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Everything posted by LilyRain

  1. This is in image of me getting a kill streak with it as it is supposedly a weak shotgun. I am not saying it is the best weapon in the world but for hexerin to say that ALL shotguns are in an "unusable" state is outrageous. The proof is solid, he's factually wrong. And no, not anyone can pick up LTL in fightclub and do well, it has many inherent disadvantages that the player needs to KNOW how to work against. In fact LTL has every disadvantage there is except effective range which goes against the idea of arresting as an Enforcer is supposed to be in close proximity (the debateable part is O-PGL CD, which magically turned out decently for that thing but hey, that requires max cop role which most people won't bother to continue arresting at that point. It also has the standard weaknesses of a grenade launcher). In many cases, LTL is just plain suicide in fightclub let alone to actually claim arrests. You actually need to know what you are doing as most CQC and LMG weapons can kill you 30-45% faster. Now add Fragile to the mix.... That was what I proved to one guy back there. You don't want rayscaling back and you are right but people in here do. APB doesn't need easy-mode kills that are even easier than PMG/OCA, mechanics that cater to people who want "guaranteed" kills when their enemies are literally about to leave their Field Of View. That's literally the furthest thing away from "balance". A tighter spread would be more than enough for Thumper as it is already as fast as nfas (heck one guy said it fires slow) but these guys shouldn't reflect their problems on the game, they should learn proper distancing, aim and how to click at correct rythms.
  2. You're not even good enough to discuss weapon balance. You're done.
  3. Shotguns are unusable, eh? CQC weapons unusuable, okay... I decided to give shotguns a spin. I did it with Thumper so there would be no further bullshitting and here is the result: Seems fine to me. I mean look at that, an "unusable" weapon managed to get a kill-streak! By direct-contrast, it appears we don't even have to examine the actual beastly shotguns such as CSG. Like seriously, the only 'wild shit' on the forums have mostly been coming from you specifically even MattScott commented on your sarcasm. Keep your nonsense to yourself till you learn better, thank you. "Again, last time I saw you you were silver" Yeah, you can keep repeating baseless claims. Like look, I can do it too: Weren't you Bronze last time I saw you? See how that doesn't really work? Lies aside, let's examine your garbage. You MAIN marksman weapons (obviously a sad camper) as well as shotguns (yet you can't click a thumper at its fire-rate as you declared before).... have 300k kills then still think you're something. On the other hand, I MAIN LTL with Fragile and I can literally MVP asylum with that setup: I am sorry but you're not on my league. And with your prior complaints, you don't get to say who is Silver and who isn't. Learn to literally click on a mouse before you even think of speaking. Didn't you say "Bye" before? Why are you still here? LOL But you'd be a much better person if you learn from your own advice. I hate to break it to you but you're the "delusional" one in here. ------------------------------------------------------------- The Shotgun Ray-Scaling trash was reversed for a reason. Learn proper distancing and to land your shots. That garbage shotgun-buff by LO should stay dead and for good reason.
  4. Not sure why you had to tell the world that you are dead weight when carrying a shotgun.
  5. The fact that you are replying to a portion that wasn't said to you is self-explanatory. Bye it is, you are a lost cause.
  6. Enjoy bypassing VIP and last-stage-objective sloweness for just $APB 10,000
  7. I already have a Thumper, thank you. Plus, I see no value in pleasing a simp. Simps are garbage by default. I'd believe you if you didn't make all the mistakes above. You have shown complete lack of knowledge. And it is astonishing how someone supposedly has 300k kills yet can't max-fire a Thumper, then still thinks he's Gold. (Heh, let's face it, you probably were some OCA/PMG easy-mode player who can't use actual challenging weapons. No wonder you complained about firing semi-autos). Keep the jokes coming, you're already finished.
  8. There are many semi-auto weapons in the game and it isn't hard to fire them at their limits. You have no point here, only showing lack of skill. Absolutely wrong, 1-slot JG is more than enough to make it "good". Like where do you even get your information from?! And that's your 3rd mistake. No, JG is substantially easier to get than Thumper. I already told you that..... But it seems that you believe JG requires 2 slots to be "good", which is why you looked at pointman rank 10 (which requires 1500 kills) compared to Rank 5 (200 kills). That's right, you only need 200 kills to get a 1-slot JG, which again is more than enough for the weapon. Currently, the cheapest Thumper on EU is at 700,000 $APB, the most expensive is 900,000 And funny enough, on NA no Thumpers exist, so you can't 'just buy one'.... lmao Now you tell me, Sherlock... would you get $APB 700,000 from 200 kills as well as the mission payouts while getting them? The answer is a big fat NO. Heck you wouldn't get that much even if you go for the 2-slot JG. -------------------------------------------- The next time you try to bs, at least say something that is remotely correct.
