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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. An upgraded chat algorithm updated in the future could help. Other than that I don't know any ideas right now.
  2. we like trolling each other to goof off so that's all I see it as. Its our thing we all know how with low population we couldnt get matches if the population went to only their color district but with phasing it should theoretically let us in Jericho match with citadel players if ping allows it which is what i am hoping for. its why i want phasing working properly asap since it would solve so many issues at once
  3. i hope its soon im anxious as anybody to check it out
  4. its not ready yet for otw all we know until Little Orbit says otherwise
  5. I did not do what you accused me of. the other day a person who was new was ram raiding on Jericho in bronze financial , and i believe it may of been another crim who started stealing their van from them. The person upset sounded like they didn't know to buy their own van and a few of us asked if they had it unlocked when those of us in district chat found out they did not we offered them one. doing good is not evil and your condemning is not justified. anyways like i said the matchmaking problems can only be solved with phasing so I hope it comes soon
  6. you are only projecting it onto me to blame me for what I did not do. I am not a dethreater. period. I have a silver designation and can play in bronze and silver by the rules. however you still wish to unjustly blame me for what I did not do wrong. if a person did not do something wrong by rules or morals then they are not the bad guy. I did not farm "new players" nor did i farm bronzes. I'm known for wanting fair fights as well as others there. i take the time to teach them how to play. The dethreaters however do not want fair fights and are the ones farming noobs. fyi about playing against golds : I get on average less than 500 points total. does that say I belong there ? I doubt many would say so. I go there to get better against stronger people but when you can be lucky to get 4 to 5 kills vs 20+ kills from a gold you dont get a fair fight nor really learn anything. saying for me to be stomped on does exactly to me what you said i do to others. its bias and unfair to say so. The only thing that I know of to solve this spiral is the phasing that is planned and I hope it comes VERY soon.
  7. The right thing? I am not a detheeating gold , and I take the time to try teaching new players. I am a silver who plays in bronze as well as silver districts , who is not good enough to earn gold or I would not ever be in bronze. And lets not forget silvers are allowed in bronze just as much as golds are allowed in silver which means I didnt break any rules since I'm not a dethreater. I take the time to teach new players , and lets face it there are not many new players , but when there are whether they be my team or ops I take the time to teach them without going all out on ops. So do tell , how is it my bad for doing good for them when I am not a dethreater nor do I go al out on lower ops but take the time to teach them? Edit : this is not meant to argue but want to see your view to understand more.
  8. actualyl i said how i dont want to be playing bronzes nor golds but want phasing to fix this mess also said that does not = dethreaters since if you earn gold without being carried you shouldn't be in bronze and would have to detheat to be there
  9. I am not guilty of dethreating. And I never go all out against noobs but I do I teach and train people when I can ( language barriers are hard) and by your own judgement golds should not be in silver , which is how this mess started to begin with so get moving then so we can all have fair fights. I'm kidding we both know we cant from low population , or we couldn't play. and we both know silvers are allowed in bronze just as golds are allowed in silver. it will take phasing to fix all of this since we do not have a better solution.
  10. To an extent I agree that new players should not be with those who have been here. That's not our fault either though that new players wind up in bronze/silver instead of green distinct , when its the coding that needs to be fixed to prevent that. But punishing players who can not play against golds by kicking them all to silver for not being new will not solve anything properly either and would most likely get people to quit APB even more so. Stuck in the problem of if new players get unfair fights they quit and if players not good enough to fight golds get unfair fights they quit. hope phasing is soon to clean this mess up. skill and knowledge doe matter of course and i do agree those who hit gold by earning it and not being carried) should not ever be in bronze that part cant be stressed enough since those who hit gold by earning it would have to dethreat to still be in bronze. Anyways my main point in my posts is while i do agree with you guys , we have to make sure we are not bias towards others either And this is a high rise tight rope act that no one likes. Until phasing happens theres no clear winners here , unless people actually grow a heart towards their APB community and stop detheating which is unlikely.
  11. I personally play in both districts but cant get good points from golds and average 400 points. Only quoting you to ask what your opinion is on where I should more likely be. I would play both districts regardless , but just want your opinion. This is not a good way to determine who deserves to play against golds and who does not. Anyone can know the game but that doesn't mean they have the computer , internet speeds , and skill to stop golds from farming them 20+ kills against them and being lucky to get 5 with a good team. And this definitely does not make them a part of the dethreating problem in doing so since they would have to actually dethreat to be a part of the problem of detheating.
