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Everything posted by claude

  1. I'd be okay with this if it were a legendary spawn, but I really think the lack of grenades makes it more fun.
  2. It wouldn't have to be 95% if you hackusated less.
  3. In that discussion you just so randomly brought up for no reason, I stated that pursuing legal action against anonymous individuals who make cheats for APB is significantly different than Epic Games pursuing legal action against websites that host cheats, and influencers that advertise them. How you mistake this completely reasonable attempt to explain to you how the two situations differ as "white knighting" is beyond my comprehension. Yeah no, trust me, 95% of the gold population in Jericho didn't "disappear," we weren't even able to log in until a day or so ago. I guess you're the one who hasn't been on much if you're just going to willingly lie about the presence of players before/after the EAC update?
  4. I feel like the New Glory is exactly where it needs to be. It excels in CQC and its *okay* long ranged. Buffing it's marksman mode would make people question why the ursus even exists.
  5. claude

    Bring beacon back

    Could just straight up call it "Gun game." I like Riot, needs work but it's fun. I would just like something more to FC than baylan and asylum.
  6. you dont help new players as much as you say you do, id say you do more harm than good. You tell your clan members who you believe cheat and who doesn't, you all hackusate the same people. You dont get shit on for being an open clan who plays the game casually, you get shit on because you randomly flame people and rage towards them whenever they beat you, even when it's completely unwarranted. not trying to throw shit at you, but it is the truth. someone can destroy your team and say absolutely nothing to you, then you and your entire clan just starts flooding their whispers with hackusations and threaten to report the player. its a game, and it can absolutely get competitive, and shit talking is 100% expected, but dont act like the shade that gets thrown at you is uncalled for and "toxic."
  7. claude

    Bring beacon back

    Make 12 Deaths of Christmas available all year long. Nerf the rewards a bit, and maybe find a ways to incorporate Joker Ticket rewards into the mode, since new ways to earn JT seems to be somewhat of a focus at the moment.
  8. Okay I really don't know why people keep pretending that AAPBL doesn't increase the FPS significantly for literally ANY build. People with beast computers are playing APB with potato graphics because the FPS increase is significant across the board. Doesn't matter what machine you're running it on, APB is unoptimized for newer hardware, so it runs like shit on pretty much everything. Also, loads of players (especially in FPS/TPS communities) prioritize performance over quality. If you want to play your game at max settings and struggle to maintain 60-80 fps WITH stutters and random lag, you can. If LO understands that G1 left behind a mess of a game, and allows it's players to do whatever necessary to make their APB experience stable and playable, you shouldn't have a problem with it.
  9. 1. No matter how great your PC build is, it's difficult to push 90-100+ fps in this game. AAPBL makes this almost possible, players should have the right to modify their game to make these optimizations possible (without breaking any rules.) Also fixes many random stutters/freezes that conveniently happen when you encounter your enemy. 2. Not a good idea, would probably take an absurd amount of work, and the only thing it would do is give silvers more ammunition to hackusate their opposition. 3. Shit, I guess so. I'd save the whole "APB esports" meme til 4.0, though.
  10. Fun to play with 3 other people. We played a few times, and every time we were last alive, we lost for some reason. The RIOT truck wasn't spawning at all, and we gained pretty much no standing with the new contact. JT for days, tho.
  11. Well hold on... it's the same idea. If identifying the attackers were easy, wouldn't you think they'd be caught by now? Definitely much easier said than done... it's a felony after all.
  12. Neither are delays for big patches, or extended downtimes. Why would one believe they're entitled to a free 2 weeks of premium because of something that they've experienced multiple times which realistically doesn't disrupt their game experience in any significant way, I don't know.
  13. claude


    how is it flawed? those same private individuals were public figures on social media who were made examples out of in order to scare others. hell, the people making these cheats are more than likely living in a country where they can almost completely avoid cease and desist orders because the company suing them has no legal ground to do so.
  14. claude


    I'm not saying it isn't a problem, im saying they cannot be sued. You stated that the issue is that LO can't afford lawyers to go after cheaters of APB. How do you expect a company to sue people who aren't even identified? When these companies sue these "cheat makers," they're suing the websites that host downloads and sell them, since cheats conflict with their games integrity. It's much easier to take legal action against a website than it is to sue very specific people in the community, who are unidentifiable. I promise you, Easy Anti Cheat wont do any better than Battleye does. After EAC is implemented, people will complain just as much as they do now, to no fault of Little Orbit, but to the fault of the player who, for whatever reason, much rather blame the game and the anticheat when they lose instead of admitting that there are players always better than them, and learning from a brutal stomp from insane players. Merged. Yeah I don't understand why people think yet another anticheat swap will do anything better for the game. Don't really know why people see anticheats as this drag-and-drop solution to any game, ever. Only thing I hear people say is EAC and UE games are usually paired together, so therefore, it will magically be more effective than BE. Whether this argument his plausible or not is beyond me.
  15. claude