  9. No. The reason why you'd see more JGs than Thumpers is that there is no leasable contact-version of Thumper. If there was, you'd see more Thumpers than JGs. But they'd both be relatively a rare sight still. As far as investing in weapons goes, it is better to go for something that is simply better than both. CSG (or the reskin, Tas-20) is objectively better. Moreover, why shotgun at all when many people like easy-mode options such as OCA 'Whisper' or defaulting to PMG? Yes... that's right, THAT's why people don't care about Thumper because literally 85% of APB can be played with those 2 disgusting weapons. All I did say that Thumper is slightly more beastly than JG and you lose it. Point being if people are fine with JG then they should be fine with Thumper as well, because it is simply more accurate and has the potential to kill faster. It seems you interpreted that as shotguns shouldn't get improved at all, which I never said. Bold of you to assume that I did not and no, stats DEFINE weapon roles in the game it would be stupid not to learn how to read them. Thumper and JG happen to be doing their assigned role quite well. I would normally ask you to share the clip (which you should've already) but the problem is already apparent, "13 meters"... What made you think the weapon would function at full-lethality from that distance? Right, you didn't learn how to interpret spread values. Plus, what connection are you even trying to make? You speak as if JG can 2-shot at 13 meters. Newsflash: It CAN'T, not even with Improved Rifling 3. It takes 5 shots, FIVE. Perhaps it is you who should equip weapons and play around with them some more. I agree with every thing but you have made two critical mistakes: - Thumper doesn't have "slow rate of fire". 0.3s for a shotgun is not slow by any means whatsoever. It is literally almost identical to NFAS' (0.29s). - While the shotgun patch that made shotguns broken powerful & the subsequent one cancelled that monstrosity indeed conditioned people into shotgunning with awful aim, what I said still stands. Thumper is more accurate than JG. If you guys understood that as Thumper is some magical weapon, that "sh*t" is on you.
  10. Unless the stats on APBDB are a lie (which they aren't), they are in fact the truth. Thumper is more accurate than JG.
  11. It is all-around superior to JG. It kills faster (0.6s vs 0.65s), has the same base accuracy (8 cm at 10m), has tighter spread (125cm at 10m vs 150cm at 10m), has better mobility (sprint delay 0.45s vs 0.65s), faster reloads (0.5s vs 0.6s) and better damage dropoff range to help compensate for its red mod (15m vs 10m). https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Shotgun_DOW_Slot2_ArmasJB https://apbdb.com/items/Weapon_Shotgun_JG_Slot2 The niche is its mod. Much tighter spread but half the fire-rate. Marksmanning it is not the way. Just go CSG/Tas-20 at higher CQC-ranges (or drop down to being a PMG/OCA garbo-player).
  12. Yes but the effect is so miniscule the answer might as well be no. The following image shows the accuracy stats of NFAS that has Reflex Sight 3 and Cooling Jacket 3. Reflex Sight 3 improves Run Modifier by 10% (1 → 0.9). However... Cooling Jacket 3 increases spread alone by 50% (150cm → 225cm) as well as increase the shot modifier cap (spread) by another staggering 70% (1 → 1.7). Add to these the fact that NFAS doesn't really have any time to recover during its automatic firing (Fire Intercal is 0.2697s but Recovery Delay is 0.6s), which makes the situation even a bit more worse. The negative effects of Cooling Jacket on NFAS are so high that Reflex Sight won't help. Reflex Sight is generally considered useless on shotguns overall. Perhaps but there was another thing. While reducing the fire rate seems fair in exchange for more range, it made automatic weapons a lot easier to use. N-Tec started to handle like N-Tec 'Ursus', so the skill-factor in controlling shots was effectively gone. Additionally, due to how powerful and easy-2-use close ranged weapons are, it made their lives even more guaranteed against those using assault rifles in close range, because assault riflers by default sacrifice mobility when marksman-aiming in order to land shots. Close Rangers can also equip cooling jacket, making it rather impossible to lose without actually missing shots, which is rather unfair skill-wise. ---------------------- Tier 3 Mods aren't always the best choice. Cooling Jacket 2 is often seen better to use compared to Cooling Jacket 3, simply because of how big the negatives are with cj3 in exchange for a tiny benefit that is often not worth it.
