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Everything posted by claude

  1. maybe you need to face the reality that you're playing a free to play game owned by a company that can't afford to develop an inhouse kernel-based AC that forces the same 5-10 people off the game, just to have them reformat their PC, swap around some hardware, and be back cheating again. BE does what it's supposed to do, and can only do so much. the hackerwave has been dead for years, put the arc to rest. I would find it highly unlikely you've played against a single cheater within the past couple of weeks.
  2. I mean, pickrate/banrate in league is what drives champ balance... so I dont think buffing underutilized weapons is necessarily wrong, and also, I dont think this is what LO is doing at all. the weapons they've been changing are pretty commonly used weapons... ntec, ursus, obir, JG, PMG, etc. I cant imagine them buffing the carbine even more, the reserve ammo buff was needed for sure. seems like a lot of the changes so far have been fine, especially ever since that IR3 change. dont really like this blanket equip time nerf thing they're doing to all guns though, sorta just nerfs weapons with 3ps3 presets, and a lot of 3ps3 presets lack red mods, so the red mod presets are just gonna be better.
  3. think weapon balance should be put on the backburner guys! rather you spend more time balancing/redesigning waterfront, and maybe rebalance some awful missions (mah-jong money, repo racers, etc) because they make me wanna plant my fist foot and head thru my monitors and my wall! and ik it would be "ideal" for the engine upgrade to be pushed out before this, but i feel like another 3 or 4 month setback wouldnt hurt in the name of keeping ur players sane!
  4. .45/scout quickswitch with 3ps3 killed way faster than CJ3, now it's nerfed. just takes away versatility from the weapon, and makes mods that are already powerful, more powerful. damage buff wouldn't be necessary if clotting 3 didnt exist, equip time nerf seems very questionable for the scout.
  5. so now CJ3 scout is just gonna be better lol it nerfs the one thing the 3ps3 scout does better than scout with cj3
  6. why nerf the scouts equip time? 3ps3 scout is just gonna be useless now?
  7. boring answer but dethreating was so common at one point, playing solo was a waste of time (more than usual) you could have back to back to back missions with the same 2 or 3 people dethreating, and they'll spend the next 5/10/15/20 mins tking you, griefing you, afking, or just throwing themselves into the enemy.
  8. still dont get why they havent merged world servers yet? just put jericho in the citadel folder
  9. should put that thing in ur game, dont need to texture it or anything, just drag & drop. the clique wants this...
  10. to cope with how bad u are at the game, ure trying to push the narrative that an inherently competitive TPS isn't competitive, just because you say so Removed unnecessary comment ~@mayii
  11. play the video game how you want to play it. if u find stomping on noobs with cringe guns like the HVR boring, then dont use cringe guns against them, but dont expect people who may be better than you to treat you with the same respect... and if they dont, use some other cringe gun and beat them. will the match overall be boring as fuck because you're both using cringe guns that make the game boring? yeah, but if you hate losing so much to cringe tactics and cringe weapons, you have to play cringe yourself. you arent entitled to a win because you play less-lame then someone else. if i have vip on waterfront gresty's roof with 2 hvrs, a volcano & an ursus, im gonna win by default. why? because the map sucks and its almost impossible to push me without volcano spamming or nade spamming from birth roof, gg.
  12. there are tutorial vids for it on YT afaik, bug is cringe cus it created a boring theme producing meta where the first 5 seconds sound like garbage or boring asf because it's meant to lead up into a big long theme that u can only hear if u inspect someone hope it gets patched or just added in as a feature.
  13. not really sure how much money they've lost from the premium thing... I would assume it's made them more money if anything. I dont even bother playing the game if I don't have premium, so if I know I can come back to the game and have all the benefits for free, I'm way more likely to play it, and if I'm playing more, I'm probably gonna end up spending more on dumb shit. also I think it's safe to say that giving people premium for free just for the ARMAS discounts would be a pretty good move on their part, so the player would be saving money WITH the free premium, and also saves money by not having to pay for it. we aren't able to actually see how much they're making from ARMAS, but I would think selling JT would be more profitable than selling JMBs. They are selling a currency that can be used to purchase a weapon that has a chance to be permanent, just like a JMB, while also being able to purchase items that weren't purchasable with IRL $, which is sorta like opening a content floodgate for people who would rather pay for unlocks and not grind for them, while also making the grind less shit for players who don't want to spend IRL $ on those items, meaning people will play more and pay more. I feel like the legendary update alone will keep some of the whales busy until engine upgrade launches, then we can play the game on the new engine and get real updates for once.
