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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. Guessing using GMT/UTC is the old way, Ill see if I can't be there
  2. Hey Hey now. We used to have allot of High or Max ranks Legits that played bronze. Most left because of the lack of anticheat, population, and working guns. All of which drove out more people like me, cuz without pop, and solid hit regs or the hacking of hit regs or health there is only a couple of joker jobs that can be done. Dont really matter now, it used to matter if they dethreated but now there just as many hack in bronze as silver. GMs dont deal with hacking, dont have detection. Its like LO just won't accept or believe that many hacks exist, n they'd rather keep the few legits in Line, from Rocking the Boat. Cuz if they loose 3 or 4 legits its nothing to them, compared to banning the other 50 hackers in NA. If they ban them they would only have 4 or 5 legit players left, n that wont get them investors or put them in the tradable market
  3. They don't 'Care' Anticheat is the last, very very last thing in their priority list. And lets face it, if they were banning, we would have about 10 legits left to play, n 5 of those are once a month types. In My opinion the gun nerfing project was done to retain the hackers. Keep the few legits from being able to kill em with a full mag to the belly. You say Report and move on. First off if you can't detect a cheat how is whoever thats might come to watch the hacker gonna know if they haven't detection technology. Second We have strong doubts a report is even looked at in a timely manner if at all. Third, I am not Your Policeman So to me, you are trying to get rid of me and the few Legits n Keep the Hackers. Have a Nice fkn Day.
  4. You're Right. Be nice if LO told me. or Explained how this works. The Yellow 'Usable's are no longer usable with a cross on them, And LO should have Removed them from our lockers if we cant ever use them again. The 'New Shield' is a Orange 'Mod' and no longer a 'usable', So you must look under Character Mods in the joker store to find it, Pay 100 tickets to unlock it, then click on it again, and pay 10,000cash to buy the Mod. Then its like any other Orange mod, like torch or jammer. It deploys a shield for 60 sec. n I assume a 2-min cooldown. Thank You Sir. I stand Corrected
  5. they are crossed out, they are not usable. If you pick shields in your load out. the hud will warn you they unusable in this district, however I see people use them on occasion. they are locked out, have been for months.
  6. Please Fix the Shields so I dont have to report all the people using them
  7. You're not going to attract new players with out any advertisement, you're not going to get any old players back without some serious changes. Right now its a handful of pro's that only care about K/D, there is no Spirit of The Game. Its always been hard on a beginner. The anticheat is grossly ineffective, and because it is. There is even more suspicion. Ya give me joker jobs but you nerf all the subguns taking that job out, ya take out Pres/Note 5 n ya dont put in another joker job to replace it. So You gave me something to grind, then in my opinion, gave the cheats the run of the game by nerfing my guns. So unless I wanna feed cheats, you really give me no reason to play. Why climb the ladder so u can kick it out from under me? I didn't want to make a rant, these are reasons why we have such a low pop
  8. I Do Support LO. I appreciate the changes made, the new weapons, and of course the opportunity to get joker weapons, in addition to the many Armas guns I own. I too am a Collector, I'll buy a gun just for its looks knowing its not gonna be OP in combat. I also tend to support the individual staff members. I am sore though about the resent nerfs and what I think is a combination of cheat aiming and or cheat induced hit reg lag. A big issue with this joker grind is getting stuck using one weapon/type in mission environments that do not favor your weapon, as we all know you must switch weapons as needed to fit the situation. I also tend to loose more and score less. This is the chance I take for the opportunity to win joker tickets
  9. The Only Thing Keeping me playing right now, is the Joker Jobs, and my Lazziness to clean out my garage n do yard work. Nomally I dont Eat at dinner time, they put a plate aside for me n I eat just before bed. Because I stay up grinding my joker jobs, and playing with the Evening crowd. Then I'm up at 4am n I start all over again. Recently though, I would rather watch TV or Ytube. As any Grind goes, its fatiguing, I have 6 chars to grind each day I'm not fighting sweatys, for the joker tickets, and certainly not fighting them with nerfed weapons. Let me throw an example out here. 25 tickets for 5 radar jams, 2 minute cooldown. I have jammed 4 need one more, 3 minutes left in the mission, n i have a 2 minute cooldown. I know im not gonna have time to jam that last one, So Why go running back. Now If we had a job that said Win two missions for a decent amount of pay. like 100 tickets for winning two missions, i might try harder. but the only one like that is 10 tickts, its not even worth the gas to get to the mission. Then they nerfed n buried the subguns, so that job is out. Im not trying to kill 5 players with perfect aim and hit regs with a nerfed shit gun. Now what does that mean to the rest of the game. It means that Macks 3 crims can't or wont do that job, and thats at least 5 missions I'm not going to play that day. Now Maybe mack is greedy. So lets take out the joker tickets. Now what do I have to do. Go Steal? What go work on my K/D or my Arrests against Sweatys with no Effective Automatic Anticheat, So I can listen to the Sociopaths nettling n telling you to uninstall ect. LOL My Right to play is determined by some Randoms Opinion.
