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  1. Ah yes the "exciting times at LO" post. Was wondering when we'd get one.
  2. Getting close to the 10 year anniversary of Q1 2014. And we still don't have anything new.
  3. Had a good laugh at this, thanks op. Why do i keep coming here?
  4. You didn't miss much. It was a lot of "would like to do", "should do", "we need to straighten out our plan for this", "we need to sort this out first" etc. Something for SPCT to test by April next year.
  5. All well and good, but as long as there is nothing tangible coming out of LO nothing will change. We still don't even have a release date for anything they are working on. Atleast give us a rough estimate as to what 2023 will bring to APB and deliver on something.
  6. Its been what 4 years since LO took over? We don't even have a release date for whatever they are working on. The progres speaks for itself. Also i can foresee GTA 6 release supposedly 2025 before APB getting an update.
  7. Do you really need Kevlar 3? The shine on that patootie is like a flashbang, nobody will be able to hit u anyway
  8. I can already foresee these updates being posted for a month or 2 following a 6 month silence with a post somewhere saying this plan was aswel.
  9. This. I still have a bet on making it to Q1 2024 without any new content (armas doesnt count).
  10. No release dates for anything? My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined.
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