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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. Wether LO dissolves G1 or not everyone is going to give LO the credit as their the parent company and the ones making the decisions. G1 is basically just here now like Bungie is just here but its Microsoft calling all the shots.
  2. Its verry frustrating I know, especally when ur shots are already registering poorly on a gud day.
  3. It should as its supposedly more effective then fail fight, plus with gms actually being in game and hopefully a decent hack det system to replace punkbuster (finally) the numbers should be drastically reduced.
  4. Well hopefully that will be resolved soon. Might just be a matter of LO optimizing the game on their end as G1 never did that.
  5. Social 2 still isnt spawning, LO plz fix this its been over a week already
  6. https://plays.tv/video/5b1477e720e79dd345/bunkerbustin-penta-apb-apbreloaded-gg-rekt-rekd-carbomb-carbombfun-remotedetonation-penta-pentakill-pentaaaaaakiiiiil Potato
  7. Exactly. They are bad and against the TOS. You will get banned and lose ur acc and $$ so I suggest playing legitly as things are much more enjoyable for everyone.
  8. Darkzero3802


    Now just hope u arent in trouble for posting useless threads in the forum
  9. They said they would give a date once its ready. Why ask a question that was already answered?
  10. Ud be suprised how hard it is to do *insert troll face here*
  11. So many things to compensate ur lack of skillz. Idk maby play the right way and develop ur skillz so u dont need to compensate?
  12. Its not my pc as everything else im doing online has no delay. Its the APB servers as usual and the lagg were seeing is very common with the servers perf worse then they usually do. LO needs to go look at the servers.
  13. Nope. the packet loss has only been at a 1 at random points. Nowhere near the 10-25 u see during an attack Come join us and exp it for urself
  14. Jericho is performing horribly, its randomly spiking and causing moments of lagg or rubber banding and its barely playable. Im currently in Baylen 1
  15. If they did I wouldnt have created this thread as social 2 would have been up and running
  16. This isnt G1 anymore so before u start bringing up stuff LO wasnt involved in it why dont u give em a chance?
  17. The funny thing is that this has been going on since before the DDOS attack last week and LO hasnt fixed it still.
  18. That wasnt a nerf. Adding increased equip time that is completely negated by a mod. That was G1s way of saying they arent changing anything on the HVR you are aware of that right?
  19. Hey Matt, back in the day the APB districts could handle a 50v50 server meaning a total of 100 players per dist. If we can restore that number it will lead to more balanced matchmaking (allbeit tiny) and less total districts spawned. A higher count means more opportunity for players to be able to join a pop dist with friends and play togeather.
  20. Social 1 in Jericho is completely full and social 2 isnt online.
  21. This needs some srs updating, my main weapon and R255 are mia
  22. They both need a nerf as both are OP as fuck. The Ntec can move around and be spammed more then an HVR can.
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