  12. Most of your post is actually off topic when read more thoroughly , but let stalk about this first post regardless so that we can try to clear this up better. yes dethreating is a problem. No one is saying it is not unless they are flat out wrong on that part. but that is not the point either. But lets cover what is Dethreating first so that its not a jumbled mess in here. Dethreating is when a person who can earn gold status intentionally loses that status to get easier matches in a district they could not be in otherwise. it is an intent to lose that status , and not meant to be implying that anyone who gets gold is a dethreater if they are in bronze. Now lets also stress the point that trigger bots , Russians , and the Engine Upgrade are not related to Dethreating. They are actually off topic points you made from being obviously stressed. And lets face it , there are problems with APB that do stress us all out , but it is a work in progress , and that work takes time. Anyways , the Gm's are a part of dethreating because they can then report to higher ups what they see however the silence from them in district is most likely due to not being allowed to "name and shame" and/or take sides while an incident is happening. Gm's , volunteer or paid Little Orbit Gm's , still have to go by that. Otherwise they would just be adding toxic behavior to APB. In other words just because a GM is chatting does not mean they did not file a report silently since they can not just take sides or add toxicity to the district chat. Now that does not mean the Gm did it as i said either , but meant to clear up that we don't know exactly what that Gm had to do and it is not fair to expect them to just take sides without investigating by their protocols. now to ask a question : why would an Engine Upgrade be a killer of APB to put a nail in a coffin , when that Engine Upgrade lets us fix APB properly with phasing which is one part of many things to fix dethreating
  13. wow thanks. I'll have to buy that when i can since I haven't seen anyone playing RIOT to earn them.
  14. Thank you all for taking the time to fix all the bugs in the migration. APB is a mess as is Fallen Earth and little Orbit has done so much for us regardless.
  15. yes but no longer so no https://forums-old.gamersfirst.com/ its the old archive but its no longer4 functioning for me. As some people said on other threads it got nuked
  16. bishada rapier seems to have better stats than the IO growl from what in game shows by those status bars for handling , durability etc.
  17. No Gm can see 100% everything going on , plus they wouldn't be in the match so they would be less likely to notice. For an effective Gm presence you would need a Gm for each match which is unrealistic. The Gm's in question would have to be paid Little Orbit employees and there is no funding for that many new people to just monitor games in such a way. And before you or anyone else suggest "volunteer Gm's" , that would be a foolish thing to give absolute power to regular players rather than proper employees. As for being banned wrongly , it is not ok to be abusive towards innocent people and then expect them to come back. They wouldn't. No one in their right mind would come back to a toxic situation like that. You do not cure a patient by killing them. And once again this method you suggested would include you as well. No one feels good nor benefits from being wrongly banned. NO ONE
  18. so you want to repeat what g1 did with false bans and make that mess all over again? By far the worst idea I have ever heard. A lot of plans are in the works for after the engine Upgrade is completed to stop cheaters from being able to do what they do now. MattScott makes posts about that now and then so I would suggest people read his ideas for anti cheats and other methods for after the Engine Upgrade when he posts them again. I personally do not think it is a good idea to make things much worse by banning innocent people just because someone suspects them for dying. I mean one reported people for going n5 another reported for being run over....and those false bans matter as well Do we need to deal with cheaters? of course we do but not at the cost of the population that are innocent , which includes any of you.
  19. even Russians requested this. i think it is a good idea so that people can talk in a regular chat for all or alternate chat rooms with a specific chat language title in case they dont speak other languages like some have problems with. reminds me of RTW but their version....
  20. MattScott already announced how phasing/matchmaking/threat are all being worked on asap. There is no proposed idea that is better for APB which is why we are doing that. I do not believe Little Orbit ever announced how many on average are dethreaters and because of that I do not believe these numbers to be accurate. I'm a silver who goes gold when carried. I have not been able to keep gold or I would not play in bronze as well as silver. With that said , I do see some blatant dethreaters , but not as many percentage wise as you claimed in those numbers
  21. really? where do you live? Cali time I played until midnight lately. not all the time like it used to be but its been happening lately and I cant remember the last time I could play all day and night. In some ways the old system was better like being closer but in some ways it was worse like spawning in predictable places and no cover only to get spawn farmed easily. the new system in waterfront spawns us 100 away but at times that's across the water and might be closer to 300ish once you go all the way around those long paths
  22. to be honest I almost missed his post too All I know is I could hear people talking yesterday again and it feels good for it to not be so quiet. I wish we already had that upgrade but its another thing to look forward to.
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