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Everything posted by Darkzero3802

  1. They have been saying for years they want to expand the game but continue to ignore the problems that are killing the game. Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. But right now if there is only going to be one NA server it needs to be in the best location for all of NA, not just for the US west coast.
  2. You completely ignore the conversation. But thats cool you do you
  3. When G1 let in the BRs years ago and lifted the ban on them many US players quit. Yea there are a good number of BR players playing. But they are in SA not NA. This is a server for North America and they are the focus. LO would have a SA server if they wanted to focus on that region. Yes higher latency does alot for balanced gameplay, especially in a game where the server latency is abnormally high to begin with due to very low end servers and a highly unoptimized game. If LO is only going to have one server location it should be centeralized so that latency is best for all NA players on average.
  4. That will always be a thing as ppl are on each coast. Again for other countries there isnt much I can say, this is NA servers for NA living people. That should be the focus and the server location should be somewhere that will be the best overall for everyone. US central is the best place for both US, Canada and Mexico residing peeps as it will provide the best latency for all.
  5. Cause most ppl are over on the east coast? So having to connect to the west coast will increase latency? Cause the APB servers are garbage to begin with? Its all problems on the LO side of things. They removed the better servers (historically east servers performed better) and expect latency to be the same. I made a thread about this but if there only keeping one server bank it should be in the central US so latency is the same for each coast
  6. I was not talking about hackers mack. Central would benefit those in the US, which is the point of having US servers. Not trying to dis other countries but you can only focus on the region your setting up the servers for and if this is a US server for NA then if its bad for Brazil its a too bad so sad for them. I personally never had such a ping difference between Fin and WF so that might be a you problem.
  7. 50 v 50 would be the bare minimum If they want a pool big enough for variety 75 v 75 would be the number
  8. So with the removal of the east servers and the servers on west being an advantage to the few who are on the west I suggest moving the servers to the central part of the US. Somewhere in the middle of the country where latency will be identical for each coast will be the most fair and balanced approach for everyone. Historically after maint the first server to see a pop is the one that was used, wether it was west or east due to the dying playerbase so LO going off of useage statistics is a very unreliable source of info to depict which coast ppl are from.
  9. What would also help is resetting threat. Just gut the current system and start over with a system that cant be abused as easily. Dethreating has devastated MM to the point where its unfixable. Cause the APB servers are so low end and unkept that they struggled in 50 v 50 districts before the rework. Now with so few districts theres no excuse for it not to return especially if they are trying to improve mm
  10. If only we had about 100k players actively playing. Maby this could be an option. But alas we are but afew hundred in a game that has been dying for the better part of a decade Thats not how it works. In escalation the only way backup is called is if both party leaders call for backup. If one side requests it and the other side doesnt nothing happens and neither side gets more ppl
  11. Sorry but who thought these MM changes were good? Since these changes all I ever see are the same 3 people in opposed missions. Over and over again spanning several hours. How exactly is it fun having the same games over and over again and how does this encourage ppl to continue playing APB?
  12. You do realize threat means shit when you have dethreaters out there who have skewered the threat system so badly it can no longer accurately determine your skill right?
  13. Thats a massive downtime for just a weekly maint. Also for a single NA server it should be somewhere in US central. Middle of the country where connection will be about the same for both east and west coasts
  14. Honest review? Matchmaking is still complete trash and escalation only further points out this obvious game flaw that LO refuses to fix. I hadent played since valentines day event and while I notice no bronzies in my matches anymore I notice there is still a very big imbalance. The rule of thumb that everyone has always used is one gold equals 2 silvers and escalation can bring one side 3 golds and a silver and all silvers on the other side. This creates a one sided game instantly that escalation doesnt fix and that one side can further be stacked while the other doesnt get balanced. I have been in afew big matches since returning where one side is more then 50% gold while the other only has one or 2 gold threats. I have had a mission that was 2 golds and a silver vs 2 silvers and a R9 trainee to begin with and calling backup yielded a 3rd gold for them and another silver for us, least to say this was a completely one sided game and we got steamrolled on. This doesnt promote competitive matches and then people stop playing cause its not fun in constant one sided games. While there are no bronzies on one side the end result is still a steamroll all the same cause silvers dont equal golds and matchmaking still doesnt create balanced matches. I was also noticing since coming back that I always face the same exact people over and over. This doesnt make things more fun when you constantly face the same 5 or 6 people, 40 people in a server and its vs the same ones each time. This can be atributed to the servers needing a higher max pop count and matchmaking being so broken. There needs to be a server pop increase and a deeper look into matchmaking and threat in order to get more balanced and fun matches.
  15. The problem is that Matt and LO either dont care, are extremely lazy, are too cheap, dumb or all of the above. They have had the game long enough to have learned what works and what doesnt, yet they repeat what they do over and over and expect different results. The last mass unban wave was also on EAC, because it falsely banned a ton of players and they couldnt track true bans from fasle bans. Wait that sounds exactly like what just happened now. History repeated itself, because LO repeated itself. Same choice same result. Matt needs to wake up and do whats needed. As I said earlier. Start caring enough to have a 0 tolerance policy and get an anti cheat that works, both server and client side. Then have GMs who care about the game to watch it and ban hackers on the spot instead of ones that just babysit, troll and dont do anything. GMs currently just show up in game, do what they want, ignore problems and tell you to go away. If Matt wants to revive the game and make money this isnt the way it will be done.
  16. So basically put APB once again tried to use a half patootie anti cheat solution that failed epically and instead of actually doing the work to see what was legit or wasnt they let all the hackers once again run rampant in game by unbanning their main accounts. Here is an idea. Start caring enough to have a 0 tolerance policy and get an anti cheat that works, both server and client side. Then have GMs who care about the game to watch it and ban hackers on the spot instead of ones that just babysit, troll and dont do anything. In my 13+ years playing APB and moreso gaming in general I have never seen a company that screwed up as badly as G1/LO, and then repeat the same mistakes over and over.
  17. We dont need to see player names as to who got banned. But certainly LO can do better in proving to us that they actually care and are actively trying to clean up the game.
  18. The title does mean they test things and give their feedback. So much of the changes within the past year has their imput in it. Unoffically it also means they set the standard for community behavior. Which we see how most of them behave.
  19. There has been a serious exploit on EAC that has been found and hackers are abusing it. An APEX tourny was hosted recently where all the streamers were hacked mid tourny and all went offline. This goes for any game that has EAC installed as its anti cheat..... Which will include APB. @MattScott what are you going to do about this?
  20. Yea lets add a server chat that will allow everyone to see the general complaining chat we already have in game
  21. PUBG has how many more ppl playing then APB does? tens of thousands more? Ofc there will be more cheaters there are more ppl playing. But unlike APB PUBG actually tries to do something about removing cheaters where in APB LO couldnt care less. There are more cheaters in APB then legit players and its one of the biggest reasons ppl stopped playing. @MattScott could easily change this and crack the whip but he turns a blind eye to it as do the Gms.
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