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Everything posted by scaredofsnakes

  1. You look cute in your picture
  2. Or play Spotify while you’re in-game through the website/application
  3. Have you played the game recently? How about we fix literally every other problem first
  4. I could be wrong so don't you're awesome looking for it I could be wrong so don't you're awesome looking for it k i l l y o u r s e l f - not you're awesome, though I'm sure you're cool
  5. wait really? time to dig the forums for that I almost guarantee Matt said it in a forum post somewhere, just don’t remember where
  6. I think it was mentioned somewhere that it might come back? Might be wrong though
  7. Great idea actually, sucks scrolling through your inventory looking for one gun
  8. If you give me some gum and your lunch money I'll tell you how to do it
  9. Like literally the easiest thing in the game to avoid, literally press a movement key.
  10. We don’t want to know about your ticket, go somewhere else, like support
  11. You're going to make me lose mY FREAKING MIND MAN
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