  13. Good notice, it doesn't. They can afford it, that's why things like Obeya CR762 are still strong with CJ3. It already has good range so it doesn't need IR3. CJ3 works well on it. Correct. SMGs are mostly short-range so CJ3 won't hurt them as much. CJ3 PMG is a very strong choice. N-FAS with CJ3 though makes it spread too much. It requires almost kissing-distance to work. That would be much more straightforward for CJ3. Not necessarily a bad thing at all if tuned right. There was a previous change for Heavy Barrel that made it fire slower. It was too excessive so it was reverted.
  14. It does but indirectly. APB is a game of distances. Cj3 makes weapons substantially more likely to miss due to bullet-spread. In a sense, it shortens your optimum weapon-range in exchange for some speed. (e.g medium-range weapons become short-high-range weapons). Attempting to use a weapon at its original best range will easily require an extra shot. That extra shot increases time-to-kill by a lot on many weapons. In that sense, DPS-wise, its drawback is comparable to Heavy Barrel's.
  15. Spot on, balance is whack even for endgame. Surely fresh Characters will naturally suffer. The exception is Clotting Agent 3 + "green gas" (medspray). That combination doesn't really work. If you see someone using it just continue the fight, it won't contribute to healing them at all.
  16. You can keep repeating the word "delusional", it is all you can say at this point. I've given you numerous chances even though you sealed your deal from the get go. You aren't good enough to discuss this and using your frustration from P5/N5 deaths that don't really matter is the ultimate proof, more so you tried to argue that Spotter/Tagger are less 'wallhacky' than the Bounty System. You're done.
  17. Because balancing is influenced by taste, not by what is better for the game. Yes, LTL should remain weaker than lethal counterparts for very good reason (to not give Enforcers an edge) and I very much agree with that. But it is very easy to slightly buff LTL while maintaining that law. Instead, they nerfed LTL and buffed OCA on the SAME PATCH by not just nerfing PIG, but by making it completely useless (Stamina damage 950 → 675): https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2020/9/11/weapon-balance. Their reasoning I heard was 'to prevent stunning those falling from a certain height', right. That doesn't necessate this much of a nerf. Later on, they pretended to 'forget' that they were supposed to rebuff it to 750, which they have done later.
  18. Seems like you're describing yourself. I have ARRESTED AND BEATEN some of the best known players around and I would most certainly have no problem arresting you too, thank you. It does since that was your only argument, which didn't really say a single objective issue about the Bounty System. Just your own personal frustrations of getting owned. No, you cannot. The average time to kill in this game is 0.75s. Some weapons kill faster, others do it slower and that is the case in a 1v1 scenario. You're trying to argue that you alone vs 3-4 other players can hold out till your teammates arrive? The spawn screen alone requires enough seconds for a person to be killed. I guess it is YOU who never participated in "very competitive matches consisting of the best players". You wouldn't last remotely as long as you claim. Which is why this is a checkmate against your entire argument but sadly you are incapable of reading... Yet AGAIN, I repeat: "Golds will continue to play the game irrespective of being spotted, tagged or being P5/N5". You have just confirmed this fact. The Bounty System existing or not won't change anything in this very regard. And no, the Bounty System is not griefing, it is playing the game. Having it disabled is closer to griefing that not since it enables griefers to do their thing while being virtually God Mode. This should be very easy to understand.
