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Everything posted by MartisLTU

  1. This days gamers are worst ... If they dont get all the best items at game beginning it must be P2W, if they get all the best items at beginning its boring and unbalanced. If game have only few weapons to chose from, game is boring ,but when game have tons of weapons ... players will play with only few meta guns.
  2. would be bit unfair ... seems you dont know frustration when you cant play game or buy something while everyone can cuz your county is black listed or something. (LO should add option to buy legendary without gambling... u know acc. perm option) p.s. you can change IP.
  3. Shredder - u can get it from Joker Shop. Ogre, Yukon and Condor is legendaries you can get them from market place. you dont even have to spend irl $ to get best weapons in the game. NTec, Oca ,jg ,Shaw, carbine and nhvr. these are meta weapons since i dunno since start. Free version of Condor is way better than legendary version with unique mod. Cuz on free version you can put red mod. p.s. almost all unique ARMAS weapons which you cant earn true Jshop or events are trash or simple worst than free weapons. I dont know how LO improved AR-97 'Misery' ,but i bet its still way worst than NTec. APB is pay to LOSE.
  4. Yeah APB have the most stubborn cheaters/hackers i ever seen .... BE was cool on beginning but..
  5. Hmmm.... to get scammed by random troll or use legit way to trade each 3 days ?
  6. Players still buying stuff with irl money from other ppl. ? ..... in APB ...... 2018 ? .....
  7. Yes ... Yes ... lets play in "beacon" aka: (what the fakk are those spawns) with LO balanced shotguns. What can go wrong ?
  8. VIP, team deathmatch and item missions ( with play4fun group all missions are fine ,but for solo better play in FC).
  9. TITLES DAY! "Please do not put your title as Admin/Administrator/ForumMod/GM or something that can be associated with our company/team."
  10. Typical APB day. All dirty ppl. goes for OP weapons to please ego. Nothing changed only weapon choice.
  11. Could be true ,but few hundreds $ on JMB's and you get 4-7m. legendary. Ofc to spend this much money on game is bit stupid ,but there is more than few players who spend more than 1k $ on APB.
  12. Win ... ? nahh you just prove that you have patience to get something without spending money. And its cool thing But lets be honest rich kids with open wallet can earn everything you have or wish to have way faster than you without irl $. So my point stands : "THE RICHEST PLAYER" is who have credit card (aka spends lots of $ on game).
  13. LOL .. sure 31m its alot. But almost any real legendary weapons collector can surpass 31m ez if they sell few weapons. "THE RICHEST PLAYER" is who have credit card.
  14. hmm... i dunno i dunno ... it looks balanced for me. Crims work pretty hard to earn $ and its only fair that Enfo gets only half $ from crims. Lets look in it little bit deeper.... Lets say no premium crim can farm 3k in 5 mins. 60 : 5 = 12 , 12 x 3 = 36 , 36 x 2 = 72 So crim can earn 72k in 1h ... and its only if no enfo joins and ruins his farm or if other crims doesnt try to kill him when he is prestige (its pretty rare when no one ruins farm). So its bit unfair if you want to get 1h farm $ from crims in just 2 mins of mini mission. Dont be greedy !!!
  15. ... umm why u dont simple sell/trade your crypto into $ and buy g1c with paypal ? ...
  16. I still cant forget when G1 made optimization for "low end" PC's and made APB even worst for all kind PC's. I mean at 2013 i was using like 10 times worst PC than i have right now and yeat i was playing with more fps and less lag at same settings im playing right now. Idea : make dist. with 2010-2013 updates ( game perform updates ). i bet this dist. would be over pop. cuz of how smooth it would run.
  17. Lo should add comma to separate the elements in a series at market place. I mean its much more ez to read 100.000.000. than 100000000.
  18. You still can type in chat /report.... btw i think LO should NOT restore it. Cuz 90% of all ingame reports are made by mad kids who thinks that all who killed them are cheaters. Ohh and APB is veterans game so its very hard to say who is cheating or not better leave this job to B.E. ( im not talking about those cheats who doesnt try to hide it).
  19. Ohh .. aww ( dats what i get when i try to be smart ) q.q
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