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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. Weapons need to hit the target each time reliably, if not then the stats of the weapon dont mean anything and basing a weapons perf off of known faulty stats is not only dumb but it means when things are fixed the weapons will all need to be rebalanced yet again with the properly working stats.
  2. You cant weapon balance based off of RNG hitreg
  3. When LO took over we had an average pop of 542.4, peak of 1127. Thats the same as 303.5 and peak of 550? Id call that worse not the same. Reality check our peak pop is what our average used to be.
  4. Well thats 2 mistakes on Matts part cause if the playerbase sees it as a problem they will leave (which they have done and continue to do). Sept was an all time low in the game with only 303.5 players average and 550 peak per steam charts.
  5. Its part of the problem. Toxicity always leads to problems and when most of the playstyle is off of this its not a very healthy one. And RIOT is a perfect example of both sides of the coin. And to anyone who says it was broken, theres a reason why season 0 was clearly called a test run. It was to see if everything worked much like the 2 test runs of the new engine.
  6. ^ Pretty much this. This community is so full of toxicity its beyond saving. Everyone wants change yet when something changes they fuzzy bunny about it changing and want the same old way back that has failed for years. Nobody is willing to change for the better of this game and that will be the death of it.
  7. Some things yes its needed but others they can work on now such as dethreating, hackers, and the toxicity thats still around in whats left of the playerbase.
  8. New player retention will be next to impossible so long as you have vets dethreating just for ez wins and to feel good.
  9. There would be alot more ppl playing on both servers if LO took care of some of the problems that ppl are leaving over now and not after the engine upgrade. Such as matchmaking, bugs and the botter problem (closets count). They could upgrade the engine to the latest version if they wanted but so long as these problems are driving ppl away its only polishing a turd and at the end of the day no matter how polished a turd is a turd.
  10. Its shifted towards percs now cuz ya know, crutch.
  11. There used heavily in FC, which is outside bronzie dist and heavily populated by vets
  12. They are OP (and annoy). 300 free damage so just throw a perc and you can easily make up any recent nerfs to weapons. Nfas requiring one more shot to kill? Perc it. HVR 820 damage + perc 300 damage, makes HVR viable at close range. Rockets? shoot and spam. In its current state percs are free damage for anything and everything and require no skill, why do you think they are so heavily used and hated?
  13. The issue here wasnt the pig, its the percs. Percs have always been a hard crutch that is essentially 30 free damage and the stamina drop. Pig/perc switching isnt the only switching that goes on with percs its swapped with everything cause its that big of a crutch (Nfas/perc anyone?) Percs need a nerf so they arent as big of a crutch, either add a 1 sec fuse or cut the damage and stamina damage down.
  14. That only works for ppl who have money to spend in game. For those that dont thats not an option.
  15. JT would be easier to get... if ppl actually played the game
  16. Agreed. Too many salty forum warriors disliking anything and everything, which only showed the lvl of toxicity this community has.
  17. This debate can go on forever but the fact stands that cheaters still run rampant in APB and since the swap back there has been an increase in the number of them (blatents and closets) If cheaters were under control then we wouldnt be discussing this.
  18. Duh. But they can do better then they already are. Tell me after years of the same acc ban only has it really done much besides have new accounts made to bypass the ban? Im well aware not everyone is cheating but those that are need to be caught.
  19. No how about resources get put into combating hackers so this way we can actually play games without them getting ruined.
  20. Sooooo heres a question, how can you balance anything when hitreg is non existent?
  21. There is a diff between putting in more effort and suddenly doing things that are fishy
  22. Long story short with the pop thats left such a vast segregation doesnt help it only makes it worse. East/west segregation needs to go and in all honesty green and gold servers need to go as well. Greens dont exist and the one or 2 that are around cant play in a dead district so they go to bronze where everyone else is, on the flip side all golds go to silver (when its populated) and play there so gold districts arent used. By doing this there are more districts with ppl in em vs dead ones ppl cant use.
  23. TLDR, many ppl dont turn on their hacks till they are losing so they can compensate for being bad.
  24. Its been this way a long time, prob why Jericho pop is down 50% within the last month. People dont wana play with hackers and cheaters. No amount of engine upgrade is going to solve this problem and LO needs to focus on this otherwise all this money spent on said upgrade is pointless.
  25. He plays in social or the test server :^)
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