  10. I would like to see some feedback on this too. This means no Revenge against current Trolls, that literally follow u in there cars all over the map, crashing u and honking...So this means i have to take that shit n can't do nothing back. As it stands I just go get a truck right away if i want a vehicle that will make it to the mission. Not only the trolls but the npc constantly turning in your way. Also one of the Few Remaining Joker Jobs is killing or running down 150 well deserving npc pedestrians. Also with the increased npc traffic turning in front of you, siren or not. Its just better to drive on the sidewalk or smash thru the npc cars with a truck Its like being on pins n needles
  11. First off. Dont Try the guns till you are ready to buy. the Try gives you a 35% discount, n its only valid for 24hrs or so. Second. All My weapons are Account Wide. So any new reroll i make gets all them guns. The .45 is an Excellent Pistol, it had the long range of a magnum but is not made for range combat like the .44s. Its best used close up The FAR is a good gun, its precise, lightweight. it tends to bloom out in CQ and becomes weak at range. The Cobra-A is a nice gun. It has slightly more punch than the Far, but slightly less range. Let me suggest you look at the sub guns, get the bullpup called Trouble Maker. this is a chopped down Assault rifle. with AR range, it comes with a hunter 3 site, tagger, and its silenced..DONT GET THE ENTENTE its a pos The Trouble maker is very accurate, great for taps, full 32 magazine, it has some bloom in CQ but makes up for it with its AR like damage. Its not the meta sub gun, but a very good medium. It does not suffer from the 'Drop Off' in power that the other subs have recently be subjected to. Not to mention the tagger comes in handy if you like the Joker job and or when you are the scrub on the team. You run out n tag em, n the gold goes over n kills him
  12. Lixil on forums Nanichi in-game There was a GM awhile back called Mac, He was cool.
  13. Thats a bit harsh. I see the gm spending allot of time answering questions. And one time someone was Truck Raging n the GM removed the player, even Silenced my reroll Lenny for hacusating. N guess who quiets down when a gm is present. Ol Mack likes to 'Dry Hacusaate' , Mack likes to call people politically oriented names. I no longer do this because of convos with the GM. GMs are doing the Job they were asked to do, this may not be the the job certain players think the GM should be doing, which to my knowledge is primarily keeping the toxicity out of chat. As far as trolling, it is the GM being trolled by repetitive stupid questions
  14. I'm not OK with any of em, But it is what it is. I believe that customer retention is over riding the need for effective anti cheat. Thats why u see me playing the way I do, to be clear, it is not 'playing'. Its simply a grind for my JTs. Why try to have fun n ham it up. They gonna bot, teleport n wallhack n then call ya a noob n say EZ Reporting someone has no effect unless you run around recording, n i dont. so any report i make is pretty much voided. Due to the mass amount of known hacks and the gun nerfs, I wont even attempt a joker job that requires a weapon, I dont associate like i used to in chat. because i cant trust anyone to be moral enough to not hack. Easier to just filter chat, then i dont have to listen their sociopathic insults. like some that will say in chat, They havent seen a hacker in years...Ya Right. or it must be your internet or that cordless mouse. they have every excuse in the book down.
