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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. I think keeping mentors would be a good idea. Gives new players a place to go and some experience in the lower threat dist for said new players to get help needed before they get to facing vets
  2. Pretty much. If you hack, cheat, abuse bugs and lose ur acc and everything u paid for its nobodies fault but ur own for not playing properly.
  3. Social 1, Asylum 1, and Baylen 1 are all online but full. Social 2 etc etc are offline. These should currently be online with the other ones all full.
  4. Well hopefully this brings attention to it and gets it fixed
  5. As the title says, social 1 is full in Jericho and the server isnt bringing social 2 online. Edit: Asylum and baylen 2 arent comming online either and both dist r full.
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