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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. Im silver cuz I dont care to try hard in matches nor do I care about the current threat system. If I did ud see me trying like I used to back in 2014-15
  2. And the dev team can take that into account in their investigation. They can also get on the game and watch said person in question if something does look fishy. Its not an end all but its def better then having words with nothing to back them up.
  3. But it is a clear indication this person needs to be watched and acted upon if they are indeed cheating.
  4. Back in 2015 or 16 they downgraded their servers and software and went with a new ISP. Since then the servers went from handing 50vs50 to barely supporting 40vs40 during the slow time of the night. Going off of that id say the servers def need replacement. Getting a new ISP might also help with the DDOS issue as it would be a completely new IP, MAC address, modem etc etc and the party responsible would have to retrace everything to regain access to the game which would give IO time to backtrace them.
  5. Yup, im old too (and still wearing the same outfit today)
  6. Mitigation will be turned off once the DDOS attack ends, till then stop whining, pull up ur big girl panties and deal with it like the rest of us are.
  7. Yea, then wed really see how pitifull the rates are and companies wouldnt like that cause then they would lose sales and have to increase the rates from gambling lows (which is how low they are currently)
  8. Some things yea but considering the wording of the OP and how some ppl have such hardons for blaming mid range skilled players I really think there srs. Its THE worst idea to ever be put in the forums and the ppl who voted yes should go look in a mirror.
  9. I know when ive been tagged by others and havent and there r times where im full health and its a 3 shot with nobody else around to tag me. I know what ive seen i know what ive experienced. u want to argue its fine as is go ahead were all free to do so.
  10. Matt and LO already said they would be looking at armas and making changes to it as is needed. Give them time to review armas and pricing and they will make an announcement once they are done and have made decisions on what to do.
  11. Free or bought has nothing to do with this. The fact of the still stands that it can be abused and with a bot its ttk changes. Ive counted shots many times as its a good way to tell when a bot is around or not and when its a 3 shot kill from full health theres a bot in play. Once again if the Ntec stats were fine this wouldnt happen.
  12. Removing the ability to chat removes the team aspect from the game, and APB is a team game where you need to work as a team to achieve the obj and win. Barring certain skill groups from being able to use all features is once again a bias and it would lead to further imbalance between vets and newbies/lesser skilled players. There honestly really is no argument here. You cant restrict chat unless you take away a core feat of the game which is communication.
  13. The timed system in place is for ppl buying the items from contacts and the timed vers in armas is for ppl who arent sure if they actually want the weapon or not or cant afford the perm vers. JMB also gives timed items of said stuff . Adding in timed vers of the legendary weapons would only water down the chance of getting it perm even more then it already is. My idea stated above would work alot better with APBs system.
  14. Well there isnt, its just how broken the gun has always been. It happened to me right before the DDOS actually. We had a R46 reroll botting and her NTEC was 3 shotting. its a confirmed abuse of the gun and it has been for yrs already. Untill they balance the gun and change it significantly this will continue.
  15. It needs a higher TTK, more bloom and less damage at range. If it goes from a 5 shot kill to a 3 shot with a bot its stats are messed up.
  16. HVR needs a hard ner, NTEC nerf and Ogre nerf. the 3 most unbalanced guns in the game
  17. Im pretty sure its a angry kiddy that got banned for hacking and lost their account and money and are trying to get back at em for their own mistake. Which if they never hacked and cheated to begin with they would still have their acc. Moral of the story is to play fairly and ur hard earned work and money wont be wasted.
  18. The JMB is a simple fix really. There should be an auto win after x amount spent. Like lets say you spend $25 on one type of JMB, one box will be a guaranteed win of a legendary item regardless of what the other boxes yield so if the other boxes dont give anything good you will get what u came for in the end. Ive spent $150 in one type of JMB before to not win the legendary and to be blunt thats utter bs and a rip off not to mention thats gambling. A system like I described would remove any gambling aspect to it and make ppls money worth spending in APB on these boxes.
  19. Agreed. I expect LO to initiate a trace on this soon enough but the game coding needs to be modified and scrambled so this person no longer has access to the servers. In addition social dist is down completely now in Jericho. Fin 1 (gold), 2 and 6 (silver) and open conflict 1 are online everything else is down.
  20. Are we srsly asking for chat revoke cause of your threat? You do realize thats bias on all lvls for lower skilled players. Freedom of speech dictates that anyone and everyone has a fair right to speak wether right or wrong. Everyone should be able to speak regardless of threat and or lvl and the OP should be ashamed of themselves for trying to revoke this simple right. Its not right to remove a game feature that allows someone to enjoy the game, to make friends and group up and would only serve to impact the game negatively.
  21. Sadly I expected DDOS atatcks to happen since the game revived. Somebody wants the game dead and the current infrastructure and coding is completely compromised by this person.
  22. Ty Lix ^_^ Edit: Inf loading screen on social dist. One of only 4 that r online.
  23. I cant wait for it. Well finally have a decent anti hack and maby wont see hackers all the time
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