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Everything posted by claude

  1. This suggestion was for veterans with a lot of money accumulated over the past few years. I don't expect new players to get $10m within a year easily or anything (although, trading in this game is really profitable, and you could get $10m if you played a lot.)
  2. Im a jericho player. everyone on Jericho (who still play) have been playing for 5+ years and they have everything unlocked. We have more things to unlock, but the cash accumulated over years of playing is practically useless. We need more cash sinks, allow players to spend $1m on a mod to unlock it account wide so that we dont have to buy a shit ton of the same mod over and over again. If I could spend $10m on perm 3ps3, IR3, CJ3, RS3, HS3, Tagger, MS, CA3, MP3 and Hard Landings, I would in a heartbeat. That $10m would be taken out of the game, and I would be granted ease of access to my weapon/character/vehicle mods. This is just an example of a desirable late-game money sink that wealthy players could throw their money away for, while players who are new can worry about the late-game content implemented years ago, that most veteran players gave already finished. Merged. But that's my point, casual players who are almost strictly F2P should be at a disadvantage for the permanent weapon unlocks through the Joker store, while premium players or players who purchased permanent weapons off armas should have a much easier time. It's a free to play game, and by showing new/poor players that they can skip the grind or make it easier by buying the weapons through armas or by buying premium to gain more cash, they'd buy the weapon off armas, or buy premium to gain money faster. The way its set up now, f2p players and premium players obtain JT at the same rate. Why does this matter? Premium is meant to give you an advantage while ranking up and making money, and the premium benefits do not help players with unlocking these weapons, but the benefits do help premium players when it comes to other joker store purchases, like the Firebomb, since you need to spend JT and a large amount of cash to unlock it. Why should permanent weapons be any different, when they're just as desireable? The money sink part of ths suggestion would just passively assist the economy, while increasing the difficulty of obtaining the permanent weapon, while also making the premium cash boost more beneficial to the player. Cash is pretty much useless for the typical old player, we need more things to spend money on.
  3. Trades dont have tariffs, and many people prefer to trade now since it's much easier and nobody gets a chunk of their money taken out of the game for every trade. I understand you're looking at it as a player who may be free to play, or just a player who doesn't buy JMBs, but most people who play APB have been playing for years and im sure they have accumulated enough money to buy what they've always wanted quite some time ago. What do they do now? Players who've had millions since 2013/2014/2015, they have nothing to spend their money on, they just wait for the next legendary to come out and spend the majority of their money on that. There's nothing in APB that a player could throw a huge chunk of their money away for, beyond vehicle purchases off contacts (average player would typically buy the pio/espacio, probably go for the 4x4s on the joker store) and then that's all.
  4. Legendaries are added to the game when a JMB is opened for IRL $. If a player buys one off another player, the money has already been generated through missions/FC/etc, so legendaries dont put money into the game, and they also dont take money out. You are correct, ANY purchase through contacts will take money out of the game. We need more ways to do this.
  5. Yes, because there's plenty of cash, and nothing to spend it on that permanently removes it from the game, and if you're a player with all the themes/symbols/vehicles/weapons that you've ever wanted, you have nothing to spend it on and no reason to keep making more. The cash gained through market/trade transactions is money that has already been made, practically recycled, and isn't new money added to the game.
  6. The entire point of premium is to make progression less grindy, along with expanding player customization. F2P progression was built to be inefficient and slow, adding $ prices to these weapons would make the grind more tedious. This would entice players to purchase premium, just as much as the cash and standing bonus would. Adding these weapons to the Joker store ultimately adds a route for players to take to unlock content that was previously locked behind paywalls. For a free to play game, there has to be some sort of steady monetization, and I feel like pushing players to purchase premium (which by the way, is dirt cheap nowadays,) is harmless and appropriate. However, I do see your point about weapon leases.
  7. Adding all these permanent unlockable weapons was a great opportunity to add more APB$ sinks into the game. Many players are sitting on millions of APB$ with nothing to spend it on, besides exclusive player created content, and the occasional weapon lease. Weapon leases take money out of the game, but they practically pay for themselves, since you can make that $2k-$25k back within a few hours. The only reliable thing in APB that takes money out of the game are tariffs placed on marketplace transactions between players, which is great and all, but with the new trading system, you can work around it entirely. All permanent secondaries on the Joker Store are fairly cheap JT-wise... and some primaries (csg, wisp, etc) are quite inexpensive, why not slap a $250k pricetag on them too? Have the APB$ price scale from 3k JT to 10k JT, maybe with the minimum cost being $250k, and max being $1m? With the amount of money you will make while playing FC for JT, these prices shouldn't be too bad.
