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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. 5 months and the first month was moving in taking ownership etc
  2. I gave a link in the past on the new forums others already know about this. They read it themselves.
  3. I see bronzes carrying osmaw all the time. repairing a car doesn't mean much under those circumstances *shrugs* I gave a link to an actual definition of pay to win.... there is no pay wall restricting content to where you must pay to win. that is what the definition from an actual dictionary said. lots of your "urban" dictionary's are not in fact dictionary's at all and thus are inaccurate. They are made by people using examples of what it means to them rather than an actual definition. Simply put , by a proper dictionary it said APB is not p2w by definition. There is no way premium is p2w since p2w does not exist in APB. But there are a lot of people who complain that they died by something and blamed it rather than they just "dun goofed up" and died for it *shrugs*
  4. so stop bathing with the fishes and get a real bathtub?
  5. what about me with lack of sleep.... want to play it noooooowwww
  6. there was a thread by MattScott about how support is going and in it it was mentioned how it went from somewhere around 8,000 tickets to somewhere around 70,000 the next month from spam tickets Ever since then its been clogged and they've been sorting it all out. there's also a lot of support tickets due to reporting people. and as others mentioned on this thread there's more support tickets than players lately which means someones spamming it up again. Sure Little Orbit is having trouble with the support tickets , but there's players who also spam support any time someone kills them or for other dumb reasons. An example of my own is recently i was told by brazilians im a botter and i was going to be reported......while the whole server was lagging....but its my fault they died....from crashing their car ???? sigh all those support tickets are really clogging things up so hopefully a new report system is completed soon to give support proper room to breathe and move
  7. so i have to state the rest? fiiiiiiiinee geez make me work Take your game to the next level! Pony up to premium and get the following benefits in-game: Up to a 90% bonus to all Contact Standing (XP) gains! 125% bonus to all APB$ (in-game currency) gains! 20% discount in the Armas Marketplace! 50% reduced cooldown on activated abilities! Advanced access to customization suites (up to 100 layers)! Extended duration for free Armas trials! there premium benefits mr semantics lol not pay to win
  8. its an American game and Jericho had enough on last night to fill 4 to 5 districts counting social. And fyi if you don't like our NA game then why are you here again? Little Orbit just released a post on a new update id say that's good progress especially with how much was done in 5 months.
  9. i have a problem with that statement of yours. too many threads how people want premium cool downs for themselves for free for everybody. premium clearly benefits for many reasons.
  10. did you not see the blog post for a new Halloween event? do pixie sticks from the convenience store count? man those things get people wired
  11. It's not an assumption when they commented that to me in a reply on other threads on this new forum. It said "some" in my reply because some did reply that to me in that fashion. Many games have a premium benefit for a reason. And its available to anyone who chooses to get it. in doing so it supports those games. Its how games pay their bills whether you admit it or not the funding has to come from somewhere and premium benefits has always been a part of online gaming for that very reason. Some people like tacos some prefer soup while some prefer meat and others are vegetarians. As long as someone buys something the markets can keep their doors open *shrugs* it's the same way with any online game. some buy cars others buy clothes some buy weapons others buy premium in the end the doors can stay open because of it.
  12. I was just being thorough on grenade spamming since someone eventually brings that up. people buy premium for all the reasons they just don't talk about it. Not like we all sit around fapping epeens just to talk about this right? But we all know people like the benefits that come with premium. It's also why some people who do not have premium hate those benefits because they don't have it and don't want to support the game either. pretty selfish really... not referring to people who are broke but the ones who are just not wanting to. Why I said some are selfish and not all.... Any funding cut will slow development of APB to being better. It doesn't happen on pixie dust and dreams *shrugs*
  13. your statement is not quite accurate because long after some of us move far away from the npc it keeps having the lag I mentioned. It's a glitch that happens randomly to that extreme but it happens that badly none the less. I bet they are.....some hit the gas when I try to pass even though they drove like a snail just before and even cut me off during that.
  14. random threads here and there people asked for it. one of meany reasons its annoying to find stuff to point people to it. its probably on the cool down threads and premium. not sure though I just know its on the new forums for sure. My statement , not to argue with you , is to say that if someone needs to resupply every 2 minutes then they cant hit the broadside of a barn anyways. They for sure need those cool downs from premium because of it. If I really needed tons of grenades id drop a resupply box though. As for premium itself it funds the game so I do not wish to weaken that or we cant keep the lights on. Has to come from somewhere and that takes a proper incentive. *shrugs*
  15. was a bowler hat already suggested? charlie chaplin wore one
  16. server keeps crashing no less than 3 times the past hour. Came to let you guys know.
  17. Actually we as a community did ask for this. Quite a few of us who do want premium said it would be good so that we don't have to hassle with it as much.
  18. I would tell your friend to talk to staff and mention the support id number since theres a lot of spam tickets in there messing things up.
  19. perhaps if it was for joker tickets for both of them then? but like everyone said it was exploited so maybe after the engine upgrade and a lot of reworking on this of course
  20. from this thread its more of a boots on the ground rush the enemy asap rather than entitlement attitude. the op isn't saying any entitlement comments that i see..... ww2 japans islands were a #$%$# to take..... to me it appears people are just saying they were hoping for a better push but they're finding out its harder than that just like those islands. I was lucky on that bug and others thankfully. I got nervous when people started talking about their accounts being messed up.
  21. well in all fairness if you do say the same complaints every time to them they respond that way to you....meh no its not.... well its more of a mess from g1 than previously believed I had a support ticket for a weapon to be account bound that g1 said they would to find out it was coded to be a separate special item for some reason so i cant upgrade it now. G1 made special guns that really made a mess of things while they were miking us like my example. It's still coming into the light *shrugs*
  22. but domestic foods deep fried are still domestic foods original to their area of origin ???? anyways hope they can fix this soon Christmas is coming up and I'd love to be able to gift friends
  23. choking hazard toy so it was banned. Banned is banned as well... Aeronaut should be...friiken raisin cookies but loot boxes i don't mind....other than i dont have any money that i can actually spend on them right now.
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