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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. I know. Sadly this next gen of kiddies is all messed up. It stems back to one of em getting banned on APB and since have been DDOSing the game to exact revenge for them not following the rules.
  2. Not entirely. The service I have works great and we very seldom have problems.
  3. I get there working on stuff but the fact still stands that the service they are providing to us is not what it should be. Yea its by no fault LOs but with the frequency of the attacks and the constant service issues its becoming more and more of something they might need to do. If you bought internet service and it was nothing like what they advertised wouldnt you want some form of compensation to make up for what ur not getting? I was working last night I cant be on the forum 24/7. And im aware of the new mitigation they are working on but its only a band aid to the real issue, the servers r constantly under attack and its a targeted attack on the APB service. These attacks are becoming more and more freq and a proper fix is needed.
  4. If this keeps up there guna have to start handing out compensation packages. At this point its old and its happening so often ppl cant play and enjoy the game, LO has to take immediate action to get rid if this issue or face a severe drop off in playerbase.
  5. Im getting tired of making these threads... Jericho is under yet another DDOS attack.
  6. District chat being random and completely out of place is new how exactly?
  7. Uhhhhh, its called the char editor in social dist?
  8. Maby they should get them already? Also @MattScott and @Lixil servers r getting DDOSd yet again, jericho.
  9. Ppl here who are calling this game P2W ovb havent seen a game where spending $$ actually gives u an advantage. This game isnt P2W and it never will be.
  10. Well there r pros out there who can do so and if LO decided to pursue this that will involve the police and said pros. Yes they dont have an effect on it but when theres a DDOS daily on ur servers it crosses the line. Once said line is crossed im 99% sure if caught there will be charges.
  11. New servers r kinda a must anyway as they cant perform to what the game needs as is. That in and of itself would give new addresses and criminally going after this kiddie would lock em up for awhile which would ultimately help with the daily attacks.
  12. Cause its most likely yet another DDOS attack. Ever since the game revived the number of them have increased 10x fold. Its a daily basis between Jericho and Citadel. This butt hurt kiddie is trying to take the game down most likely cause he got banned for hacking. LO has to take appropriate action already and change their servers, addresses and trace this kiddie so criminal charges can be filed.
  13. Jericho server just crashed 95% of the districts disappeared.
  14. Ive had afew issues over the last few yrs where the creator name would poof. I got lucky once and G1 fixed my stuff giving me creator to stuff I made in which this happened however since then G1 has been like "oh we can do this" and my response has been "uh yes you can uve done it for me once before." Support can fix the issue so send in a ticket and hope they dont tell u no they cant when they can. And yes LO is giving me that answer now and as I said its been fixed before.
  15. IKR, Maby ppl should focus on their own behaviors first before calling others out?
  16. Its most likely a kiddie that got banned for hacking and lost all their $$ and want everyone to suffer cause they are. Its possible to have the tooling to do it urself.
  17. Well I was basically told the same answer G1 gave me for yrs, we cant help you even tho weve done this exact thing in the past to help you. Support am i right?
  18. And ppl will, its happened before what makes u think it wont happen again? You make it seem like game devs cant work on events along with patches, new content etc etc yet thats something ALWAYS done in ALL games.
  19. These events are already coded into the game and set to go (minus some bug fixing). Its been a yr since the last event and they will need to put out some kind of event to draw ppl and get some revenue. After all if theres nothing new whats drawing ppl to spend money on the game? Look at how few ppl have prem nowadays.
  20. Pretty much. Those guns are reskins and again no diff stats then the orig. Only thing ur paying for is a diff look.
  21. There essentially collectors items now thats all there worth. And id have to say u cant
  22. Prem does make it easier but it doesnt mean the games P2W. It doesnt affect gun stats, it doesnt give u an hp boost it just gives u more exp and money. Ppl who buy prem are supporting the game for those that play for free. If you guys really have an issue with it LO could always go to P2P.
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