  14. idk how much they would have to sell to make the game worth maintaining and updating, but id find it hard to believe if they arent making more than $4k/week minimum off of armas.
  15. yeah, you're right. now you have a weapon with a high ttk, when it doesn't really have a reason to have such a high ttk with it's utility pretty much nerfed to the ground. i dont think the ttk should be lowered, I just think the hard damage should be buffed a little bit more. make it worse than the alig & dmr, but shouldnt take 3 or more mags to destroy a steel plate 3 pio
  16. answer: world servers citadels pop wont drop below 100 players for a very long time, and until it does, don't waste your breath talking about APB & its potential population problems, because as long as there's 10 or 20 whales still around to spend thousands and thousands of dollars on dumb shit every week, there's a playerbase to develop for.
  17. why attack the idea of criticism amidst progress when that isn't the issue? the issue is the same dozen players accusing half the playerbase of cheating, and accusing LO of "not giving a fuck" when they don't address their delusional concerns.
  18. weird poll, idk anyone who'd want more rng in apb when only a few guns can actually screw you over with "bad rng." also just depends on what you consider bad rng... like a shit bloom pattern while you're spraying a rifle? or just missing PMG shots when your crosshair is literally RIGHT on them? also idk why LO would bother with making out-of-mission vehicles transparent when they plan on making missions instanced in the future anyway.
  19. add more in-game cash sinks, cus there's literally nothing to spend money on except mods, weapon leases, and some cars.
  20. who said anything about being unable to counterplay a silver or a bronze who's using an hvr? im only saying that the HVR is so braindead and OP, that it makes threat level almost completely irrelevant, because as long as you hit the shot, you're contributing to your team more than the avg low-gold does with a non-hvr weapon by taking away nearly all the enemy's health in a single shot. if a bronze hits you with an hvr, you're 85'd. if a silver hits you with an hvr, you're 85'd. if a gold hits you with an hvr, you're 85'd. hitting the single shot isnt difficult at all, and it allows your teammates to finish the tagged enemy off in a disgustingly low amount of time. but hey, ill flatout admit that when it comes to playing against premades who are defending with an HVR/ntec comp, in 90% of waterfront, there is almost no counterplay at all... financials high ground isn't nearly as punishing, until you have to attack german fortress on vip/capture, which you shouldn't even bother playing lmfao.
  21. HVR shouldnt be in the game. any type of "skill gap" can be closed by this weapon, and I'm not even joking, a silver with an HVR is more useful than a typical gold who doesn't use an HVR... so it just breaks matchmaking if you're outnumbered, and considering how often you end up in 2v3s, 3v4s, and 4v5s, this can get pretty frustrating. or the ursus, which is pretty much a better ntec in every way, outclasses nearly every weapon in the game, and isn't that hard to use.
  22. its apb bro, quit for a year and come back for 2 weeks, then quit again. find a new video game to play lol AQ war effort starts on the 28th, are u ready bro? do u have ur NR gear? huh?
  23. no damage reduction or anything, just sucks if u dont hit the followup shot immediately after the first shot, because everyone uses clotting. could be frustrating to use because of this.
  24. claude


    that would mean making the HVR more OP than it already is, re-breaking the yukon, low-yield hell, shotguns being more powerful than they need to be in an inherently defender-sided game, and making pretty much all other weapons not worth using, because the ntec/hvr/oca would be the only weapons worth using. with the ursus being as powerful as it currently is, you could just have it glued to your hands and do well in virtually every scenario... so if you like braindead weapons that probably shouldn't be in the game in their current state, consider the ursus.
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