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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. Error code 9. Servers are still down. Edit: error 11004 if you try to log in not using steam
  2. They should already be copied over especially if your chars are already in the beta servers with all the customization
  3. Its still telling me my info is wrong when it isnt
  4. Not sure if beta is live yet but I keep getting kicked back saying my email and pw is wrong when its working perfectly fine on the site
  5. There are afew reasons/excuses ppl make to cheat 1. Lack of skillz so they compensate to git gud 2. To ruin the experience of the game for others 3. Lack of morals to do the right thing and not do wrong 4. All of the above
  6. Ntec still dominates the field. Ntec is the only answer.
  7. When the pandemic hit we saw a rise in pop, that was due to everyone being stuck at home. Now that things are open the pop dropped back to where it was. It doesnt have so much to do with the swap back to BE so much as the ppl who came back got bored as nothing has changed (still). However ive also noticed the already gold low ranks and its indeed fishy and this will drop the playerbase further. LO needs to get ahead of it now before it can do any damage. Steam charts says it all.
  8. We were marked for death many many times prior to this yet here we are still goin. APB the game that wont die.
  9. Um correct me if im wrong but last yr werent all the events geared towards new players with the ability to earn event content from yrs past with little to no new gear for players who already had all this stuff?
  10. Hey @Sakebee think we can get a special weapon skin as well to go with this? Gun games, weapons and titles are great but your missing that to complete the offerings in everything.
  11. G1 said they removed 1v1 but lets be honest, G1 never did anything right back in the day. 1v1 still are a thing and still waste a match especially when matchmaking typically makes a one sided match. The few times I do show up in a reg dist ive gotten a 1v1 or several of em. LO should really go in and change it to make sure that a match doesnt start with anything less then a 2v2. With the current pop you really cant go higher then that.
  12. Matt. APB has had a SERIOUS scripting, macro, bot problem well before LO took over the game and its never been resolved to this day. There is a hardline community of people in APB who feel using these makes them good and that ruining gameplay for others isnt a problem. Asking these people to play fair is like asking a brick wall to move, its just not going to happen. Another problem is having the option to change the fire button, many people change it to the scroll wheel so tap fire guns can be fired easier and they dont need to click the mouse button over and over. This makes the gun fire faster then what many can achieve by clicking the mouse button over and over and it makes an unfair advantage for those who dont use it, and can at times be a false positive for a macro. An easy fix for this is making the fire button locked as left click. This makes a level playing field for everyone as most new players dont know about this as well as moves a false positive element and will make spotting cheaters easier for players and staff. This can be done now without needing the engine upgrade.
  13. When was the last time I was in a district of any kind?
  14. How can a game not be competitive when majority of vets use try hard weapons and curb stomp new players with em constantly?
  15. The closest SMG to a rifle is the TM, and even then the PMG can out range it. Ive seen many times the PMG at range dealing damage and it can be accurate too, moreso then the TM at times.
  16. You could bring in any anti cheat you wanted if the company doesnt keep it updated or doesnt really bother with a strict, enforced policy then no anti cheat will work well.
  17. All the PMG needs is a range nerf and it would be fine. The gun ranges better then the TM and the TM you need to aim with, by all logic the gun you need to aim with should have the better range then a spray and prey hip fire. Up close the PMG should beat the TM however when you have a slight distance the TM should beat the PMG.
  18. The current threat systems as it stands doesnt mean jack as its extremely broken and abused by less then ideal players. 1. It is way too easy to get gold as stated by op, someone made a video afew yrs ago where they were passive on a new acc. Never once killed and got gold just by doing objectives and winning. You cant accurately give someone a threat if they do this. 2. Dethreaters have abused the system to no end and so many ppl have threats that dont reflect their true skill so that makes what you see and have meaningless. 3. The population of APB is so small now that fair matches are a rarity, however matches were always unfair even when the game had a population so this honestly doesnt affect threat as much as 1 and 2 do. 4. You have high time vets in districts they dont really belong in curb stomping newbies just to flaunt their ego and feel good. This newbies cant grow and threat up properly as they gain knowledge and skill of APB.
  19. Jericho is spiking to 44ms server side
  20. LO no but this engine upgrade was started by G1 back in 2014. Regardless of how long LO has been here this exact project was started long ago and LO continued it.
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