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Everything posted by GhosT

  1. It's random. Since they've introduced it, I've got like 10 or more, not sure. Didn't bother to get multiple when I already have all of them except connoisseur.
  2. Over time the value of certain things change, so losing (or gaining) money by trading is a thing. That's got nothing to do with idiocy.
  3. There's a lot of work they're doing right now. Engine upgrade, server merge, halloween events, christmas event, ARG rewards and so on. It is tough properly balancing guns so it'll take a while. It's not something you can just do in a week or so.
  4. The hell are you on about? The thunder is easily one of the best secondaries in the game and easily outguns an ACT or RFP in it's effective range. It's also a very good cqc gun so there's that. Don't blame the gun if you're bad, blame yourself.
  5. Well, Yekaterinas arguments are wrong and rather idiotic most of the time, but she's got a point here. Social is part of APB and one of the things that set it apart from other games. I for myself have met a lot of great people and had interesting and fun discussions in there.
  6. I wouldn't necessarily tie that to playtime, as there's people that don't know much about the game but have grinded nothing but asylum for years.
  7. They debundled everything except the skin if I've seen it right.
  8. It's not the NFAS that needs a change, it's all shotguns. They all should be reverted to the pre-LO-shotgunning.
  9. Where's the new weapon skin? Can't find it anywhere and I don't want to buy the whole pack with items I've already unlocked.
  10. Rockets don't vanish, they explode at 143m. Give or take a meter or two. 2 Slots are useful, for Bandolier 2 and Three-Point-Sling 3/Mobility Sling. Third is just a leftover basically.
  11. Can't identify yourself as the other genders in APB, sorry. Jokes aside it's way too much work with all the different clothing items.
  12. No, no one can hear more than 5 seconds anyway, unless they inspect you and manually click it.
  13. How about making a few different ladders, so we have different games rather than the same guns all the time.
  14. Of course that's okay. If it hurts or even destroys the game in a way, something needs to be done, regardless if you paid for it or not. Pay 2 Win is never okay and it's totally fine if the developer does something against it.
  15. But they said they want to increase its rate of fire too, which makes it more or less the same TTK. ... which is kind of stupid.
  16. Hum, just tried it. I stand corrected. Since when is it like that though? It certainly wasn't possible in 2011/2012 when salty, young me tried to budget macro a carbine. Probably just another thing G1 randomly broke someday..
  17. Last time I checked you actually can't bind shooting to your mousewheel.
  18. I find it funny how people think you can actually bind shooting on your scroll wheel. //Edit: Apparently this is no longer a thing for a long time now.
  19. This has been around since the game came out a decade ago. Also, please put on some shoes. :)
  20. If a district rejoin won't help, restarting it is.
  21. Hey, at least RIOT wasn't the most insuccessful battle royale game. So that's something.
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