  8. The ogre is garbage. the stock nfas is way better. Firework launcher is probably one of the last weapons you'd ever want to buff/nerf, since it's already so insane and annoying to deal with. You mentioned you're a console player, doesn't LO balance console APB differently? I imagine really braindead weapons like the ogre, ATAC, OCA and PMG rein supreme on console. If LO doesn't balance APB differently on console, then that's a pretty big issue.
  9. I didn't know OBS let you use mouse keys for push to talk, it's my biggest issue with streamlabs OBS, thx for the heads up
  10. Ogre sucks. Idk why anyone would buy it when the stock nfas currently has a .58 ttk, it's literally an ogre with no windup.
  11. What's wrong with Streamlabs OBS? Asking because I dont stream enough to know.
  12. claude


    If there is a flat EMP effect timer for all vehicles, it would make light vehicles even more useless. Allowing the EMP duration to scale with vehicle health will give players more time to deal hard damage to pioneers/espacios, while giving less time to deal hard damage to a bishada/jericho/growl/etc. I have a feeling EMP grenades will easily be the best grenade in the game, and this could be an easy way to buff low health vehicles, and nerf pio/espacio. Maybe Steel Plating could also increase the EMP timer. I know it will be a few more months or so before we start testing the EMP, but I just thought this suggestion was worth throwing out here.
  13. If you take issue with being stomped by the same 10 people every day, and those 10 people are Jericho players, i can assure you that your experience on Citadel wont be any better.
  14. You unlock most of these guns within the first 2 hours of play, idk why you'd take away early game progression to just give it all to the new player and overwhelm them with a wide selection of guns the moment they open their mailbox. You start with the STAR and FBW, and with the 10 day weapon selector, you can pick one other weapon (most pick the HVR/JG/OCA.) This allows the player to swap between 2 primary weapons while they rank up and unlock MORE weapons. The goal is to keep them playing for as long as possible, and if you take away the weapon exploration from the new player, you're shortening pretty much any drive or motivation to play the game. I don't really see the point in granting every new character access to 195 items, there would be no difference between playing on a 255 and a r10. Frags and percs are the most noob-friendly grenades in the game, and they are the first two grenades you unlock. Giving new characters concs and low-yields is a terrible idea, since it would make rerolling way less of a hassle and take away the "hype" of reaching new milestones and unlocking cool shit because of it. So instead of giving the new players an easy to drive car with a small/med health pool, we should give them the 2 slot variant of the most overpowered vehicles in the game? Combine this with "All mods level 1-3 are unlocked by default" and suddenly, everyone's cruising in their car spawner SP3 pioneers/espacios, running with items (big complaint from lower ranked community/new players) and pretty much embracing the car play meta that literally nobody enjoys. This was already done. You don't have to pay to compete, you evens aid it yourself that the 50% cooldown reduction needs to go and that it's the only pay 2 win mechanic. Well, it's gone now. 3 slot variants of these weapons aren't "basic." Mod synergy for weapons in APB would easily confuse new players so I don't really understand why you think their main concern from the beginning is whether they want CJ3 or IR3 on their ntec when in reality, it will take them a couple dozen hours just to understand the 0-100m distance cap in APB, effectiveness in range, TTK (which is almost irrelevant when you're bronze/silver), movement, car health, general map awareness in Financial and Waterfront, etc. Most of the time, mods don't make a difference for these newer players anyway. You honestly think a bronze/silver with an oca could tell the difference between CJ3 and no CJ at all? In their eyes, it's an SMG that shoots fast. Let them grind and unlock and try new things in a natural way. Low threat veterans going against new players is an entirely different problem on it's own, and I promise you that the solution to the issue is not to just unlock everything for new players. Wait for phasing.
  15. apparently if ur a gold player who wants to make a new character, you shouldn't be able to, because you're "doing way better than any actual newbie would" and "getting carried" because ranks = skill yikes.