  19. I am glad you said that, let's examine yours yet again.. Then you shouldn't have any problems but you somehow do, massive ones at that pertaining to "skill issues". You won't, unless your metric is silver/bronze opponents. Basically people that are still learning the ropes. Your grasp of timeframes in this game appear to be massively lacking. There is no "stalling" here. You either wipe the enemy wave or they wipe you. Silver takes huh? What do you call this then? You are fine with spotter/tagger that literally provide actual visual feed in the likes of wallhacks, but you call the bounty system that only shows a star on minimaps "wallhack".... do you even know what wallhacks are, my friend? It isn't bad design at all when it is less prominent than actual mods such as spotter. If Bounty is bad design, you should vouch for the removal of spotter/tagger as well. Till you do, you're not being honest. I have given many objective reasons that are simply not up for debate, but since this has devolved into a skill conversation then I'll give you a no "bs" one: The Bounty System should return so you get to learn a valuable lesson. That lesson being Golds (which you believe you are one of) don't really have a problem with the system. People will talk about it for a week or 2 then get back to their lives. Golds will continue to play the game irrespective of being spotted, tagged or being P5/N5. You however will continue to say that people are getting some 'unfair wallhack' & that they are ruining/griefing your mission. P.S: Griefers can grief anyways. They'll ram your car, ghost & call your position out to their mates, etc. The Bounty System actually gives you a chance to kill griefers, which makes it fun to get back at them every once in a while. I'm interested in your next wave of nonsense.
  20. - The Bounty System doesn't award JTs.. - "the last person stopping the enemy team from scoring a win" doesn't really work in APB. The game is against going Rambo (1 man army) against entire teams. He/She will get pushed and killed. Doesn't change the outcome. I'm not sure how to tell you this but if you have trouble killing 1 person whom you can literally see on the mini-radar in real time, you're probably not good enough to be discussing game balance.
  21. While I do enjoy the Bounty System, my liking to it is subjective. However, objectively speaking, it is quite the mistake to make APB nothing but Team Blue vs Team Red. There are many games out there that does this better & APB shouldn't straight up compete with that. APB should strive at making itself better at what it has unique, its chaotically-alive District nature. It isn't like we have after-mission leaderboards for it to be a problem. The moment you get your scoreboard, look at it by pressing Tab then press K, that match-history is GONE FOR GOOD. There is simply no reason to pretend that it is a problem. Moreover, years ago, the Bounty System was really lucrative rewards-wise. All Money and Standing were doubled, even those awarded at the end of a mission, so getting one at the last stage was a decent deal to those good enough to maintain it. But of course, that got nerfed to promote buying premium. Objectively speaking, I'm certain many people would have enjoyed this and actually help keep districts more alive away from peak times just because of how more likely it is to benefit from it. Additionally, it would help kickstart districts earlier because the hassle of farming non-opposed missions will be effectively HALVED (NA would've been fine a while ago when people needed Waterfront to progress & things were looking dead because of it. I wonder why nobody considered this, hmm?). Getting the Bounty System to be more rewarding again will be an unquestionable boost to APB. That is a clear-cut fact. More pressingly, progressing weapon roles without the Bounty System in mission districts is substantially slower. It doesn't matter what your average K/D per match is, you WILL get a massive hit to your role progression simply because of how many kills are required for max role. It is evident this wasn't considered/compensated when the system was switched off. The Bounty System should come back, it carries substantially more merits against meaningless, subjective demerits.
  22. Indeed. LO's latest plan is Phasing between adjacent districts but I'm not sure how well that will go or take to be ready.
  23. Dethreaters will make sure that the increase in population will go down again. Their presence destroys missions in the stronger district in order to forcefully dethreat, then further make newbie-life hell on the weaker districts. Please no, never again. Dethreaters should have their fair-share of the real-world like everyone else.
  24. LilyRain

    New updates.

    You have the upper-hand since O-PGL's weakness is time, plus since the O-PGL is jumping, both of you would be exposed. The situation is ultimately in your favor. O-PGL can drop grenades on the floor, bounce them off a wall or jump-shoot from a distance but at every single instance, O-PGL grenades require 5 seconds to explode. Long-ranged O-PGLers can be killed easily in less than 2 seconds. Even in 1 second with weapons such as Obeya CR762. Your best tactic against any O-PGL user is to either take the initiative or evasive action to attack later. Play around them and they are easy-prey. You could also get in a car to close the distance. They can do absolutely nothing about that.
  25. LilyRain

    New updates.

    1 vs 2 scenarios in APB are all painful. Unless you get to fight enemies in relative 1v1 succession, you're going to die (unless they can't aim). Try being in between 2 OCAs/PMGs, shotguns, Light Machine Guns, etc. Should we remove those as well? Because they are substantially worse. Literally instantly killing. At least both O-PGLs have a fuse timer of 5 seconds, you can literally start moving when you hear them and you'll be fine.
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