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Everything posted by MACKxBOLAN

  1. I'm a Perma-Silver. In general I despise Golds. The MM will put you against the same 'Group' every mission. So It sucks to loose yes, but it sucks more if each time you mission, Its the same bunch that fux u last time. That said; I think allot of these Golds are in groups and or using outside communication such as discord, and the bronzes and most silvers are going at it alone. So if I were to complain. Yes I would suggest some are cheaters, but the biggest complaint regarding Golds, is that after 5 years of play, there is such a vast distance between turning silver and turning gold, it is not proportionate to the distance one has to go from green to bronze, and bronze to silver, that I have never seen Gold. n I won't. So if this keeps up, there will be no silvers. only Golds and Bronzes, and everyone will be broke. You can't go steal in a low pop dist, nor can you be a cop and go looking for stealers. Now the quick easy way to make cash is the FC. As far as being a Max rank and going against T ranks and low rank bronzes...I Always let em get some patootie, spend a clip and purposely miss them. Now thats not dethreating or anything but being a courteous gamer, and plenty of peps have helped me out this way. So its nothing for me to pass it down a bit, unless its an gold reroll, then I nade-spam
  2. is it still down, getting Error 9...FAk
  3. Ya I tried to switch characters and it wont let me back in, tried a few times. Jericho Fin NA
  4. They let all these gold botters run wild, litarly swimming in hackers. no fkn anti cheat. nothing but strange random gold names. Now im done grinding, but who wants to come hang out with a bunch of despicable cheaters. Guess I wont complain the next time it goes down, So what, Good, screw the mass hacks out of the play area. Dead patootie Hackers Game. Kiss My patootie
  5. My vote would be for LIL Orbit. Yea the server move was a pain for those of us that litarly LIve at double b's, but G1 never did a fkn Thing, shit would go down late friday nite n we'd be lucky if we got a reset by monday, So Ya I fuzzy bunny allot but things are Way better under LO.
  6. infinite loading of district in jericho/fin, also forum posts are not posting or are funxy. Just fyi.
  7. (Pluggs Cell Toilet with toilet paper-Flooding Cell Block-Flings prison slipper at guard on cat-walk hits in back of head) WHY ARE U CLOSED
  8. Last time this happened they forgot to remove the block, that gives normal players an error 9, The block is there so the gms can go in and play and check out the game before they open it up. I'm probly wrong, but in the interest of all I'm bringing it up. Could this be the reason. Please relay this to the techs.
  9. tried again, same thing. again i dont use steam. The 'Contacting Server seems to lag for a minute before showing error code 9, as opposed to before this, the error code would come up instantly after putting in my pw
  10. still error code 9, and my posts are not showing up here, I'm not on steam, just the standard issue launcher
  11. same here, was it a meme joke. its still fkn broke
  12. Too Late, Whole WEek, starring at the wall, bad weather so no yard work, nephew home no outside play, can't go anywhere unless its to go pick up the Schmekel clear across the valley. N Today we get 'Company'. So Ya I'll check in the forums in about 12hrs, but by then ill be full of turkey n pattotie n after a nice smoke, ill be back to dream land. I guess if i want my Pioneer back, imma have to goto sleep n get in that dream n find the muther who took it Toll Ya it'd be Friday, same thing as last time. So as opposed to Jumping in to Battle soon as its up, imma spend some time and money finding another game, or hobby. So I am not relying on one game or hobby. So I will not be able to Blast 'Alices Restaurant ' from my Pioneer to peps that are way too young to find it amusing, on Thanksgiving Day. I cannot continue to allow one game to control me like a bad drug. Today i will Forget and Forgive and possibly embrace the old ghosts that harass my self being. I highly doubt the game will be up till mid saturday or so. Last time this took 6 days, n it went down sunday. Rarely see players I know, Ya know, I'm kicking a dead horse. Happy Thanksgiving People, and remember 'Live Large' The Mack.
  13. {Shoves Mattress Pad Under Cell Bars and Lights It On Fire} U Gimme My Fkn Truck n Make The gAme Work (Throws food tray at guard window)
  14. I might as well accept it wont be tonight, n tomarro i wont be able to play, have plans. So Maybe Friday
  15. Does this mean there is still a problem, or that we are just waiting on the upload to finish, and an ETA please
  16. I told em, We Gotta Mole see it aint only me, others are beginning to Wake Up, Damned Pinko's I say!
  17. I think its pretty obvious, i can read between the lines. We have a Mole! One of the I.T. Agents is a 'Left-Winger', n probly the same muther of a pattotie that stole my Pioneer Goto this new Server Hub, n I bet they a blue Nulander in the parking lot. n he in there right now tinkerphuking the hardware, putting fkn pencil charges into rear ports
  18. SheeiT, by the time they get NA running they will have gotten the boxes they need and booted EU, n We Americans will have to continue stabbing ourselves in the FKN EYE till XMAS GODDAMMIT
  19. Fkn had to be a Left-Winger, My bad for putting a muffler on it. When I find him/her imma burn kill em wit my spray can torch.
  20. Dam IT Man. still not up. See on sunday during my nap i had this dream that someone took my blue truck. N I always have dreams about past owned cars, n this truck is not one i have owned. In the dream I am packing a gun and threatening anyone i come across about who stole it, n where it is. Now heres the trippy thing, the dream takes place in the Onion fields near by,,yes Those Onion Fields. I know this cause i just drove by them and saw the big burms of sand squared off like a fort, Then I realized that the blue truck is My fkn Pioneer on my reroll. ya follow me. So this nap was on sunday just before it all went down......n i get up n no game, no blue truck. So Im crazy But I wants my fkn Truck Back...You'all better fix this game or imma go down to the onion field n whack somebody, fkn torch his patootie till he Talk, tell me where my truck is
  21. Thanks for the update Matt, and thank your staff for the long hours.
  22. There was some matt post about new cities or districts like Los Angeles. I got all exicted n tried to hurry my reroll, so i could go into the 'new place' with my mains, suppose to be more levels, contacts ect. No they are just putting a server in L.A. last time this happend it was like 6 days, 3 to load the database n it messed up, so they had to reload it. now watch they'll get it running by thurday morning when company and dead bird arrives, n that whole day will be axed from gaming. Think i make a trip to best buy so i can browze some newer games, most ive seen are cartoonish and the people are armed with swords not guns and cars. Ya know, I'm 50 maybe i should just grow up
  23. Be no improvements, they just moving the server. So maybe this server will run better but thats about it, judging from how long it has taken to upload, 3-day so far, i doubt it.
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