    That's irrelevant to the cheating situation in APB. In fact, that's irrelevant to pretty much any small game with a cheating problem. Cheats for larger games are stolen/produced and sold on a larger scale because there are more players who will buy them and search for them. Larger community=more cheaters, more cheaters means the accessibility to cheats increases. Small communities, such as the APB community, will have a small amount of cheaters who have no incentive to make cheats as accessible to the player base as possible. Meaning you need to know very specific people, and be willing to pay a large amount of money (in the several hundreds) to gain access to their cheats.
  16. i mean that's cool... but have you seen players do the rfp9/nfas only to 255 challenge? lots of jericho players are doing it rn, pretty crazy.
  17. claude


    Getting banned for modifying save files in that game was almost impossible unless you showed it off somehow, until they actually implemented ways to detect fake save files. Also, some of these guys speedhack and wallhack for months on DBD before ever getting caught, it's pretty concerning.
  18. what would they know? they'd nerf anything that isn't an nfas or an explosive weapon, and buff low yields and rc det, while nerfing flak jacket and with how frequent they hackusate (ironic seeing how many shawbotters they used to roll pre-BE) they'd just ban 90% of the playerbase damn good meme Merged.
  19. yeah ngl, clear over-exaggeration because of how frustrating it is having to deal with this annoying gun. I don't really understand why it hasn't been nerfed yet.
  20. JG is supposed to have a larger spread, yet I feel like it's low pellet count combined with the newer shotgun hitreg "fix" makes the JG mostly effective as long as you hit 8 pellets or so up to 8 or 9 meters. I have a much easier time covering the range that the old CSG was able to cover with the current JG than the current CSG. While these two shotguns have their own weird identity problem going on, people seemingly ignore the fact that the nfas can kill almost as fast as a shaw can, and has more range effectiveness than the JG while being fully automatic. Slap IR3 on it, and you pretty much have a full auto shotgun that can 3 shot anything up to around 15 meters with little to no effort. There's a difference between allowing a weapon being an overpowered exception to a games meta, and a weapon being completely broken and overpowered nonsensically. Look at the AMG for example. The AMG is an easy gun to use and kills incredibly fast, but you have to be crouched and stationary for maximum accuracy (presumably out of cover to shoot your enemy) meaning you're vulnerable and easy to shoot at... having your mobility limited this much is a massive trade off for the low ttk, low bloom, decent range and decent hard damage that the AMG gives you. Now look at the nfas... you can run and gun with it, and kill people almost as fast as the shaw. without any compromises. Makes no sense.
  21. I don't know how anyone can defend the nfas in its current state. It kills faster than the JG and CSG, it's automatic, and it's easy to use. I wouldn't even bother using the OCA when you could just use the nfas/rfp9 meme combo that a lot of players are choosing to use at the moment. I just think shotguns overall are in a really questionable state, with the JG being better than the CSG in almost every way, and the nfas just enabling a really toxic play style that makes you want to alt+f4, realizing that alt+f4 doesn't work, hit esc on your keyboard, and click "exit apb" faster than you can say "why did little orbit modify shotguns. I mean seriously, they even nerfed the Strife last summer and reverted it, but nobody talks about it. Did anyone even complain about the strife?"
  22. not at all accurate considering the amount of whales on Citadel who blow thousands of dollars a week on APB. This game makes a lot of money passively, and had always made money even during times of complete content drought and a severe lack of moderation. If people were able to spend thousands of dollars every month while a decent amount of the playerbase was cheating, and while the game wasn't being updated at all, what makes you think the game would be doing any worse with a better anti-cheat and newer content, with a company that communicates more in a month than the old company has in a year?
  23. We don't need to publicly announce who we think is cheating, especially on the forums without any evidence at all. If someone is a closet hacker, and you flood forums and district chat with "waaah, ban this person, their K/D is too good to be true" you're just giving them the ego boost that they cheat for in the first place. Closet hackers are creatures who leech off the approval/rage/jealousy of other players, who can't risk losing and tainting their image by losing matches to players who they and their friends consider "trash," and get excited when morons name and shame them. It isnt productive, you wont gain anything from making the post, and the person you're accusing will just feel better about themselves (especially because most people who name and shame are wrong and much rather blame their lack of skill and laziness as a player, on someone who can severely outplay them and/or the anticheat.)
  24. I wouldn't even bother using the ogre, since an IR3 nfas is pretty much just as good, except is way better when you have to be aggressive. They reverted their garbage improved rifling nerf, which was the only good balance change they've made so far, and it was 100% their fault as to why it needed to be reverted in the first place. I don't know why they start touching shit randomly and changing modifiers just to see if something SEEMS promising. I don't even know what their goal was with the IR nerf.
  25. last time LO reworked weapons, the CSG fell out of meta, JG is a better CSG than the CSG, and the NFAS can now kill faster than any shotgun. also all weapons with an IR3 preset were destroyed for a month or two i wouldn't want them to touch the UL-3 hitch and somehow make it stronger than the FBW/45/RFP9. If you want a CQC sidearm, the NFA is the most slept on secondary in the game. It's like a 2019 yukon.
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