchh, Vendor/Insubordinate, YouShallPerish/YouShaliPerish. thanks
  23. game barely uses gpu btw game is also falling behind with its engine in its ability to properly manage modern processors as well. thats why you are having problems, on top of previous optimization issues that lie within the game. hope for the best with the engine update(s). to mitigate this, i highly recommend using a config/advanced launcher to basically play this game in a state as close to a picmip as you can handle, and even then you will still have stutters. play in fullscreen to further reduce input lag and increase frame rates (although, thats really a pipe dream as you get better at the game, as at the top, you will likely be spending 10-15 minutes at a minimum between opposed missions in prime time on NA, so you basically have to be in windowed/windowed full.) in this modern time, "60fps" isn't acceptable anymore when its not able to handle a frame rate enough to properly utilize monitors with a higher refresh rate, on top of that, those who can maintain semi-good frames again also suffer from stutters.
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