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Everything posted by scaredofsnakes

  1. Or if there’s a kiosk in which you could create weapon skins and sell them on the marketplace.
  2. Bet those silvers feel good after looking at your forum post
  3. Good thing this is on their list of things to fix
  4. Well first of all, they've been unbanning a bunch of accounts, so try to login. Second, submit a ticket and wait, the forums aren't going to help you, all we do is boost our post count.
  5. Someone mentioned that earlier and it’s a great idea in my opinion, I see no flaws with it.
  6. Dirty Bomb currently has that in place for their boosters and its def more worth the money. As for pausing prem time that wont happen as it could be abused and LO would lose money on that. I agree, I completely feel like I’m losing money whenever I’m not online. That’s a good idea, implementing a system where it only uses premium whenever you’re playing.
  7. That means LO loses money as then u can keep it paused for a long while. While I agree the current server state makes owning prem a waste I dont see a pause happening. Maby more free prem like they did earlier but thats about it. As it stands now very few ppl actually have prem due to the server issues not warranting the money spent. But you won’t be able to use the premium, therefore the player is at the disadvantage if anything. Also, it would be showing that LO cares about the community. Especially in my situation now, I’m currently on vacation and have been watching my premium fly away.
  8. Haven’t put that much thought into this, but what if there was an option to pause premium? Currently the servers are not performing well and I feel as if my premium is getting thrown away, so what if we could pause our premium and resume it whenever the servers calm down?
  9. The information is literally right in front of them
  10. How about we hand you every single bug and server issue and see how you handle it you fat swan
  11. This entire thread is a rollercoaster of emotions.
  12. Did you just make a clickbait title in the APB forums
  13. Grenades are literally the only reason I get kills in this game.
  14. So it’s Rainbow Six Siege controls
  15. Maybe if you stop making pointless forum posts they can spend more time on your ticket.
  16. I’d rather save the embarrassment
  17. Thanks for communicating with us, we don’t see a lot of that.
  18. No, they're not going to give you free 3D Glasses because you made a thread about supporting the company.
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