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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. Shoulda kept up with the current engine and had just worked on APB 2 to start fresh.
  2. I've been sitting on the side watching for most of 2021. I got on for Halloween and that's bout it with really no time spent on the forums either. Now onto the news https://www.gamersfirst.com/apb/news/2022/1/29/apb-2022-roadmap @MattScott its too little too late to bring this stuff to APB. In 2021 ppl got tired of waiting, tired of the constant hacker problems and 0 attempts from G1 to actually properly make an effort to resolve this issue. Most weapon rebalancing weren't liked by the community and drove ppl away. Lower threat and new players left in droves after desegregation because they didnt want to get rolled over by golds and by the same said hackers.. Fixing the current live server should have happened years ago when there was still a community, not now after the playerbase has already given up and left. Myself and many others were saying for years that 1.20 needed immediate attention and fixes if you wanted to see the game survive. I've been playing APB since 2011 and id like to play more but the door was shut a long time ago for any hopes of a revival. Ill give you credit tho for still trying to work on the game and at least showing that you care more then the prior G1 and Tiggs ever did. This roadmap is a good idea but it should have been the roadmap for 2018 or 2019. If that was the case maby the game would have a pop to survive on right now in 2022. I doubt this roadmap will bring enough players back to continue to support the game but if your going to try then these things need immediate attention. 1. Active GMs and a 0 tolerance hacker policy. Get a client side and server side anti hack (that are effective) to detect and prevent ppl from cheating. Get a GM or 2 to watch over any active district to promptly deal with any cheaters that pop up during all hours of the day, NA and EU. 2. Game flaws. Hitreg has always been a known flaw in APB and should have already been addressed years ago. The same thing for matchmaking as its also always been a problem. This goes onto weapon balancing as there's 0 chance you can properly balance a gun when shots don't register as they should. This mainly affects shotties (which you've tried to rebalance) 3. Playerbase behavior. Another one that could have been resolved yrs ago. Dethreating leads to new players leaving the game, it makes matchmaking even worse and was as simple as actually enforcing the TOS and having GMs look for these ppl to warn them or suspend them. Griefing could also be fixed with this. 4. New content. There has been no major new content in APB since 2014. Anyone like myself that has been playing the game forever and have thousands of hrs of playtime suffer some the same thing, repetitive gameplay. We need new events, new guns, a new district or 2 and new unique missions. What we don't need are the same reuse events with no new content, titles are nice and all but they only go so far when everything else the event offers you already own and have owned for several yrs already. Some events you can reuse but put in new stuff so vets have a reason to play them again. Merged. Pretty much there giving up on the engine upgrade, thats what this is. Too little too late to save the game tho. Long live Q1 2014.
  3. G1 back in the day went with a single easy to bypass hack detection system and nothing else with no active GM over watch, which failed epically. LO since taking over has continued this practice with the same results regardless of which hack detection used. So long as the same known failed system continues to be used this problem will forever plague APB. Also so long as the community embraces hacks and cheats of any kind and doesnt shun those who are known hackers they will continue to flaunt them. We the community have a part to play in this as well.
  4. Ive been saying that for yrs. LO dont listen and now its too late. There is no pop.
  5. 8 hrs this time. Whoever is doing the server maint is really taking their sweet time for something that can be done in 1 hr
  6. At this point 1 is the only way as the pop has finally moved on. Unless they focus on the current engine and revert the gun changes and make some serious QOL updates all this time and money spent is pointless, hell its pointless to even continue working on the engine any further tbh.
  7. Jericho is ded cause Matt hasnt even attempted to fix the problems in game currently to retain the pop for the new engine. Everyone has finally realized he cant handle APB and has moved on.
  8. What is the point of maint let alone 6hrs of it when nothing changes?
  9. Cause its unique and has potential. Its just been held back by a company and ppl who didnt care and the last few yrs a company that cant handle such a small game.
  10. This game hasnt changed since 2014. And when a change was attempted in the form of Riot everyone said no keep it exactly as is unchanged. What makes anyone think there will be any change after 8 yrs?
  11. Maby if whats left of the APB playerbase started playing properly we wouldnt have this issue
  12. APB hasnt changed since 2014. How its still online today is beyond me.
  13. Know when to fire and when not to. If you dont know the difference then gitgud. Regardless of friendly fire its a fundamental requirement for a shooter.
  14. Does it really matter when its a ded game that nobody is playing cause LO cant handle it?
  15. Nothing. Its just ppl making extra money.
  16. Well its just another thing Matt screwed up Merged. Well as I said above, another Matt screw up. If only he had hired ppl who knew and made the right choices maby wed still be playing right now on a new engine at least.
  17. When Matt bought APB he made a promise of a stand alone crew just for APB. If what you say is the case then hes broken promises as well. Again its too late now as they didnt keep the pop around for the engine to be warranted. I would just say make APB 2 and start with current gen stuff. Unreal 5 did just drop.
  18. Nope they arent and they really dont know how to properly run the game. All of their choices to date has had a more negative impact then positive and any game dev knows they need to release enough content, fixes and qol to keep the pop around till the next content drop. Matt hasnt done any of these. I dont count events as they arent perm (they also only ran once before reverting to the old reuse events with 0 new content for vets) Now its too late for an out of date engine upgrade as the pops just too low and too many have moved on.
  19. They already decided. There guna do what theve been doing this whole time, nothing. If they were srs about this and had any intentions to do anything it would have been done by the end of the yr or in Jan the latest. 3 months was more then enough to discuss and decide a course of action.
  20. Rally behind LO? Yea weve all done that from day 1. We want to see the engine upgrade SoonTM but we dont want to see all these bad ideas LO has brought in. Autumn Assault was a giant stain and is now the worst event in APB history. Any form of weapon balance changes has only made things worse and LO keeps listening to the wrong crowd. Q1 2014. That was when this engine was supposed to come out, add on the yr 1/2 - 2 yrs G1 put into it behind the scenes and its been almost a decade since this began and its still nowhere near ready.
  21. Just an fyi but Hex is a long time vet who is one of the high tier players
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