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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. Thanks for the info Matt. Will we be back tracing this kiddy who is DDOSing APB on a constant basis to get him in trouble and to get these attacks to end? The number of attacks has been steadily increasing since LO took over and its quite obv this person wants the game to suffer and die off.
  2. Its yet another DDOS attack by this butthurt kiddy. Asylum went down
  3. Can we plz back trace this kiddy and get him in trouble already?
  4. Yes it was Jericho, both Asylum 1 and Fin 5 yesterday
  5. This isnt G1 anymore get off ur high horse and show some respect
  6. Yea hitreg is an issue as well, but its always been an issue. Battleye patch broke something, thats basically the jist of it.
  7. We already have a thread about the packet loss issue https://forums.gamersfirst.com/topic/1406-packet-loss-since-update/
  8. No but they can certainly be mitigated better then they currently are and this person could be traced. If a certain thing is being targeted over yrs and yrs its a criminal act and needs to be handled by the authorities. Most DDOS attacks r done by hackers and are done once maby twice. In the case of APB its half a dozen times a yr at least, its crossed so many lines.
  9. Some butthurt kid who lost their acc when they got banned for hacking. Pretty much speaks for itself.
  10. Im sure thats in the works, LO just bought APB so besides the recent update everything is still G1 era. Untill that time and untill the catch and prosecute the DDOS attacker this is sadly guna continue.
  11. I highly doubt G1 changed anything with the servers from the last time they swapped. That would require money and a staff both of which G1 didnt have. No 2 pieces of hardware are exactly the same and its prob just that citadel got the better server even with the same hardware installed.
  12. They couldnt handle it after G1 got these to "upgrade" their prior servers why would they fair better yrs later and sev DDOS attacks later? Cause the kid thats butthurt wants to see the game shut down and everyone else suffer cause he lost his stuff I agree, if it was DDOS they would have been an announcement and there wouldnt be any packet loss just lagg. We have packet loss not so much lagg so its something with the servers that LO needs to fix ASAP.
  13. Same here, its the server not us as usual I never really looked at it till today but i will say my hitreg has been worse then usual since the patch
  14. The old DDOS didnt give packet loss like this, yes it made the server lagg bu there was never any packet loss. Least on my end... True but I never saw any notification that this was going to happen or DDOs was being turned on. Normally theres some kind of notfication even when G1 ran things.
  15. Yea I just logged. My connection is one of the best around but hitreg for me is worse then average and now forget about it. Least I got my chars to top for Asylum this week. As I said above. Hitreg for me is worse then average in APB and right now id prob threat down from how poorly I can hit anything. Its off, I havent heard an announcement that its been on. They have a test server for stuff like this why would they test on the main server? Thats just stupid.
  16. Agreed. I know the current platform PC APB sits on is horrid but they could have done a better job implementing this. Edit: Ok i just had an 11 loss
  17. There have been many complaints about this but since battleye was introduced the server is having 1-3 packet loss on a reg basis. This is making the already horrid lagg issue even worse and needs immediate attention. The server shouldnt be experiencing any packet loss and as it stands it is a big disruption to gameplay. I am on Jericho and many ppl r experiencing this.
  18. Battle eye replaced failfight and you have to install it to play APB now.
  19. Thats why ppl do it without issue 95% of the time even with APBs shitty hitreg?
  20. Ur funny. Ive seen bots in FC and its constant just as before. Battle eye was a start but now there needs to be a client side that will detect these cheats as the game starts so they cant even launch the game till the cheats r off, oh and gm overwatch of districts so if theres an issue action can be taken right away. Yup its known Ntec is broken beyond belief ppl just dont want to see that change.
  21. How does it alert gms to look at these ppl and to take proper action? How does it make playing the game fair? You cant just "move on" you gota report these ppl and get them removed so they dont ruin game play any further.
  22. Not unless KDA is acc bound, meaning your KDA is your account and not char based
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