  16. I have been paying attention, I play the game quite often. Maybe it's because killing cheaters in APB is way easier than killing a cheater in a traditional shooter, or maybe I just don't see what you see. A petition wont do anything, how would a petition stating "try harder, LO" with a couple dozen signatures do anything more than legitimate criticism from the people signing the damn petition in the first place? This is applicable to every online multiplayer game protected by any AC, but you seem to be ignoring the fact that the people who're cheating are paying hundreds of dollars for private cheats, just to have them regularly updated and patched as often as they need to be... and most of these players are on Citadel, not Jericho, so I really don't see why Jericho players are complaining about "rampant hacking" when they aren't even exposed to cheaters all too often anyway.
  17. All im reading is "just detect better, just get a better AC, just punish them harder." It's almost like you're completely ignoring last years implementation of Battleye, and this years implementation of EAC. What the hell is a petition going to do? Petitions aren't spells that are magically casted when it reaches a milestone amount of signatures, there are real people working on this game, and they're giving it all they got. I find it really annoying how often people hackusate in this game. I mean seriously, you're a Jericho player ffs. How many people in Jericho do you think cheat? I struggle to even name 1/2 people who actively cheat on Jericho enough for it to be as much of an issue as you make it out to be. Have you even played on Citadel? The legit players on Citadel make the people you hackusate on Jericho look like silvers, maybe you should get stomped by them for a while so you can be grateful for the lack of Nekrovian borgs on Jericho. Or just quit the game/find something else to play instead of parroting what you've been saying forever now, all while ignoring Little Orbit striving to make the game better.
  18. idk why so suddenly these armchair skeptics are rising out of no where, showing everyone and their mother these videos that expose insanely large publishers/developers for predatory MTX and comparing it to APB when it makes zero sense to compare MTX in a game that you pay for, and MTX in a game that's free to play. Especially when the F2P game in question doesn't even push predatory or anti-consumer monetization in their game, and is actually implementing ways to unlock some MTX items through in-game activities. Fifa is a pay to win $60 sports game, marketed towards people of all ages. The newer Star Wars games are marketed towards young teens and young adults. $60 with predatory MTX included. APB:R is a F2P game marketed towards a mature audience. The only thing one could deem "predatory" are JMBs, and they do not grant any advantage over other players, so not only are they completely pointless to buy, but the rewards are harmless. If you really want anything to be done about this whole gambling situation in the gaming industry, complain to the ESRB or ESA, because they're the only organizations that could do anything of significance in regards of combating underaged gambling or any predatory MTX.
  19. Loot boxes in a free to play game that do not grant any significant advantages to the player at all are "predatory" and "anti-consumer?" They aren't even that bad. All the legendaries are trash except the volcano, ursus and thunder. Not like they're so powerful that a player needs to obtain them in order to compete with others.
  20. I don't know how you could equate the implementation of loot boxes in a $60 game rated T for Teen, to a Free To Play game that is marketed towards and rated for adults. EA's implementation is significantly more predatory, greedy, and unnecessary, while APB pretty much needs MTX to survive. It's straight up ignorant to compare these two games and hold them to the same standards. They made the one benefit that made premium "pay to win" available to all players, lowered the prices on almost everything on the ARMAS marketplace, and are slowly implementing in-game activities one could do to obtain these items for free. Ever seen the average F2P game made by companies like Tencent? You should be relieved that APB is nowhere near as bad as those games monetization strategies.
  21. Yeah, it's really weird that the JG is better than the CSG in almost every aspect, hitreg being it's ultimate deal breaker since lower pellet count just means better hit reg. I don't see why it hasn't been reverted yet.
  22. eh, id easily say that about the hvr and nfas, but it's a simple fix; lower the rate of fire, or just make the minttk 1.05-1.15 in some way. the thing can 3 shot.... .58 minttk. if you dont die on the 3rd shot, you are more than likely 85, so dying on the 4th is a given. that's still around .8 seconds, way too fast for a gun that leaves very little room for error.
  23. Yes. The RFP9 has always been a ridiculously easy to use and powerful weapon. Even the stock RFP9 is insane, and I don't really know why people think there is a huge power gap between the fang and stock RFP9, they're both super powerful. Combine this with the NFAS, and you're easily the most hated player of the hour.
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