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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. i didnt know any of them personally i only know of the raging i witnesed n tec getting some tweaks should be helpful
  2. south America as well is America..... i never said one specific country. people sleep in their time zones lol
  3. ok seriously do you really think people in America do not sleep???? you posted this thread 12 hours ago when it was 4 am cali time. when else is anyone going to sleep off their hang overs when the bar closes at 2 am for them? lol did you tell them how its less toxic than it used to be? because it is. not that its the best in the world or anything but its much better than it used to be
  4. access itself is not bad , but too easily acquired with out flat out earning them can lead to boredom
  5. some were vocal about it before rage quitting. bronze district tends to have the newer players so in my case since i play both I witnessed it
  6. agreed , I'm just concerned some are trying to push for too easy , which leads to boredom and people quitting from not being entertained Edit : a balance of it is all i ask for
  7. only quoting this part since I do not want to discuss your personal opinions and preferences since all people are different and that's fine. as for this part , some people who were new quit because n tec is too op at all things , while others liked using it as a legal exploit type situation. a future player base would most likely like the n tec to not be good at any and all situations so that playing is more balanced and fun compared to a gun that dominates in most situations
  8. 1. we are not entitled to any to begin with. 2. as others pointed out it was not stated that you were supposed to get the limit easily. 3. as Little Orbit stated the first time they posted about this being added , it is still a work in progress which means this is still a beta and to be adjusted. 4. encouragement for people to play as an incentive is a good thing , but too easily done is not. 5. see my point number 4 since it applies to free stuff. not sure if i missed anything , and this is meant as a neutral position by me since it is to be adjusted as Little Orbit sees fit since it is not a final.
  9. rule of thumb is if you have to use a 3rd party program to have an unfair advantage to win then you're pretty much cheating. also means that with how you had to ask about a 3rd party program , if you get banned people are going to laugh at you ..... a lot
  10. i cant recall what post says the details , but I'm sure it will come up again soon considering the upcoming network changes is a part of it all
  11. maybe perhaps those who quit from ping may come back then. who knows
  12. although off topic , i think it would be interesting to see what the community comes up with for ideas on how to improve our current maps. Edit : that means either minor changes or major ones ( some people were good at map designing) as for on topic , i am having trouble understanding op
  13. I personally do not have an opinion if the threat showing to others is removed or not. that's because we need phasing to help fix matches which would apply threat more soundly for fair matches. after that we can discuss more clearly what to do about threat color showing to others or not. I believe Little Orbit already said they are discussing on hiding threat color from others
  14. it doesnt matter what people use so long as there is a balance rather than any particular gun that is too overkill in all situations I believe those of you commenting the way you did missed that very point. disagree
  15. league of legends and overwatch is nothing like APB , no enforcers vs crims at all APB is nothing like any other game. these points of yours are irrelevant. stabba is balanced around getting arrests vs not being able to get arrests there is barely enough time as it is to get arrests at maximum stun range then running up. and that is if other enforcers dont kill who is being arrested or the crim team to prevent the arrest.
  16. running with packages needs new ways to counter to make the meta change and APB more diverse and fun. oh please yes and some new car kits too
  17. yeah i noticed , its also why i mentioned dropping ammo or using a nearby car as an extra explosion damage for strategy. No ones responsibility but his own to kill that , especially with so many car spawner locations and joker ammo points to refill regardless.
  18. so maybe either use an ammo box or blow up cars next to it as well for extra damage? either way you seem like you are complaining over not getting an easy kill now
  19. in your opinion would this be a good time for you to invite your friends back
  20. its not proof at all lol but yes nfas does need to be worked on how other community mentioned how to
  21. lol i never said it was a potato , but some are built too good for what APB can currently handle as well , as some of the community have said happens to them. hopefully the engine upgrade happens soon.
  22. The way you talk , you do not sound like someone who I would want to listen to and take for their word. While every game has cheaters , you come of as someone who accuses anyone of killing you of cheating. also what are your computer specs? They may need an upgrade , which is one main reason why people hackusate , other than just not being good. While it may be "truth" to you , it is an opinion by definition. Regardless of other companies and what they may or may not do , if you behave too poorly Little Orbit has every right to delete.
  23. there's been a thread before about wanting pve and many explained why this wouldn't work for APB in it. if i find it ill link the thread
  24. a glowing cowboy hat would be nice
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