  15. I'm not too happy about the extended down time up to 10hrs, up from the old standard of 4 hrs. As far as the time window I figure they are either effecting NA or EU, one of us has to get screwed for prime time. I'm not sure I like this 'Provider' but this a Server Provider, not just an ISP. So a Server Farm. So the Server Farm staff go to our server, n reboot/update software. N we have to work with their staffing and operating hours. During this time, LO can insert new coding, tweeks ect, that cannot be done with the game running.
  16. Why Not Read the threads. Our provider's availability has changed" Its not them, its their Provider
  17. So that's Pac-Time 7-am to 5-pm @10hrs. Possibly done by 1-pm pac-time @ 6hrs = $2.14 for 9 Eggs, on account of Johney fell off his bicycle on the way back from the grocery store, cracking 3 Eggs.
  18. Any adjustment of a weapon, by the 'Nerfs' Whom have little if any knowledge of Fire arms is Wrong! You people Ruined shotguns in general, n now you've ruined all of the sub guns, (most are oca reskins) and in doing so eliminated yet one more joker job. Shotguns: Now your gonna try to tell me, Your new 20gauge Slug gun, has less hard damage with a Slug, that a jg 12 gauge. Heres another example. Your Ogre is so despicable id rather beat the enemy with it than fire it, the spread is so wide, wider than a claymore pattern, n no real guns have trigger delays,,that's stupid.
  19. random 10 hr maintenance, nerf any gun that kills, no anticheat, rewards gold to hackers, allows toxicity toward legit or regular skilled players. Being an honest gamer dont pay. Ya I think I'm done with you people
  20. That would be nice if they actually Buffed anything, what was done was massive Nerfing. Ok so they reduced the recoil for the Tommy slightly, with that they nerfed the drop off and range of every sub gun with one exception, n Im not gonna say what gun still works so they dont nerf it. They Butchered the sub guns, they butchered the shot guns a while back. Sub guns arent suppose to have a huge bloom, even the old Grease gun was fairly accurate. They suppose to be precise, come in the hallway, a quick triple tap to the man to the left of the door, moving in two double taps to the man at the end of the hall, before judo rolling to the side for cover, comes out of the roll on his feet, pops up from cover n empties the mag on the late comer just running back in from spawn. The late comer survives n grabs the box n runs, only to be taken out by 1 240gr. 44 slug from Big Thunder. Excellent lil story, n its just that a Story, only found in books and in Macks little mind. What really happened was mack came in the hallway with a subgun that had the range of an AR, he drains the mag on the guy to the left of the door, who then pulls a Chuckle Emote, then flips me off just as the guy at the end of the hall bricks me to the eye. Late comer arrives, kicks mack n tbags n runs off to next point....Thats what really happens after they Butcher n stomp on all the guns. I want all the nerfs reversed, i am not happy about it at all.
  21. Agreed, this is half the reason i am not spending now, the other half is the nerfed weapons. However your estimate of 500 players is grossly over. We have a max of 50-60 players on a Good day. MOst of those being Golds/Pro's/Hackers. Very few Legit players..It has gotten so bad that i did spend. but just to make another slot. so i could also be a famous and well liked player. So i bought a slot so i can have a license plate name. Then like the other sociopaths I stand on the rail at double B and Talk about myself, n how BaddAss I am. So this week I was 'GOD'. next week imma be what ever the license plate is on my neighbors car. Fucks NOT giVen-Mack Bolan
  22. I dont want to be toxic, But I will not purchase any more weapons, unless the nerfs are reversed. I will not Use any of the weapons that have been nerfed. I believe that the Drop Off they tweeked, effected all my weapons, and or that the cheaters have a way to either shield themselves or stump my hit regs and drop off distance. Why, cuz i get grey or white hits and the guy dont go down. So either LO nerfed the gun, or the cheater did. Thats why U see me running around with a 38. its the only thing they havent nerfed n i no longer GAF
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