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Fortune Runner

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Everything posted by Fortune Runner

  1. people want to be able to have something top play with . you cant just nerf every last thing because you dont like it then expect apb to be fun. each gun is different and if you nerf too much then they will all be similar in a very bad way. no thank you.
  2. sure why not. find as many old school clips as you can for nostalgia for extra brownie
  3. fallen earth did just restart so yes probably so
  4. so we can watch ppl insta kill themselves on cars ? ok im in no not sarcastic im serious im in !! sounds like a drunken kung fu night of fun to me lol
  5. just because it was sold does not mean it can not ever be bought back *shrugs*
  6. this is why some of us wish there were kits for the fresno. make some winable/buyable for an event and at least its something. that way if someone doesnt win they can still get it if they wish to
  7. are there any current discussions on what game modes or whatever could be possible to do to add content ?
  8. perfect for the blood roses then ? Merged. id rather pay for it then get my as handed to someone whos already had it but wants easy kills
  9. gamersfirst lied to everybody including Little Orbit. Matt has been doing what he can with what he has. better than what we had before though clearly not ideal. hopefully apb and fallen earth can be fixed properly. or preferably better than that
  10. I think you are just hungry Matt is busy doing Matt stuff of course.
  11. so a whole new game instead of apb and how it was built......ok
  12. Thats not how APB was built. To make a proper AI for apb's current maps would be very difficult to do from scratch. Not to mention a competent AI that knows cars are going to blow. Other games too hundreds of patches to make the AI's they had better for online gaming. Given that Little Orbit is not as big of a company as those out there , I highly doubt they could ever make a proper AI for APB. I do not recall anyone ever claiming it would be easy or a cake walk. getting a better computer and internet is just as important as "getting good" Also once again making a proper AI is much harder than you are making it sound. A complete rework means a "new APB" and with how the rights to APB were sold , this doesn't sound legal to me. The cost of developing a new APB would not be cheap either and could take years to develop , even if the rights were not sold this could be a bigger problem for a smaller developer such as Little Orbit. I don't this this is realistic from you. sorry. Merged. any update to Fresno kits something would be a plus
  13. there are lurkers such as myself waiting to play again. didn't NA get 2k players as soon as little orbit announced they had apb ? who knows who is waiting and who new will play then.
  14. How would Joker Tickets not be good enough for this already ?
  15. If I had the opportunity to then me.... but its disabled so meh This is why I wish we had an actual economy similar to how warframe does.
  16. it is little orbits job to add new maps and/or upgrade existing ones to be a real city fan made ones are doubtful if little orbit could use
  17. I wouldnt assume that. Cyberpunk 2077 took 9 years .... 9 YEARS to make.
  18. Pretty much this.... Any real progress for APB needs an engine upgrade anyways. There is no real use of diverting most of the finances and resources on an anti cheat and not upgrading the engine as fast as possible. This game would stay dead and only be good for sucking the life out of Little Orbit . If APB is to ever turn around the engine upgrade is a must have.
  19. This is why I wish I could shoot the people in dump trucks if they are out of a mission. sure you could make them invisible and drive through etc but is it as satisfying ??? lol
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